The Most Popular Jutsu in Naruto, Ranked

Choose the jutsu you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:58
Fans of Naruto know that the sheer number of jutsus showcased in the series can be overwhelming. From powerful offensive techniques to subtle art of illusion, each jutsu adds a unique flavor to the battles and character developments. Having a clear list of the most popular jutsus helps new viewers identify key elements to watch for and enthusiasts to engage more deeply with the Naruto universe. This live ranking serves as a dynamic guide updated by votes from fans around the world. By participating, users contribute to a global consensus, highlighting which jutsus captivate the audience the most. It's not only a fun way to see where your favorite jutsus stand but also an opportunity to learn about others you might not know as well.

What Is the Most Popular Jutsu in Naruto?

  1. 1


    A spinning ball of chakra formed and held in the palm of the user's hand.
    • Creator: Minato Namikaze
    • User: Naruto Uzumaki
  2. 2


    A high concentration of lightning chakra channeled around the user's hand.
    • Creator: Kakashi Hatake
    • User: Sasuke Uchiha
  3. 3

    Sage Mode

    Allows the user to tap into the natural energy around them, significantly enhancing their abilities.
    • User: Naruto Uzumaki
  4. 4

    Summoning Jutsu

    Allows the user to transport animals or objects across long distances instantly.
    • User: Jiraiya
  5. 5


    Produces black flames at the focal point of the user's vision.
    • User: Itachi Uchiha
  6. 6

    Shadow Clone Technique

    Creates copies of the user that are capable of performing techniques and interacting with the environment.
    • User: Naruto Uzumaki
  7. 7


    A powerful genjutsu that traps the victim in an illusion of the user's design.
    • User: Itachi Uchiha
  8. 8

    Mangekyō Sharingan

    A dōjutsu that grants powerful techniques to the user.
    • User: Sasuke Uchiha
  9. 9


    A dōjutsu that gives the user a near 360° field of vision, among other abilities.
    • User: Neji Hyuga
  10. 10


    The most exalted eye amongst the Three Great Dōjutsu, it grants the user a wide range of abilities.
    • User: Nagato

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular jutsu in Naruto. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Jutsu is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 120 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Jutsu once every 24 hours. The rank of each Jutsu is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Jutsu in Naruto

In the world of Naruto, jutsu are the magical techniques used by ninjas. These techniques come in many forms and are central to the series. They allow characters to perform incredible feats, from controlling elements to summoning creatures.

Jutsu are divided into three main types: Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu. Ninjutsu involves the manipulation of chakra to create various effects. This type of jutsu can range from simple tricks to powerful attacks. Characters often train for years to master these techniques. They learn to control their chakra and use it in precise ways.

Genjutsu, on the other hand, affects the mind. It creates illusions that can deceive opponents. These illusions can be so real that the target cannot tell the difference. Ninjas use Genjutsu to gain the upper hand in battles. Breaking free from these illusions often requires strong mental discipline.

Taijutsu focuses on physical combat. It does not rely on chakra as much as the other types. Instead, it emphasizes speed, strength, and skill. Characters who excel in Taijutsu can defeat opponents with pure physical prowess. They train their bodies to peak condition to enhance their abilities.

Each ninja has a unique set of jutsu. These techniques reflect their training and personal style. Some ninjas specialize in one type of jutsu, while others combine different types. This variety makes battles in Naruto exciting and unpredictable.

Learning jutsu is not easy. It requires intense training and dedication. Young ninjas often start with basic techniques. As they grow stronger, they learn more advanced jutsu. Teachers play a crucial role in this process. They pass down their knowledge to the next generation.

Chakra is the energy source for most jutsu. It flows through the body and can be controlled with practice. Ninjas learn to harness this energy to perform their techniques. The amount of chakra a ninja has can affect their ability to use jutsu. Those with more chakra can use more powerful techniques.

Hand signs are also important in performing jutsu. These signs help focus chakra and direct it. Each jutsu has a specific set of hand signs. Ninjas must memorize and practice these signs to use their techniques effectively.

The world of Naruto is rich with different clans and villages. Each has its own unique jutsu and traditions. This diversity adds depth to the series. It shows how different characters approach their training and battles.

Jutsu are not just about fighting. They also reflect the character's growth and development. As ninjas learn new techniques, they become stronger and more skilled. This journey is a key part of the series.

In conclusion, jutsu are a fundamental aspect of Naruto. They showcase the creativity and skill of the characters. Through hard work and training, ninjas master these techniques and use them to protect their world. The variety and complexity of jutsu make the series engaging and memorable.

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