The Most Popular Instrument in Australia, Ranked

Choose the instrument you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 17, 2024 06:57
Choosing the right instrument can be a pivotal moment for many Australians, impacting not only personal enjoyment but also potential educational and career opportunities. To aid in this decision, knowing which instruments hold a place of affection among the masses can be incredibly useful. This insight helps in understanding trends and, perhaps, in making a choice that aligns with broader preferences and opportunities. Here, you have the power to cast your vote and see how your favorite instruments stack up against others in real-time rankings. By participating, you contribute to a clearer picture of musical trends across the nation. Your involvement not only reflects public opinion but also guides newcomers in making informed decisions about which instrument to pick up.

What Is the Most Popular Instrument in Australia?

  1. 1
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    A group of percussion instruments played by striking with sticks or hands.
    • Type: Percussion Instrument
  3. 6


    A small, guitar-like instrument known for its light and pleasant sound, popular in folk and pop music.
    • Type: String Instrument
  4. 8


    A brass instrument commonly used in classical and jazz ensembles.
    • Type: Brass Instrument
  5. 9


    A string instrument with a deep, rich tone, used in orchestras and solo performances.
    • Type: String Instrument

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular instrument in Australia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or instrument is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 144 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each instrument once every 24 hours. The rank of each instrument is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Instrument in Australia

Rank #1 for the most popular instrument in Australia: Guitar (Source)
Music has always played a big role in Australian culture. Over the years, one instrument has stood out among the rest in popularity. Its appeal spans across different age groups and skill levels. This instrument is easy to learn yet offers depth for advanced players. Its versatility makes it suitable for various music genres, from classical to rock.

The instrument’s history in Australia dates back to the early 20th century. Immigrants brought it with them, and it quickly became a staple in many households. Schools began to include it in their music curriculum. This helped to cement its place in Australian music culture. Community groups and bands also adopted it, further boosting its popularity.

One reason for its widespread appeal is its accessibility. It is affordable, and many stores across the country sell it. This makes it easy for anyone to start learning. Additionally, there are many online resources available. People can find tutorials, sheet music, and instructional videos with ease. This has made self-teaching a viable option for many.

Another factor is its role in social settings. It is often the centerpiece of gatherings, whether it be a family event or a party with friends. People enjoy playing it together, which creates a sense of community. This social aspect has contributed to its enduring popularity.

The instrument also has a strong presence in Australian media. Many famous musicians from Australia have mastered it. Their success has inspired others to pick it up. Television shows and movies often feature it, further embedding it in the culture.

Schools play a big role in its popularity. Many children are introduced to it at a young age through school music programs. These programs often provide instruments for students, removing the barrier of cost. This early exposure helps to foster a lifelong interest in music.

Music teachers often recommend this instrument for beginners. It is relatively easy to learn the basics, which provides a sense of accomplishment early on. This encourages continued practice and improvement. As students progress, they can explore more complex pieces and techniques.

The instrument’s versatility also makes it appealing. It can be played solo or as part of a group. It fits well in many music styles, from classical to modern. This allows players to experiment with different genres and find their own style.

In recent years, technology has played a role in its continued popularity. There are many apps and online platforms that offer lessons and practice tools. These resources make it easier for people to learn and improve their skills. Social media has also provided a platform for sharing performances and connecting with other musicians.

In conclusion, this instrument’s popularity in Australia can be attributed to its accessibility, versatility, and social appeal. Its presence in schools, media, and community groups has helped to cement its place in Australian culture. With the help of technology, it continues to be a favorite among both beginners and advanced players.

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