The Most Popular Ethnicity in America, Ranked

Choose the ethnicity you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 06:36
In a nation celebrated for its rich tapestry of cultures, understanding which ethnicities resonate most with people helps capture the contemporary cultural zeitgeist. By highlighting the popular ethnicities, we gain insight into trends that shape dining, fashion, entertainment, and more. This evolving snapshot encourages appreciation and deeper knowledge of the diverse communities that form the bedrock of American society. Engaging in this dynamic ranking not only satisfies curiosity but also empowers users by letting them have a say in shaping the narrative. Your vote helps identify which ethnicities are currently capturing the heart of the nation, contributing to a broader, community-driven understanding of cultural influence. This interaction fosters a more connected and informed community, eager to celebrate its multicultural heritage.

What Is the Most Popular Ethnicity in America?

  1. 1
    White Americans
    Alexander Gardner · Public domain

    White Americans

    U.S. Census Bureau
    White Americans are the largest ethnic group in the United States, accounting for approximately 72% of the population. They are the descendants of European immigrants who arrived in the United States from various countries, including England, Ireland, Germany, and Italy.
    White Americans are people in the United States who self-identify as white and have ancestry from Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. They make up the largest racial or ethnic group in the United States, comprising approximately 76.3% of the population as of 2020.
    • Population Percentage: 76.3%
    • Ancestry: Primarily European, Middle Eastern, and North African
    • Cultural Diversity: Includes various ethnic backgrounds such as Irish, German, Italian, English, Polish, Scottish, French, etc.
    • Language: English is the dominant language, but many also speak ancestral languages or regional dialects
    • Religion: Diverse range of religious beliefs including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and others
    White Americans in other rankings
  2. 2
    African Americans
    Handy Bros. Music Co. Inc. · CC BY-SA 4.0
    African Americans are the second-largest ethnic group in the United States, accounting for approximately 13% of the population. They are the descendants of enslaved Africans who were brought to the United States during the transatlantic slave trade.
    African Americans are an ethnic group in the United States who have mainly African ancestry. They are descendants of African slaves brought to the Americas during the Atlantic slave trade. The term 'African American' is used to describe individuals who identify as having African heritage and are citizens or residents of the United States.
    • Population: Approximately 47 million
    • Geographical Distribution: Primarily concentrated in southern states, major cities, and urban areas across the country
    • Language: Mainly English, with some retention of African languages and dialects
    • Religion: Diverse, with Christianity being predominant (Protestant and Catholic denominations)
    • Cultural Contributions: Significant contributions to literature, music, art, sports, civil rights movements, and more
  3. 3

    Hispanic Americans

    U.S. Census Bureau
    Hispanic Americans are the third-largest ethnic group in the United States, accounting for approximately 18% of the population. They are the descendants of people from Latin American countries, including Mexico, Puerto Rico, and Cuba.
    Hispanic Americans, also known as Latino Americans, are individuals in the United States who have ties to or are descendants of people from Latin American countries. This ethnic group includes people from diverse backgrounds, including Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Salvadoran, Dominican, and many others. Hispanic Americans have made significant contributions to the cultural, social, and economic landscape of the country.
    • Population: Estimated 62.1 million individuals as of 2020
    • Geographic Distribution: Concentrated in states like California, Texas, Florida, and New York
    • Languages: Spanish is commonly spoken, but English proficiency varies
    • Cultural Diversity: Comprised of various ethnicities, nationalities, and cultural traditions
    • Religion: Diverse religious affiliations, including Catholicism, Protestantism, and others
  4. 4

