The Most Popular Fad, Ranked

Choose the fad you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 10, 2024 06:50
Trends come and go, shifting the cultural landscape in quick bursts that can sometimes leave us bewildered. Having a clear system to identify which of these trends capture the most attention can be quite useful. It not only offers a snapshot of collective interest at a given time but also provides insight into the broader shifts in group preferences and behaviors. By participating in this live voting, you are contributing to a dynamic scoreboard of what's currently capturing the public’s enthusiasm. This real-time feedback helps everyone gain a better understanding of which phenomena are gaining traction and which are fading into the backdrop of yesterday’s news. It's a continuous, crowd-sourced pulse on what's trending right now.

What Is the Most Popular Fad?

  1. 1
    Fidget Spinners

    Fidget Spinners

    Small, ball-bearing devices that the user can rotate between their fingers.
    • Peak Popularity: 2017
  2. 2

    Pokémon Go

    An augmented reality mobile game that lets players locate, capture, train, and battle virtual creatures called Pokémon.
    • Release Date: July 2016
  3. 3
    Silly Bandz

    Silly Bandz

    Silicone rubber bands formed into shapes including animals, objects, numbers, and letters. They regained their original shape when taken off.
    • Peak Years: 2009-2010
  4. 5


    A handheld digital pet created in Japan. The player must care for the pet, feeding and cleaning up after it.
    • Release Date: 1996
  5. 6
    Ice Bucket Challenge

    Ice Bucket Challenge

    A campaign to promote awareness of the ALS disease where participants dump a bucket of ice water on their heads.
    • Year: 2014
  6. 7
    Tide Pod Challenge

    Tide Pod Challenge

    A dangerous social media challenge involving the ingestion of Tide laundry detergent pods.
    • Year: 2018
  7. 8
    Harlem Shake

    Harlem Shake

    An Internet meme in the form of a video in which a group of people dance to a short excerpt from the song "Harlem Shake".
    • Year: 2013
  8. 9
    Mannequin Challenge

    Mannequin Challenge

    A viral Internet video trend where people remain frozen in action like mannequins while a moving camera films them, often with music in the background.
    • Year: 2016
  9. 10


    The act of lying face down with arms to the sides in unusual public spaces, mimicking a wooden plank.
    • Peak Popularity: 2011

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular fad. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or fad is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 60 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each fad once every 24 hours. The rank of each fad is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Fad

Fidget Spinners
Rank #1 for the most popular fad: Fidget Spinners (Source)
Fads come and go, capturing the attention of many for a short time. They often start with a small group and spread quickly. People see others enjoying a new trend and want to join in. This creates a cycle where the fad grows more popular.

The rise of a fad often follows a pattern. It begins with early adopters who are always looking for the next big thing. These individuals are usually trendsetters. They share their findings with friends and followers. Social media plays a big role in spreading new fads. A post or video can go viral and reach millions in a short time.

Once a fad reaches a certain level of popularity, it becomes mainstream. At this point, many people are aware of it and may decide to try it out. Companies notice this trend and start to produce related products. This commercial interest helps the fad grow even more.

However, the lifespan of a fad is usually short. People tend to lose interest once the novelty wears off. They move on to the next exciting thing. This is a natural part of the cycle. Some fads manage to leave a lasting impact, but most fade away.

The psychology behind fads is interesting. People often join in because they want to feel part of a group. This sense of belonging is strong. It can drive individuals to adopt behaviors they might not otherwise consider. Peer pressure and the fear of missing out also play roles.

Fads can be harmless fun, but they can also have downsides. Some people spend a lot of money on the latest craze. Others may feel left out if they cannot participate. It's important to remember that fads are temporary. They should be enjoyed in moderation.

The media also has a significant impact on the rise and fall of fads. News outlets, blogs, and influencers can make or break a trend. Positive coverage can boost a fad’s popularity. Negative press can hasten its decline. This media influence is more powerful than ever in the digital age.

Fads are not a new phenomenon. History is full of examples. Each era has its own set of trends that capture the public's imagination. These trends reflect the culture and values of the time. They provide a snapshot of what people find interesting or important.

In conclusion, fads are a fascinating part of human behavior. They show how quickly ideas can spread and how people are influenced by others. While most fads are short-lived, they leave a mark on society. They provide entertainment and a sense of community, even if only for a brief period.

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