The Most Popular Dream SMP Fanfic, Ranked

Choose the fanfic you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:48
Fan fiction offers a unique space where creativity meets fandom enthusiasm, and within the world of Dream SMP, this blend reaches new heights. As readers and writers cultivate a plethora of narratives, identifying the standout pieces helps newcomers and enthusiasts alike find top-tier content efficiently. By ranking these stories, we channel communal insights into a curated list of fan favorites, enhancing everyone's experience. This list is crafted through the votes of individuals who share a passion for Dream SMP and its expansive universe. Every vote casts a spotlight on exceptional stories, driving a dynamic and engaging community interaction. As you participate by voting, you not only celebrate your favorite narratives but also influence the discovery process for others in the community.

What Is the Most Popular Dream SMP Fanfic?

  1. 1

    Behind the Mask

    A story that delves into the complexities of Dream's character, exploring his thoughts and motivations.
    • Author: DreamTeam
    • Chapters: 15
    • Words: 38900
  2. 2

    Shattered Dreams

    A dark AU where Dream becomes a villain, and GeorgeNotFound must stop him.
    • Author: ShadowWriter
    • Chapters: 30
    • Words: 82500
  3. 3

    Heat Waves

    A fanfiction focusing on the relationship between Dream and GeorgeNotFound, set in a real-world AU.
    • Author: tbhyourelame
    • Chapters: 14
    • Words: 36688
  4. 4

    Whispers in the Wind

    A soft, introspective piece focusing on the internal struggles and quiet moments between Dream and GeorgeNotFound.
    • Author: GentleSoul
    • Chapters: 12
    • Words: 35000
  5. 5

    The Masquerade

    A mystery and romance story involving Dream and GeorgeNotFound during a masquerade ball.
    • Author: CaptainPuffy
    • Chapters: 20
    • Words: 54321
  6. 6

    Lost but Found

    An adventure-based fanfic where Dream and GeorgeNotFound embark on a journey to find a lost city.
    • Author: DreamNotFound
    • Chapters: 10
    • Words: 47290
  7. 7

    The Crown of Flowers

    Set in a fantasy world, Dream and GeorgeNotFound must unite their kingdoms to defeat a common enemy.
    • Author: FantasyLover
    • Chapters: 25
    • Words: 73200
  8. 8

    Falling Stars

    In a world where Dream and GeorgeNotFound have superpowers, they must navigate their abilities and their relationship.
    • Author: StarCrossed
    • Chapters: 17
    • Words: 47582
  9. 9

    Through Time

    A time-travel fic where Dream must navigate through different eras to save GeorgeNotFound.
    • Author: Temporal
    • Chapters: 22
    • Words: 60987
  10. 10


    A supernatural AU where Dream and GeorgeNotFound face off against forces beyond their comprehension.
    • Author: NightSky
    • Chapters: 18
    • Words: 58734

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Dream SMP fanfic. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or fanfic is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each fanfic once every 24 hours. The rank of each fanfic is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Dream SMP Fanfic

Dream SMP, a Minecraft server, has inspired a vast array of fan fiction. This fan-created content often explores characters and storylines beyond the original gameplay. The server's narrative, filled with intrigue, alliances, and conflicts, provides a rich backdrop for writers.

The Dream SMP began as a simple Minecraft server but evolved into a sprawling saga. Its members, popular streamers and YouTubers, play characters with unique traits and motivations. Over time, their interactions have formed a complex web of relationships and events. This evolving story has captivated fans, leading them to create their own tales.

Fan fiction allows writers to explore "what if" scenarios. They can delve into character backstories, imagine alternate outcomes, or develop romantic subplots. These stories often fill gaps in the official narrative or expand on hinted-at ideas. Fans enjoy the freedom to interpret characters and events in new ways.

The community around Dream SMP fan fiction is vibrant and supportive. Writers share their creations on platforms like Archive of Our Own and Wattpad. Readers engage with these stories, leaving comments and feedback. This interaction helps writers improve and stay motivated.

Common themes in Dream SMP fan fiction include friendship, betrayal, and redemption. Writers often focus on the emotional journeys of characters. They explore how characters cope with loss, power struggles, and personal growth. These themes resonate with readers, who see reflections of their own experiences.

The length of fan fiction varies. Some stories are short, capturing a single moment or idea. Others are long, with multiple chapters and complex plots. Writers use different styles, from detailed prose to dialogue-driven scenes. This variety keeps the fan fiction community dynamic and interesting.

Fan fiction also allows for representation. Writers can include diverse characters and relationships, reflecting their own identities and experiences. This inclusivity helps create a welcoming space for all fans. It also broadens the scope of stories, making them more relatable.

The collaborative nature of the Dream SMP itself influences fan fiction. The original creators often improvise and build on each other's ideas. This spirit of collaboration extends to the fan community. Writers sometimes work together, co-authoring stories or creating shared universes. This teamwork enhances the richness of the fan fiction landscape.

Dream SMP fan fiction is not just about entertainment. It serves as a creative outlet for many fans. Writing these stories helps them develop their skills and express their thoughts. It also fosters a sense of belonging, as fans connect over shared interests and passions.

The impact of Dream SMP fan fiction reaches beyond the community. It showcases the power of storytelling and the creativity of fans. The dedication and talent of these writers highlight the importance of fan culture in today's media landscape.

In conclusion, Dream SMP fan fiction is a testament to the creativity and enthusiasm of its community. It builds on the rich narrative of the server, offering new perspectives and expanding the story. Through their writing, fans contribute to a vibrant and inclusive culture, celebrating their love for the Dream SMP.

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