The Most Popular English Test, Ranked

Choose the test you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:49
Choosing the right English test can be a crucial step for many individuals aiming to study, work, or settle in English-speaking environments. With several tests available, each with its unique focus and structure, making an informed choice is essential. This is where having access to a ranked list of popular English tests proves beneficial, guiding users through others' experiences and preferences. On this site, users actively contribute their opinions and vote on the English tests they believe are most effective, creating a dynamic ranking that reflects real-time user preferences. This continuous influx of community feedback ensures that the rankings stay relevant and helpful for new users seeking guidance. By participating, you too can help shape these rankings and find the English test that best suits your needs.

What Is the Most Popular English Test?

  1. 1


    The International English Language Testing System is designed to help you work, study or migrate to a country where English is the native language.
    • Type: International Standardized Test of English Language Proficiency
    • Managing Organizations: British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English
  2. 2


    Test of English as a Foreign Language is a standardized test to measure the English language ability of non-native speakers wishing to enroll in English-speaking universities.
    • Type: Standardized Test
    • Managing Organization: Educational Testing Service
  3. 3


    The Occupational English Test is an international English language test for the healthcare sector. It assesses the language communication skills of healthcare professionals.
    • Type: International English Language Test for Healthcare Sector
    • Managing Organization: Cambridge Boxhill Language Assessment Trust (CBLA)
  4. 4

    PTE Academic

    The Pearson Test of English Academic is a computer-based academic English language test aimed at non-native English speakers wanting to study abroad.
    • Type: Computer-Based Academic English Language Test
    • Managing Organization: Pearson PLC
  5. 5


    The Test of English for International Communication is an English language test designed specifically to measure the everyday English skills of people working in an international environment.
    • Type: Standardized Test
    • Managing Organization: Educational Testing Service
  6. 6

    Michigan English Test

    The MET is a standardized examination for test takers of any age who want to evaluate their general English language proficiency in social, educational, and workplace contexts.
    • Type: Standardized Examination
    • Managing Organization: Michigan Language Assessment
  7. 7

    Cambridge English Qualifications

    These are in-depth exams that make learning English enjoyable, effective, and rewarding. The qualifications are based on research into effective teaching and learning.
    • Type: International English Language Qualifications
    • Managing Organization: Cambridge Assessment English
  8. 8
    IELTS Indicator

    IELTS Indicator

    The IELTS Indicator is an online test designed to be taken from the comfort and safety of your home. The test is available in countries where IELTS testing has been suspended due to COVID-19.
    • Type: Online English Language Test
    • Managing Organizations: British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English
  9. 9

    Trinity College London ESOL

    These exams assess English language skills in listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The qualifications are recognized internationally.
    • Type: English Language Skills Assessment
    • Managing Organization: Trinity College London
  10. 10
    Duolingo English Test

    Duolingo English Test

    The Duolingo English Test is an online English proficiency test designed for international students and institutions. It is accessible online and requires no appointment.
    • Type: Online English Proficiency Test
    • Managing Organization: Duolingo

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular English test. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Test is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 128 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Test once every 24 hours. The rank of each Test is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular English Test

Rank #1 for the most popular English test: IELTS (Source)
English proficiency tests check a person's ability to use and understand English. These tests often assess reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Many people take these tests for various reasons. Some need them for school. Others take them for work or to move to a new country.

The tests usually follow a standard format. They start with a reading section. This part has several passages. Test-takers answer questions about these passages to show they understand the text. The questions vary in type. Some ask for specific details. Others require a summary or main idea.

Next is the writing section. This part asks test-takers to write essays. One common task is to express an opinion on a given topic. Another task might ask for a description of a process or event. Good writing skills include clear structure, proper grammar, and varied vocabulary.

Listening skills come next. This section includes audio clips. These clips feature conversations, lectures, or news reports. Test-takers listen and answer questions. The questions test comprehension and the ability to grasp the main points.

The speaking section follows. This part involves a face-to-face interview or a recorded response. Test-takers must speak on various topics. They might describe their favorite book or discuss a current event. The goal is to see how well they can communicate in English.

Scoring varies by test. Some use bands or levels. Others use points or percentages. Higher scores indicate better proficiency. Most tests give detailed feedback. This helps test-takers see where they can improve.

Preparation is key for these tests. Many people study for weeks or months. They use practice tests and study guides. Some take classes or hire tutors. Practice can improve scores and boost confidence.

These tests are recognized worldwide. Schools, employers, and governments trust them. They provide a standard measure of English skills. This helps compare candidates from different backgrounds.

Taking an English test can open doors. It can lead to new opportunities in education and career. It can also help with immigration. Many countries require proof of English skills for visas or citizenship.

Some people find these tests challenging. They may struggle with one or more sections. But with practice and preparation, most can improve. Many resources are available to help. Books, online courses, and language apps are just a few examples.

While the tests are important, they are not the only measure of English ability. Real-world use of the language also matters. Speaking with native speakers, reading books, and watching movies in English can help improve skills.

In conclusion, English proficiency tests are a valuable tool. They assess a range of language skills. They are widely accepted and can lead to many opportunities. Preparation and practice are essential for success. While challenging, they are achievable with effort and the right resources.

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