The Most Popular Lottery Numbers, Ranked

Choose the lottery numbers you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 24, 2024 06:16
Lottery enthusiasts often wonder if some numbers are luckier than others. By creating a ranking of the most popular lottery numbers, based on user votes, we tap into the collective insights of participants who share their choices and experiences. This ordered listing could reveal patterns or favorites, helping others to perhaps strategize or even just satisfy curiosity about common picks. By participating in this dynamic voting-based ranking, users contribute to a living dataset, reflecting real-time preferences and opinions. This engagement not only enhances the accuracy of the list but also connects individuals with a community of like-minded lottery enthusiasts. Active voting and observation can thus become an interactive guide to discovering which numbers frequently capture the imagination of players.

What Are the Most Popular Lottery Numbers?

  1. 1


    Considered a lucky number in many cultures, it's one of the most frequently chosen numbers in lottery games worldwide.
    The number 7 is one of the most popular and widely recognized lottery numbers. It is often associated with luck, fortune, and success, making it a highly sought-after number in various lottery games.
    • Numerology: Considered a lucky number in many cultures
    • Religious Symbolism: Significant in various religions including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam
    • Gambling Superstitions: Believed to bring good luck and positive outcomes when used as a lottery number
    • Historical Significance: Frequently associated with significant events and milestones
    • Popularity: Consistently chosen as a preferred number by lottery players worldwide
  2. 2


    Many people choose this number because it's the first double-digit number and is sometimes associated with good luck.
    The number 11 is considered to be one of the most popular lottery numbers worldwide. It holds a special significance for many people due to its repeated and symmetrical nature.
    • Numerology: In numerology, 11 is often associated with intuition, spiritual awakening, and higher consciousness.
    • Astrology: In astrology, 11 is linked with the star sign Aquarius, known for its progressive and innovative energy.
    • Gematria: In Jewish mysticism, the number 11 represents divine inspiration and is associated with the Hebrew letter kaf.
    • Historical Significance: In ancient Rome, the number 11 carried significance as it symbolized transgression and excess.
    • Superstitions: Many people believe that seeing the number 11 frequently brings good luck and positive energy.
  3. 3


    This number has been popularized by movies and TV shows, such as "The Number 23" starring Jim Carrey. It's also the number of famous basketball player Michael Jordan.
    The number 23 is considered one of the most popular and frequently chosen numbers in lottery games worldwide. It has garnered a reputation for bringing luck and success due to various superstitions and cultural beliefs associated with it.
    • Frequent Appearance: The number 23 appears regularly as a player's selection in lottery games.
    • Numerological Significance: In numerology, the number 23 is often associated with creativity, intuition, and manifestation of desires.
    • Pop Culture References: The number 23 has been featured in popular films and literature, becoming a symbol of mystery and intrigue.
    • Sports Significance: In various sports, the number 23 has been famously worn by iconic athletes, adding to its popularity.
    • Historical Significance: Significant events throughout history have involved the number 23, leading to its perceived importance.
  4. 4


    Another lucky number in many cultures, some people choose it because it's the number of wishes you get when you blow out candles on a birthday cake.
    The number 3 is one of the most popular lottery numbers chosen by players across the globe. It is often considered a lucky number and holds significant cultural and historical significance. In numerology, the number 3 represents creativity, self-expression, and communication. It is also associated with optimism, enthusiasm, and good fortune.
    • Numerology Symbolism: Represents creativity and self-expression
    • Cultural Significance: Often regarded as a lucky number
    • Historical Importance: Has been significant in various ancient civilizations
    • Numerical Properties: Third positive integer, divisible by 1 and 3
    • Fibonacci Sequence: Part of the sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, ...)
  5. 5


    Despite being considered unlucky by some, it still remains a popular choice for lottery players. Some people believe that the superstition surrounding it makes it less likely to be chosen by others, increasing their chances of winning.
    The number 13 is considered by many to be an unlucky number, often associated with superstitions and various mythologies. In the context of lottery numbers, the number 13 holds both positive and negative connotations depending on individual beliefs and cultural influences.
    • Superstition: Considered unlucky by some individuals.
    • Mythology: In Norse mythology, the god Loki was the 13th guest at a dinner party, which resulted in the death of the god Balder.
    • Cultural beliefs: In many Western cultures, Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day.
    • Positive associations: Some cultures view 13 as a lucky number and attribute positive meanings to it.
    • Historical significance: The number 13 holds significance in various historical contexts, such as the 13 colonies of the United States.
  6. 6


    This number is often chosen because it's the age at which many people feel they've reached adulthood.
    The number 27 is considered to be one of the most popular lottery numbers. It is often chosen by lottery players due to its perceived lucky nature and its presence in various significant events and personal associations.
    • Numerical value: 27
    • Lucky connotations: Believed to bring good fortune
    • Occurrence: Frequently chosen as a lottery number
    • Representation: Two-digit positive integer
    • Cultural significance: Associated with age, anniversary, or birthdate
  7. 7


