The Most Popular Face-editing App, Ranked

Choose the face-editing app you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 13, 2024 06:50
Choosing the right face-editing app can be a daunting task with so many options available. Each app offers a unique set of features, and what may be suitable for one person could be less ideal for another. Having a reliable ranking can simplify this decision by highlighting which apps are favored by the majority. By participating in the voting process, users contribute to a more accurate and democratically sourced ranking. This not only helps others make informed decisions but also ensures the most effective and user-friendly apps are celebrated. Cast your vote and see how your favorite app stands against the competition.

What Is the Most Popular Face-editing App?

  1. 1


    Snapchat is a multimedia messaging app popular for its filters and lenses that can alter faces in photos and videos in real-time.
    • Launch Year: 2011
    • Developer: Snap Inc.
  2. 2

    YouCam Makeup

    YouCam Makeup is a beauty and selfie camera app that allows users to try makeup and skincare products virtually with AR technology.
    • Launch Year: 2014
    • Developer: Perfect Corp.
  3. 3


    Facetune is a photo editing application used to edit, enhance, and retouch photos on a user’s smartphone, particularly selfies.
    • Launch Year: 2013
    • Developer: Lightricks Ltd.
  4. 4


    BeautyPlus is a photo editing app that offers editing tools and beauty filters designed to enhance selfies and portraits.
    • Launch Year: 2013
    • Developer: Meitu, Inc.
  5. 5


    Retrica is a camera app with a variety of filters and tools for taking selfies, personalizing your photos, and sharing images with friends.
    • Launch Year: 2012
    • Developer: Retrica, Inc.
  6. 6


    Instagram is a social networking service for sharing photos and videos, offering a variety of filters and editing tools for face and image enhancements.
    • Launch Year: 2010
    • Developer: Facebook, Inc.
  7. 7


    FaceApp is a photo and video editing application using artificial intelligence to transform faces, including changing gender, aging, and adding smiles.
    • Launch Year: 2017
    • Developer: Wireless Lab
  8. 8


    MSQRD (Masquerade) is a mobile app for video messaging that provides live filters and face swap features.
    • Launch Year: 2016
    • Developer: Masquerade Technologies, Inc.
  9. 9


    AirBrush is an easy-to-use photo editor app that allows users to retouch and filter their photos to create beautiful, natural-looking selfies.
    • Launch Year: 2015
    • Developer: Meitu Technology
  10. 10


    Prisma is a photo-editing app that creates photo effects transforming your images into paintings using the styles of famous artists.
    • Launch Year: 2016
    • Developer: Prisma Labs

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular face-editing app. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or face-editing app is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 134 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each face-editing app once every 24 hours. The rank of each face-editing app is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Face-editing App

Face-editing apps have become very popular. These apps let users change their photos with ease. They can smooth skin, remove blemishes, and even change facial features. The rise of social media has fueled their growth. People want to look their best online, and these apps help them achieve that.

The technology behind these apps is impressive. They use artificial intelligence to detect facial features. This allows for precise edits. Users can make their eyes bigger, lips fuller, and noses smaller. They can also add makeup and change hair color. The results often look very natural.

Many people use these apps for fun. They enjoy playing with different looks. Some use them to see how they would look with different hairstyles or makeup. Others use them to enhance their photos before sharing them online. This has led to a rise in the "perfect" image on social media.

However, there are concerns about these apps. Some people worry they promote unrealistic beauty standards. They argue that edited photos can make others feel insecure. When everyone looks perfect online, it can be hard to feel good about your own appearance. This is especially true for young people.

Despite these concerns, the popularity of face-editing apps continues to grow. They are easy to use and offer instant results. Many apps are free or very affordable. This makes them accessible to a wide audience. They also offer a range of features, from simple edits to more complex changes.

In recent years, some apps have added features to help users see the impact of their edits. These features show a before-and-after comparison. This can help users understand how much they are changing their appearance. It can also encourage them to use the app more responsibly.

Face-editing apps have also found a place in professional settings. Photographers and influencers use them to enhance their work. They can quickly remove imperfections and create polished images. This can save time and money compared to traditional editing methods.

The future of face-editing apps looks bright. As technology improves, these apps will become even more powerful. They will offer more advanced features and better results. They will also become more user-friendly. This will likely lead to even greater adoption.

In conclusion, face-editing apps have changed the way we see ourselves and others. They offer a fun and easy way to enhance photos. But they also raise important questions about beauty standards and self-esteem. As these apps continue to evolve, it will be important to use them responsibly.

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