The Most Popular Drawing Style, Ranked

Choose the drawing style you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 06:48
Artists often ponder over which drawing style resonates most with the audience, influencing their creative decisions and growth. By compiling a dynamic ranking based on public opinion, both new and seasoned artists can gauge current trends and preferences. This insight proves invaluable for those looking to connect more deeply with their viewers or diversify their artistic expressions. Our rankings provide a unique opportunity for art enthusiasts to contribute to a broader conversation about artistic styles. By casting votes, individuals help shape a collective perspective on what styles capture the imagination and admiration of the public. This interaction not only fosters a community of passionate artists and art lovers but also highlights the diverse tastes that define the art world today.

What Is the Most Popular Drawing Style?

  1. 1


    A style that aims to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality and avoiding speculative fiction and supernatural elements.
    • Techniques: Detailed observation
    • Famous Artists: Leonardo da Vinci
  2. 2


    Characterized by small, thin brush strokes, open composition, emphasis on accurate depiction of light in its changing qualities, ordinary subject matter, inclusion of movement as a crucial element of human perception and experience.
    • Origin: France
    • Famous Artists: Claude Monet, Edgar Degas
  3. 3


    A cultural movement that began in the early 1920s, and is best known for its visual artworks and writings. Artists painted unnerving, illogical scenes with photographic precision, created strange creatures from everyday objects, and developed painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself.
    • Notable Artists: Salvador Dalí, René Magritte
    • Characteristics: Dream-like scenes
  4. 4


    A type of street art that often involves stylized lettering and images spray-painted on surfaces in public places.
    • Medium: Spray paint
    • Legal Status: Varies by location
  5. 5


    Originating from Japan, this style is known for its distinctive characters with large eyes and exaggerated expressions.
    • Origin: Japan
    • Notable Examples: Naruto, Dragon Ball
  6. 6
    Digital Art

    Digital Art

    An artistic work or practice that uses digital technology as part of the creative or presentation process.
    • Medium: Digital technology
    • Popular Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Procreate
  7. 7


    Art that does not attempt to represent an accurate depiction of a visual reality but instead use shapes, colors, forms and gestural marks to achieve its effect.
    • Notable Artists: Pablo Picasso, Wassily Kandinsky
    • Key Characteristics: Non-representational forms
  8. 8


    An early-20th-century avant-garde art movement that revolutionized European painting and sculpture, and inspired related movements in music, literature and architecture. Cubism has been considered the most influential art movement of the 20th century.
    • Founders: Pablo Picasso, Georges Braque
    • Characteristics: Geometric forms, multiple perspectives
  9. 9
    Comic Book

    Comic Book

    A style found in comics, characterized by bold lines, vibrant colors, and dynamic poses.
    • Origin: United States
    • Popular Series: Marvel Comics, DC Comics
  10. 10
    Art Nouveau

    Art Nouveau

    An international style of art, architecture and applied art, especially the decorative arts, that was most popular between 1890 and 1910. Known for its intricate linear designs and flowing curves based on natural forms.
    • Characteristics: Natural forms, flowing lines
    • Notable Artists: Alphonse Mucha, Gustav Klimt

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular drawing style. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or style is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 94 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each style once every 24 hours. The rank of each style is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Drawing Style

Rank #1 for the most popular drawing style: Realism (Source)
Drawing has been a form of expression for centuries. Artists use it to convey emotions, tell stories, and capture moments. The most popular drawing style today has roots in many cultures and periods. It combines elements from different traditions, making it both familiar and unique.

This style often emphasizes clean lines and clear shapes. Artists focus on details to bring their subjects to life. They use various tools, from pencils to digital pens, to achieve precise results. The style appeals to many because of its versatility. It can be simple or complex, depending on the artist's intent.

One key feature is the use of shading. Shading adds depth and dimension, making drawings look more realistic. Artists use light and shadow to create contrast. This technique helps to highlight important parts of the drawing. It also gives a sense of volume and space.

Another characteristic is the attention to anatomy. Artists study the human body and other forms to draw them accurately. They learn about proportions and how different parts relate to each other. This knowledge allows them to create lifelike figures. Even when the style is more abstract, a good understanding of anatomy is crucial.

Perspective is also important. Artists use it to show depth and distance. They draw objects smaller as they get farther away. This creates a sense of three-dimensionality on a flat surface. Mastering perspective can be challenging, but it makes a big difference in the final piece.

The choice of subjects varies widely. Some artists focus on people, capturing expressions and movements. Others prefer landscapes or still life, paying attention to natural details. There is also a strong tradition of drawing animals, both real and imaginary. Each subject offers its own challenges and rewards.

Color plays a significant role, though not always. Some artists prefer black and white, using only different shades of gray. Others use vibrant colors to make their drawings stand out. The choice of color can change the mood of the piece. It can make it feel warm and inviting or cold and distant.

The popularity of this style is partly due to its accessibility. Many people can learn the basics with practice and patience. There are countless resources available, from books to online tutorials. Communities of artists share tips and feedback, helping each other improve.

Technology has also influenced this style. Digital tools offer new possibilities for creation and sharing. Artists can experiment without worrying about wasting materials. They can also reach a global audience through social media and online galleries.

The most popular drawing style continues to evolve. Artists bring their own experiences and perspectives to it. They blend traditional techniques with modern innovations. This keeps the style fresh and relevant, attracting new enthusiasts all the time.

In conclusion, the most popular drawing style today is a blend of many influences. It values precision, detail, and depth. It is adaptable to different subjects and media. Its widespread appeal lies in its versatility and the ease with which one can start learning it. As artists continue to explore and innovate, this style will surely keep evolving and inspiring.

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