The Most Popular Java Version, Ranked

Choose the version you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:57
Developers often face challenges when deciding which Java version to use for their projects. A ranked list of the most popular Java versions can provide clarity and aid in this decision-making process. This list is driven by real user votes, reflecting current trends and preferences in the developer community. By participating in the ranking, users contribute to a broader understanding of which Java versions are preferred for different types of projects. This helps new and experienced developers alike to make informed choices. Your vote matters and can indeed sway the rankings, highlighting the practicality and popularity of particular Java versions.

What Is the Most Popular Java Version?

  1. 1

    Java 8

    Java 8 is widely recognized for introducing lambda expressions, streams, and a new Date and Time API.
    • Release Date: March 18, 2014
    • End of Public Updates: January 2019 for commercial use, December 2020 for personal use
  2. 2

    Java 11

    Java 11 is the first Long Term Support (LTS) version after Java 8, introducing new features like the HttpClient API, local-variable syntax for lambda parameters, and more.
    • Release Date: September 25, 2018
    • LTS: Yes
  3. 3

    Java 7

    Java 7 introduced several new features such as the switch statement with strings, the try-with-resources statement, and the Fork/Join Framework.
    • Release Date: July 28, 2011
    • End of Public Updates: April 2015 for commercial use, July 2015 for personal use
  4. 4

    Java 13

    Java 13 is a non-LTS version that introduced text blocks (preview), reimplementation of the legacy Socket API, and dynamic CDS archives.
    • Release Date: September 17, 2019
    • Non-LTS: Yes
  5. 5

    Java 14

    Java 14 introduced records (preview), pattern matching for instanceof (preview), and the Helpful NullPointerExceptions.
    • Release Date: March 17, 2020
    • Non-LTS: Yes
  6. 6

    Java 9

    Java 9 introduced a modular system (Project Jigsaw), jshell (an interactive Java REPL), and improvements to the Streams API.
    • Release Date: September 21, 2017
    • End of Public Updates: March 2018
  7. 7

    Java 10

    Java 10 introduced local variable type inference, allowing the use of 'var' in variable declarations, and application class-data sharing.
    • Release Date: March 20, 2018
    • End of Public Updates: September 2018
  8. 8

    Java 6

    Java 6, also known as Java SE 6, brought scripting support, JDBC 4.0, and improvements to the Java Compiler API and Java Virtual Machine.
    • Release Date: December 11, 2006
    • End of Public Updates: February 2013
  9. 9

    Java 12

    Java 12 is a non-LTS version that brought switch expressions (preview), compact number formatting, and a new garbage collector (Shenandoah).
    • Release Date: March 19, 2019
    • Non-LTS: Yes
  10. 10

    Java 17

    Java 17 is the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version, introducing sealed classes, pattern matching for switch (preview), and strong encapsulation of JDK internals.
    • Release Date: September 14, 2021
    • LTS: Yes

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Java version. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or version is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 192 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each version once every 24 hours. The rank of each version is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Java Version

Java, a widely-used programming language, has a storied history. Developers appreciate its versatility and reliability. Over time, various versions of Java have been released. Each version brought new features and improvements. Among these, one version stands out as the most popular.

This version gained traction for several reasons. First, it introduced key updates that enhanced performance. These updates made applications run faster and more efficiently. Developers noticed these improvements and began to adopt the version widely.

Another reason for its popularity is the stability it offers. Stability is crucial for developers who need to ensure their applications run smoothly. This version provided a solid foundation, with fewer bugs and issues. As a result, many enterprises chose to rely on it for their critical systems.

The community also played a significant role in its popularity. Java has a large, active community of developers. This community shares knowledge, tools, and resources. When this version was released, the community quickly embraced it. They created libraries and frameworks that worked well with it. This made it easier for new developers to start using the version.

Compatibility is another factor. This version maintained backward compatibility with previous versions. Developers could upgrade without rewriting their existing code. This saved time and effort, making the transition smoother.

The version also introduced new features that made coding simpler and more efficient. These features included improvements in syntax and new APIs. They allowed developers to write cleaner and more maintainable code. This was a significant advantage, especially for large projects.

Security is always a concern in software development. This version addressed many security issues present in earlier versions. It included updates that protected against new threats. This made it a safer choice for developing applications.

The support from major companies also contributed to its success. Large tech companies adopted this version for their products and services. Their endorsement gave it credibility and encouraged others to follow suit.

Educational institutions played a part as well. Many universities and coding bootcamps started teaching this version. Students learned to code using it, which increased its adoption in the industry.

The tools and environments available for this version are robust. Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) and other tools provided excellent support. These tools made development faster and more efficient.

In summary, the most popular Java version achieved its status through a combination of performance improvements, stability, community support, compatibility, new features, security enhancements, endorsements from major companies, and educational adoption. These factors created a strong ecosystem that developers trusted and relied upon. As a result, this version became a cornerstone in the world of Java development.

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