The Most Popular Gang, Ranked

Choose the gang you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jun 2, 2024 06:54
Gangs have long been subjects of both societal concern and cultural fascination, shaping communities in various profound ways. Determining which gang holds the most influence or ignites the most interest helps provide insights into social dynamics and regional issues. By ranking these groups, we aim to offer a comprehensive snapshot of their current standing in public perception. This interactive site enables you to contribute to the ongoing assessment of gang popularity and influence. Through your votes, you help clarify which groups are viewed as the most significant in different areas. The live rankings reflect real-time changes and public sentiment, offering an up-to-date view of trends within this critical aspect of social studies.

What Is the Most Popular Gang?

  1. 1


    An African-American gang formed in Los Angeles as a rival to the Crips.
    • Founded: 1972
    • Country: United States
  2. 2


    An African-American gang that originated in Los Angeles, known for its rivalry with the Bloods.
    • Founded: 1969
    • Country: United States
  3. 3
    Sinaloa Cartel

    Sinaloa Cartel

    One of the most powerful drug trafficking organizations in the world, based in Mexico.
    • Founded: 1989
    • Country: Mexico
  4. 4

    18th Street Gang

    An international gang that originated in Los Angeles, known for its rivalry with MS-13.
    • Founded: 1960s
    • Country: United States, Central America
  5. 5

    Hell's Angels

    An international motorcycle club known for their involvement in organized crime.
    • Founded: 1948
    • Country: United States
  6. 6

    Russian Mafia

    A collective of various organized crime elements originating in the former Soviet Union.
    • Founded: 1980s
    • Country: Russia
  7. 7
    Los Zetas

    Los Zetas

    A Mexican criminal syndicate, known for its violent tactics and involvement in drug trafficking.
    • Founded: 1999
    • Country: Mexico
  8. 8


    A series of Chinese transnational organized crime syndicates based in Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan, and mainland China, and in countries with significant Chinese populations.
    • Founded: 18th century
    • Country: China
  9. 9
    Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13)

    Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13)

    A transnational gang that originated in Los Angeles and has spread to Central America and other parts of the United States.
    • Founded: 1980s
    • Country: United States, Central America
  10. 10


    A transnational organized crime syndicate originating in Japan, known for their strict codes of conduct and hierarchical organization.
    • Founded: 17th century
    • Country: Japan

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular gang. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or gang is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 112 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each gang once every 24 hours. The rank of each gang is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Gang

Rank #1 for the most popular gang: Bloods (Source)
Gangs have existed for centuries. They form in cities and rural areas alike. People join for various reasons. Some seek protection. Others want a sense of belonging. Many are drawn by the promise of money and power.

Gangs often start small. A few people come together. They share common goals or backgrounds. Over time, they grow. More people join. They build a structure. Leaders emerge. Rules are set. Loyalty becomes key.

Most gangs engage in illegal activities. Drug trafficking is common. So is theft. Some control certain areas. They demand money in exchange for protection. Violence is often a tool. It enforces rules and punishes rivals.

Gangs impact communities. They create fear. Residents feel unsafe. Businesses suffer. Schools struggle. Young people are at risk. They may be recruited. They may face pressure to join. Families are affected. They worry about loved ones.

Law enforcement works to combat gangs. They gather intelligence. They conduct raids. They arrest members. They aim to disrupt operations. This is not easy. Gangs are secretive. They use codes. They have lookouts. They adapt quickly.

Prevention is key. Community programs help. They offer alternatives. Education is crucial. So is job training. Mentorship can guide youth. Support networks are vital. They provide a sense of belonging. They offer hope.

Gangs use symbols. These can be colors. They can be tattoos. They can be hand signs. These symbols show allegiance. They mark territory. They send messages. Understanding these symbols is important. It helps in identifying gang members.

Gangs communicate in various ways. They use social media. They send coded messages. They meet in secret. This makes it hard to track them. Authorities need to stay updated. They need to understand these methods.

Gangs have a hierarchy. Leaders make decisions. They give orders. Lower members follow. This structure helps them operate. It keeps them organized. It also makes dismantling them difficult. Taking down leaders is crucial.

Gangs are not just a local problem. They have connections. Some are part of larger networks. They work with other gangs. They collaborate in illegal activities. This makes them more powerful. It also makes them harder to combat.

Public awareness is important. People need to understand the signs. They need to know how to report suspicious activities. Community involvement is crucial. Working together can make a difference.

Gangs will likely continue to exist. They adapt to changes. They find new ways to operate. Combating them requires constant effort. It requires cooperation. It requires dedication. Only then can progress be made.

Understanding gangs is the first step. Knowing why they form helps. Knowing how they operate is crucial. With this knowledge, communities can work towards solutions. They can create safer environments. They can offer better futures for their youth.

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