The Most Underrated Card in Clash Royale, Ranked

Choose the card you think is the most underrated!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:24
In the dynamic world of Clash Royale, certain cards might not grab the spotlight yet subtly shift the tides of battle in favor of those who wield them wisely. These underrated gems can be pivotal in crafting strategies that catch opponents off guard. Identifying and ranking these cards helps players to acknowledge their potential and integrate them more effectively into their game plan. This list is created through the collective insights of players who vote based on their experiences and tactical discoveries. By participating in the ranking process, you contribute to a broader understanding of the game and assist in highlighting cards that deserve more attention. Your involvement ensures that every card gets its due, shaping strategies and enhancing gameplay for everyone.

What Is the Most Underrated Card in Clash Royale?

  1. 1

    Fire Spirits

    A trio of kamikaze troops that deal area damage.
    • Type: Troop
    • Elixir Cost: 2
  2. 2

    Goblin Cage

    A building that releases a single, strong Goblin Brawler upon destruction.
    • Type: Building
    • Elixir Cost: 4
  3. 3

    Heal Spirit

    A fast, one-time use troop that heals surrounding allies upon reaching its target or being destroyed.
    • Type: Troop
    • Elixir Cost: 1
  4. 4


    A bulky troop that rolls a boulder across the ground, damaging and knocking back all ground troops in its path.
    • Type: Troop
    • Elixir Cost: 5
  5. 5

    Royal Delivery

    A spell that drops a Royal Recruit and deals damage to troops in its impact area.
    • Type: Spell
    • Elixir Cost: 3
  6. 6

    Dart Goblin

    A fast, long-range troop with low hitpoints.
    • Type: Troop
    • Elixir Cost: 3
  7. 7


    A spell that deals damage primarily to buildings, slowing them and any ground troops within its area.
    • Type: Spell
    • Elixir Cost: 3
  8. 8

    Bomb Tower

    A defensive building that drops bombs on ground troops, dealing splash damage.
    • Type: Building
    • Elixir Cost: 4
  9. 9


    A trio of moderate-hitpoint troops that stun their targets with each hit.
    • Type: Troop
    • Elixir Cost: 4
  10. 10

    Ice Golem

    A cheap, tanky troop that explodes upon death, dealing area damage and slowing down enemies.
    • Type: Troop
    • Elixir Cost: 2

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most underrated card in Clash Royale. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or card is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 79 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each card once every 24 hours. The rank of each card is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Underrated Card in Clash Royale

Clash Royale is a game where players use cards to battle in real-time. Each card has unique abilities and fits different strategies. Some cards, however, do not get the attention they deserve. These underrated cards often get overlooked in favor of more popular choices. Yet, they can be powerful when used correctly.

Many players focus on high-damage cards or those with flashy abilities. They forget about the ones that offer subtle advantages. These underrated cards can turn the tide of a match. They often cost less elixir and can be used in versatile ways. This makes them valuable in many situations.

One reason these cards are underrated is that they require skill to use effectively. Players need to understand their strengths and weaknesses. They must know when to deploy them to maximize their impact. This learning curve can deter players from using them. They stick to easier, more straightforward options.

Another reason is that these cards do not fit into popular decks. The meta, or most commonly used strategies, often dictate which cards players use. If a card does not fit into these strategies, it gets ignored. This does not mean the card is weak. It just means it has not found its place in the current trends.

Players who take the time to explore these underrated cards often find them rewarding. They can surprise opponents who are not prepared for them. This element of surprise can be a game-changer. It forces opponents to adapt on the fly, which can lead to mistakes.

Using underrated cards also adds variety to the game. It keeps matches fresh and interesting. Players can experiment with different combinations and tactics. This experimentation can lead to the discovery of powerful, unexpected synergies.

To make the most of these cards, players should practice with them. They should try them in different situations and against various opponents. This helps them understand how to use the cards effectively. It also builds confidence in their ability to execute strategies involving these cards.

Players should also watch replays and learn from others who use these cards well. This can provide valuable insights and tips. It can also inspire new ways to incorporate these cards into their decks.

In conclusion, underrated cards in Clash Royale offer hidden potential. They can be powerful tools in the right hands. Players willing to invest time in learning and experimenting with them can gain a competitive edge. These cards add depth and variety to the game, making it more enjoyable for everyone.

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