    Some people choose this number because it's a combination of lucky numbers 7 and 1.
    The number 17 is often considered as one of the most popular choices in lottery games. It has gained a reputation for being a lucky number and is frequently selected by players worldwide.
    • Numerical Value: 17
    • Lucky Number: Yes
    • Popularity: High
    • Frequency of Selection: Frequent
    • Belief in Luck: Strong
  8. 8


    A relatively common choice, some people choose this number because it's the age at which they legally become an adult in some countries.
    The number 19 is considered to be one of the most popular lottery numbers worldwide. Many people choose this number based on personal preferences, lucky associations, or historical significance.
    • Lucky Significance: In Roman numerals, 19 is written as XIX. The Latin word 'vixi' translates to 'I have lived.' This palindrome-like quality adds a charm of luck and longevity to number 19.
    • Personal Choice: Some individuals have personal reasons or experiences associated with the number 19, making it significant and memorable to them.
    • Historical References: Throughout history, significant events have occurred on the 19th day of a month, further adding to its perceived importance.
    • Fibonacci Number: In the Fibonacci sequence, 19 follows after 13 and precedes 31, making it part of a mathematical pattern that appeals to some people.
    • Sports Jersey Numbers: Several famous athletes have worn the number 19 on their jerseys, leading fans to adopt it as a lucky number in sports-related contexts.
  9. 9


    This number is often chosen because it's considered lucky in some cultures, such as in China.
    The number 9 is considered one of the most popular lottery numbers. It holds significance and symbolism in various cultures and is often associated with luck and positivity.
    • Lucky Number: The number 9 is considered lucky in many cultures and is believed to bring good fortune.
    • Symbolism: It represents various concepts like wholeness, completion, and eternity. In numerology, 9 is considered a powerful number with deep spiritual significance.
    • Sports: In some sports such as soccer, the number 9 is traditionally associated with the main striker or goal scorer.
    • Historical Significance: The number 9 holds historical significance in different contexts, such as the nine Muses in Greek mythology and the nine planets in ancient astronomical beliefs.
    • Mathematics: In mathematics, the number 9 has unique properties such as being the highest single-digit number and having interesting mathematical quirks like any number multiplied by 9 resulting in a digit sum that adds up to 9.
  10. 10


    This number is sometimes chosen because it's the lowest prime number and is seen as a symbol of duality or balance.
    The number 2 is one of the most popular lottery numbers chosen by players around the world. It is a prime number and holds various cultural and symbolic meanings in different societies. In the context of lotteries, the number 2 is believed by some to represent balance, harmony, and duality.
    • Numerical Value: 2
    • Number Type: Prime
    • Cultural Symbolism: Balance, harmony, duality
    • Popularity in Lotteries: High
    • Frequency in Winning Numbers: Varies based on specific lottery draws

Missing your favorite lottery numbers?


Ranking factors for popular lottery numbers

  1. Most common numbers
    Check for numbers that appear more commonly in winning combinations. This may indicate a higher probability of being selected in future draws.
  2. Number patterns
    Look for number patterns, such as consecutive numbers, even/odd numbers, or high/low numbers, that appear more frequently in winning combinations.
  3. Personal preferences
    Many players select their own "lucky" numbers based on personal significance, such as birthdays, anniversaries, or other significant dates or numbers.
  4. Frequency of play
    Account for the number of players and the frequency at which specific numbers are played, to better understand the true popularity of a number.
  5. Cultural factors
    In some cultures or regions, certain numbers may be considered more popular or lucky, such as the number 7 in Western cultures or the number 8 in Chinese cultures. Keep these cultural factors in mind when determining the popularity of a number.
  6. Syndicates or groups
    Consider the selection habits of lottery syndicates or groups, as these can impact the popularity of certain numbers.
  7. Changes in lottery rules or game format
    Note any changes in the lottery game format or rules that may affect the potential popularity of certain numbers.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular lottery numbers. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or number is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 197 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each number once every 24 hours. The rank of each number is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More information on most popular lottery numbers

Lottery games have been around for centuries, with the first recorded lottery dating back to the Han Dynasty in ancient China. Over time, the popularity of lotteries has only grown, with many people hoping to strike it rich by picking the winning numbers. But have you ever wondered what the most popular lottery numbers are? While the odds of winning the lottery are always low, some numbers seem to be chosen more frequently than others. At StrawPoll, we've analyzed thousands of lottery polls to determine the most commonly chosen numbers, giving you an insight into what numbers could potentially give you a winning edge.

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