The Most Popular Email Service in China, Ranked

Choose the email service you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 13, 2024 06:49
Selecting the right email service can be crucial for effective communication and data management. In a country as vast as China, where different providers might offer varied features and benefits suitable for diverse needs, it becomes essential to know which email services are favored by the majority. A ranking based on popular opinion helps in making an informed decision by highlighting the top choices. This live ranking system, fueled by user votes, offers an up-to-date snapshot of which email services are currently in favor. By participating, users contribute to a clearer picture of public preferences, helping others to choose a service that best meets their communication needs. Everyone's vote counts, ensuring the ranking reflects a democratic view of the email service landscape in China.

What Is the Most Popular Email Service in China?

  1. 1

    Sina Mail

    Sina Mail is an email service provided by Sina Corp, which also operates Sina Weibo, a social media platform.
    • Parent Company: Sina Corp
    • Country of Origin: China
  2. 2

    Aliyun Mail

    Aliyun Mail is an email service provided by Alibaba Cloud, the cloud computing branch of Alibaba Group.
    • Parent Company: Alibaba Group
    • Country of Origin: China
  3. 3

    QQ Mail

    QQ Mail is one of the most popular email services in China, provided by Tencent.
    • Parent Company: Tencent
    • Country of Origin: China
  4. 4

    Sohu Mail

    Sohu Mail is an email service provided by Inc., a Chinese Internet company.
    • Parent Company: Inc.
    • Country of Origin: China
  5. 5

    Tom Mail

    Tom Mail is provided by, a Chinese portal website that offers a variety of services including email.
    • Parent Company: Tom Group
    • Country of Origin: China
  6. 6


    Foxmail is an email application developed by Tencent that also provides email hosting services.
    • Parent Company: Tencent
    • Country of Origin: China
  7. 7
    points is an email service provided by NetEase, offering free email services to users.
    • Parent Company: NetEase
    • Country of Origin: China
  8. 8

    21CN Mail

    21CN Mail is an email service provided by 21CN, a Chinese Internet company.
    • Parent Company: 21CN
    • Country of Origin: China
  9. 9

    139 Mail

    139 Mail is a mobile email service provided by China Mobile Communications Corporation.
    • Parent Company: China Mobile
    • Country of Origin: China
  10. 10

    NetEase Mail

    NetEase Mail, also known as Mail, is a major email service provider in China.
    • Parent Company: NetEase
    • Country of Origin: China

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular email service in China. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or service is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 125 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each service once every 24 hours. The rank of each service is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Email Service in China

Email services in China have grown over the years. They have become an essential part of daily life. People use them for personal and business communication. Many companies offer email services. These services cater to the needs of millions of users.

In the early days, few people used email. Internet access was limited. As the internet spread, more people started using email. It became a key tool for communication. The rise of smartphones also helped. Now, people can check their email on the go.

Chinese email services offer many features. Users can send and receive messages. They can attach files and images. Some services provide cloud storage. This allows users to store and share large files. Security is a big concern. Email providers use encryption to protect messages. They also offer spam filters to block unwanted emails.

Many email services are free. Users can sign up with just a few clicks. Some services offer premium plans. These plans come with extra features. They may include more storage or better security. Businesses often choose these plans for their needs.

Email services in China support multiple languages. This makes them accessible to many people. Users can switch between languages with ease. The interface is user-friendly. It is designed to be simple and intuitive.

Email is not just for sending messages. Many people use it for other tasks. They can set reminders and schedule meetings. Some services integrate with calendars. This helps users stay organized. Email is also used for marketing. Companies send newsletters and promotions to customers.

The government regulates email services. Providers must follow strict rules. They must protect user data and privacy. This ensures a safe online environment. Users can report suspicious emails. Providers take action to block these threats.

Email services continue to evolve. Providers add new features to meet user demands. They focus on speed and reliability. Users expect quick delivery of messages. They also want their data to be secure.

In recent years, social media has impacted email usage. Many people prefer instant messaging. It is faster and more convenient. However, email remains important. It is still the preferred method for formal communication. Businesses rely on email for official matters.

Email services in China are part of a larger ecosystem. They integrate with other online tools. Users can access their email through web browsers. They can also use mobile apps. This flexibility is key to their popularity.

In conclusion, email services in China have come a long way. They started small but have grown with the internet. They offer many features and are easy to use. Security and privacy are top priorities. Despite the rise of social media, email remains vital. It is a reliable and trusted form of communication.

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