    Asian Americans

    U.S. Census Bureau
    Asian Americans are the fourth-largest ethnic group in the United States, accounting for approximately 6% of the population. They are the descendants of people from various Asian countries, including China, Japan, and Korea.
    Asian Americans are a diverse group of people with origins from various countries in East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia. They represent the fastest-growing racial or ethnic group in the United States. Asian Americans have made significant contributions to various fields including arts, sciences, business, and technology.
    • Population: Approximately 22 million
    • Origins: Chinese, Filipino, Indian, Vietnamese, Korean, Japanese, and more
    • Languages: Multiple languages including Mandarin, Tagalog, Hindi, Vietnamese, Korean, and others
    • Cultural Diversity: Various cultural traditions, festivals, and cuisines
    • Education: High educational attainment and strong representation in higher education
    Asian Americans in other rankings
  5. 5
    Native Americans are the fifth-largest ethnic group in the United States, accounting for approximately 1% of the population. They are the descendants of the indigenous peoples who inhabited the United States before the arrival of Europeans.
    Native Americans, also known as American Indians or Indigenous peoples, are the original inhabitants of what is now the United States. They have a rich history and diverse cultural heritage that dates back thousands of years. Despite being a diverse group with distinct languages, traditions, and customs, they share a common connection to their ancestral lands and the struggles they have faced throughout history.
    • Population: Approximately 5.2 million
    • Tribal Nations: There are 574 federally recognized tribes in the United States
    • Languages: Over 500 indigenous languages are spoken
    • Cultural Diversity: Distinct cultural practices and traditions vary among tribes
    • History: Native Americans have inhabited the Americas for thousands of years
  6. 6
    Pacific Islanders are a small but growing ethnic group in the United States, accounting for less than 1% of the population. They are the descendants of people from various Pacific Island nations, including Samoa, Tonga, and Hawaii.
    Pacific Islanders refers to the ethnic groups native to the Pacific Islands region, which includes Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia. These groups have distinct cultures, languages, and traditions that vary across the different islands. Pacific Islanders have a rich history and are known for their strong ties to the ocean and their connection to nature. They have contributed significantly to the cultural diversity of America.
    • Geographic range: Pacific Islands region including Polynesia, Micronesia, and Melanesia
    • Cultural diversity: Distinct cultures, languages, and traditions across different islands
    • Historical significance: Rich history and contributions to cultural diversity
    • Connection to nature: Strong ties to the ocean and nature
    • Population: Approximately 1.5 million individuals in the United States
  7. 7
    Middle Eastern Americans are a diverse ethnic group in the United States, accounting for less than 1% of the population. They are the descendants of people from various Middle Eastern countries, including Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon.
  8. 8
    Jewish Americans are a small but influential ethnic group in the United States, accounting for less than 1% of the population. They are the descendants of Jewish immigrants who arrived in the United States from various countries, including Russia, Poland, and Germany.
    Jewish Americans refer to Americans who have Jewish ancestry or identify themselves as Jewish. This ethnicity encompasses individuals who follow the Jewish religion as well as those who identify culturally or ethnically as Jewish. Jewish Americans have played a significant role in shaping American society, culture, and politics.
    • Population: Approximately 6 million Jewish Americans
    • Religion: Judaism is the primary religion followed by many Jewish Americans
    • Immigration: Jewish immigration to the United States began in the late 19th century
    • Contributions: Jewish Americans have made significant contributions in various fields such as arts, sciences, business, and politics
    • Cultural Influence: Jewish culture has had a notable impact on American cuisine, entertainment, literature, and humor
  9. 9
    Multiracial Americans are a growing ethnic group in the United States, accounting for approximately 4% of the population. They are the descendants of people from multiple racial backgrounds, including African American and White, Hispanic and Asian, and Native American and White.
    Multiracial Americans refers to individuals who have a mixed racial ancestry, often from two or more distinct racial groups. They are a diverse and growing ethnic group in the United States, encompassing a wide range of backgrounds and identities.
    • 1: Multiracial Americans have parents from different racial backgrounds.
    • 2: They may identify with multiple racial or ethnic groups.
    • 3: Multiracial individuals often face unique challenges related to identity and societal categorization.
    • 4: The term 'Multiracial Americans' gained prominence in the late 20th century as a way to recognize and acknowledge the experiences of people with mixed heritage.
    • 5: Multiracial Americans contribute to the diverse cultural landscape of the United States.
  10. 10
    Other Americans are a diverse group that includes people from various ethnic backgrounds, including Arab Americans, Armenian Americans, and Italian Americans. They account for less than 1% of the population.
    The term 'Other Americans' refers to a diverse group of individuals in the United States who belong to ethnicities that are not categorized under the major racial and ethnic groups like Caucasian, African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian, or Native American. It can include people with multiracial backgrounds, individuals from ethnic groups with smaller populations, or those who identify outside of traditional categories.
    • Ethnic Diversity: Composed of a wide range of ethnic backgrounds
    • Multiracial Identity: Can include individuals with mixed racial heritage
    • Small Population Groups: Encompasses ethnicities with smaller populations in the US
    • Non-Traditional Identification: Includes individuals who don't identify with conventional racial or ethnic categories
    • Cultural Diversity: Represents diverse cultures and traditions

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Ranking factors for popular ethnicity

  1. Cultural influence
    Evaluate the impact each ethnic group has had on American culture, such as contributions to music, food, art, literature, film, and other aspects of society.
  2. Integration and acceptance
    Consider how well each ethnic group is integrated and accepted within American society as a whole. This can include factors such as social integration, political representation, and levels of discrimination or marginalization experienced by different ethnic groups.
  3. Historical significance
    Take into account the historical role each ethnic group has played in shaping American society and the nation's history.
  4. Immigration patterns
    Analyze the trends in immigration for each ethnic group over time, focusing on both the number of immigrants and the reasons for immigration.
  5. Economic impact
    Assess the economic contributions made by each ethnic group, such as the industries they may be predominantly involved in, entrepreneurship, and overall economic output.
  6. Educational attainment
    Examine the levels of education achieved by each ethnic group, including high school graduation rates, higher education degrees, or specialized skills/training.
  7. Geographic distribution
    Look at the geographic distribution of each ethnic group within the United States and consider whether certain groups are more concentrated in some regions than others.
  8. Language usage
    Consider the prevalence of different languages spoken within each ethnic group and the role language plays in American society.
  9. Public perception and representation
    Evaluate public opinion and media representation of each ethnic group, including the presence of stereotypes, biases, or positive/negative portrayals in various forms of media.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular ethnicity in America. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Ethnicity is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 211 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Ethnicity once every 24 hours. The rank of each Ethnicity is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular ethnicity in america

The United States is a melting pot of diverse cultures and ethnicities, with people hailing from all corners of the world. The country's history is shaped by the contributions of different groups, including Native Americans, African Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, and European Americans. But which ethnicity is the most popular in America? While there is no clear answer to this question, statistical data suggests that European Americans are currently the largest ethnic group in the country, followed by African Americans and Hispanic Americans. However, it is important to note that the demographics of the United States are constantly changing, with new waves of immigrants from all over the world contributing to the country's cultural mosaic.

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