The Most Popular Magic Format, Ranked

Choose the format you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:00
Players often find themselves curious about which Magic formats are currently leading in popularity. With a myriad of variations available, from competitive to casual, choosing where to invest one’s time and resources can involve some uncertainty. This is where a ranked list comes into play, providing clarity and community-driven insights. By participating in voting for the most popular Magic format, users contribute to a dynamic, constantly updated guide. Your votes help to shape the landscape and give newcomers and seasoned players alike a snapshot of what's trending. This not only aids in decision-making but also fosters a connected and informed community.

What Is the Most Popular Magic Format?

  1. 1


    A rotating format where players build decks using cards from the most recently released Magic sets.
    • Rotation: Annually
    • Set Inclusion: Most recent sets
  2. 2


    A multiplayer format where players use a 100-card deck, led by a Legendary Creature as their commander.
    • Deck Size: 100 cards
    • Players: Multiplayer
  3. 3


    A non-rotating format featuring cards from all core sets and expansions since Eighth Edition.
    • Non-Rotating: Yes
    • Start Set: Eighth Edition
  4. 4


    A format where all cards used must have been printed at common rarity in a Magic set or product.
    • Rarity Requirement: Common
    • Accessibility: High
  5. 5


    A non-rotating format including cards from Return to Ravnica and forward.
    • Start Set: Return to Ravnica
    • Non-Rotating: Yes
  6. 6


    A format allowing cards from all Magic sets with a minimal banned list, emphasizing the game's history.
    • Banned List: Minimal
    • Card Pool: All sets
  7. 7


    A format where players build their decks from a limited pool of cards obtained at the event.
    • Deck Building: On-site
    • Card Pool: Limited
  8. 8

    Cube Draft

    A draft format where players build their decks from a 'cube', a specially curated set of cards.
    • Deck Building: Draft
    • Card Pool: Curated
  9. 9


    A format that allows almost all cards ever printed, with a restricted list to balance play.
    • Restricted List: Yes
    • Card Pool: Nearly all cards
  10. 10


    A format similar to Commander, but with a Standard-legal card pool and 60-card decks.
    • Deck Size: 60 cards
    • Card Pool: Standard-legal

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Magic format. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or form is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 266 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each form once every 24 hours. The rank of each form is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Magic Format

Magic: The Gathering is a popular card game. It has many formats that players enjoy. Each format has its own rules and card pools. Players choose formats based on their preferences. Some formats use a wide range of cards, while others limit the selection. This variety keeps the game fresh and exciting.

One format stands out as the most popular. It allows players to use many cards from different sets. This gives them the chance to build unique and powerful decks. The format's flexibility attracts both new and experienced players. It offers a balance of strategy and creativity. Players can experiment with different card combinations. This keeps the gameplay dynamic and engaging.

The format has a set of rules that players must follow. These rules ensure fair play and balance. They limit the number of copies of each card in a deck. This prevents any one card from becoming too dominant. It also encourages players to think strategically. They must consider how each card interacts with others in their deck. This adds depth to the game and makes each match a test of skill.

The format also has a ban list. This list includes cards that are too powerful or disruptive. Removing these cards keeps the game fair and enjoyable. The ban list is updated regularly. This ensures the format remains balanced as new cards are released. Players must stay informed about these updates. This keeps them engaged with the game and its community.

The format's popularity has led to a large and active player base. This community is passionate and supportive. Players share deck ideas, strategies, and tips. They also organize events and tournaments. These gatherings bring players together. They offer a chance to compete and socialize. The community's enthusiasm helps sustain the format's popularity.

The format is also accessible. New players can start with pre-built decks. These decks are designed to be easy to use. They provide a good introduction to the game. As players gain experience, they can modify these decks. They can also build new ones from scratch. This progression keeps players engaged and invested.

The format's flexibility extends to its gameplay. Matches can be fast-paced or slow and strategic. This depends on the decks used. Some decks aim to win quickly. Others focus on controlling the game and outlasting the opponent. This variety ensures that no two matches are the same. It keeps the game interesting and challenging.

The format's popularity is also due to its support from the game's creators. They release new cards regularly. These cards add new strategies and mechanics. They keep the game evolving and exciting. The creators also host official events and tournaments. These events attract top players from around the world. They showcase the format's depth and competitiveness.

In summary, the most popular Magic format offers a blend of strategy, creativity, and community. Its flexible rules and large card pool attract a diverse range of players. The format's balance and accessibility keep it enjoyable for everyone. Regular updates and support from the game's creators ensure it remains fresh and engaging. This combination of factors makes it the favorite choice for many players.

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