The Most Popular Manhwa of All Time, Ranked

Choose the Manhwa you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 13, 2024 07:19
In the bustling world of comic and graphic storytelling, Manhwa has carved out a distinct presence, bridging cultural narratives and vibrant artistry from Korea. Understanding which series rise to the top can help new fans navigate through the abundance of choices and find content that resonates with the wider audience. Thus, a coherent ranking of the most popular Manhwa serves not only as a guide but as a snapshot of prevailing trends and timeless favorites within the community. As readers from around the globe contribute their votes, these rankings evolve to reflect the changing tastes and new discoveries in the Manhwa landscape. This dynamic collection of popular titles encourages both newcomers and seasoned readers to engage with the material, fostering a deeper appreciation and connection within the global fanbase. Your vote helps shape this ongoing story of popularity and influence, casting light on deserving works that might otherwise be overshadowed.

What Is the Most Popular Manhwa of All Time?

  1. 1
    It is a martial arts action series with elements of comedy and drama. It has a large fan following and has been praised for its artwork, storytelling, and character development.
    The Breaker is a popular action Manhwa that follows the story of Shioon, a weak and timid high school student who becomes entangled in the world of martial arts when he crosses paths with an intense and mysterious martial arts teacher named Chun-Woo. As Shioon trains under Chun-Woo, he begins to develop his skills and transforms into a formidable fighter, facing various challenges and enemies along the way.
    • Genre: Action, Martial Arts
    • Publication: 2010-2015 (The Breaker), 2015-2018 (The Breaker: New Waves)
    • Volumes: 10 (The Breaker), 20 (The Breaker: New Waves)
    • Number of Chapters: 72 (The Breaker), 203 (The Breaker: New Waves)
    • Status: Completed
    The Breaker in other rankings
  2. 2

    Tower of God

    SIU (Slave In Utero)
    It is a fantasy adventure series that has gained a massive following due to its world-building, characters, and unique storytelling format. It has been adapted into an anime and video game.
    Tower of God is a popular action Manhwa (Korean comic) series that follows the story of a young boy named Bam who enters the mysterious Tower in search of his friend Rachel. The Tower is a colossal structure filled with dangerous challenges, tests, and trials that Bam must overcome to climb to the top and reunite with Rachel. Along the way, he encounters various powerful individuals, forms alliances, and uncovers the true nature of the Tower.
    • Genre: Action, Adventure, Fantasy
    • First Published: 2010
    • Serialized In: Naver Webtoon
    • Number of Chapters: 484 (as of May 2021)
    • English Publisher: LINE Webtoon
    Tower of God in other rankings
  3. 3

    Solo Leveling

    It is a fantasy action series that follows the journey of a weak hunter who becomes the strongest in the world. It has been praised for its artwork, character development, and storytelling.
    Solo Leveling is a popular action Manhwa series that follows the story of Sung Jin-Woo, a weak hunter who becomes the world's strongest after he is mysteriously granted the ability to level up. As he embarks on dangerous quests to clear dungeons and protect humanity from monstrous creatures, he unveils dark secrets that reshape his destiny.
    • Genre: Action
    • Author: Chugong
    • Illustrator: Jang Sung-rak
    • Publication Year: 2018 - Present
    • Serialized In: KakaoPage
    Solo Leveling in other rankings
  4. 4
    It is a supernatural action series that tells the story of a powerful vampire who awakens after 820 years of slumber. It has been adapted into an anime and has a large fan following.
    Noblesse is a popular action Manhwa (Korean comic) that follows the story of Cadis Etrama di Raizel, a powerful noble who wakes up from an 820-year-long sleep. As he adapts to modern society, he becomes involved in various conflicts and battles to protect his friends and the human world from dangerous forces.
    • Genre: Action, Supernatural, Vampire
    • First published: 2007
    • Number of volumes: 5 (seasons)
    • Number of chapters: 545
    • Average chapter length: 40-50 pages
  5. 5

    God of High School

    Yongje Park
    It is a martial arts action series that follows the journey of high school students who participate in a fighting tournament. It has been praised for its action, humor, and character development.
    God of High School is a popular Manhwa series that combines action, adventure, and martial arts. The story revolves around a high school student named Jin Mori, who participates in a martial arts tournament called The God of High School, where contestants fight to gain immense power and have their deepest wishes granted. As the competition progresses, Jin Mori encounters various opponents and allies with unique abilities, leading to epic battles and thrilling plot twists.
    • Genre: Action, Adventure, Martial Arts
    • Publication Years: 2011 - Present
    • Serialized In: Naver Webtoon
    • English Publisher: WEBTOON
    • Number of Volumes: 16 (Ongoing)
  6. 6

    The Gamer

    Sung San-Young
    It is a fantasy series that follows the story of a high school student who gains the ability to see the world like a video game. It has been praised for its unique premise, character development, and humor.
    The Gamer is an action Manhwa that revolves around the life of Han Jee-Han, a high school student who discovers he has the ability to perceive the world as if it were a game. As he starts leveling up and gaining different skills, Han Jee-Han dives into the world of quests, monsters, and dungeons, facing various challenges and enemies along the way.
    • Genre: Action, Fantasy
    • Status: Ongoing
    • Published: 2013 - Present
    • Publisher: Naver Webtoon
    • Number of Chapters: 400+
    The Gamer in other rankings
  7. 7

    Yumi's Cells

    Lee Dong-gun
    It is a romance series that follows the story of a woman's love life through the perspective of her brain cells. It has been praised for its unique premise, relatable characters, and humor.
    Yumi's Cells is a popular Manhwa that explores the inner workings of a woman's mind through the personification of her emotions and thoughts. The story follows Yumi, a young woman navigating the challenges of everyday life while her cells, representing different emotions and memories, work together or sometimes conflict with each other to guide her decisions.
    • Publication Year: 2014
    • Genre: Drama, Comedy, Romance
    • Demographic: Teen/Young Adult
    • Chapters: 300+
    • Volumes: 8+
  8. 8
    It is a martial arts action series that tells the story of a warrior who tries to restore his clan's honor. It has been praised for its action, character development, and storytelling.
    Gosu is a popular Manhwa that follows the story of a skilled martial artist who has lost his memory. The protagonist, known as Yongbi, possesses incredible combat abilities and evolves through various adventures in a chaotic martial arts world.
    • Genre: Action, Adventure, Martial Arts
    • Publication Date: 2010-2019
    • Serialized In: Naver Webtoon
    • Volumes: 8
    • Chapters: 291
  9. 9
    It is a fantasy adventure series that follows the journey of a former bankrupt gamer who becomes a legendary sculptor in an online game. It has been praised for its world-building, character development, and humor.
    The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor is a popular Isekai Manhwa series written by Nam Heesung and illustrated by Kim Tae-hyung. It follows the story of Lee Hyun, a highly skilled gamer who enters the virtual reality game called Royal Road. In this game, he becomes a Sculptor, a class known for its ability to create life-like sculptures. As Lee Hyun embarks on his virtual journey, he uses his skills not only to create beautiful sculptures but also to progress in the game and make money. Along the way, he also encounters various challenges and adventures.
    • Genre: Fantasy, Adventure, VRMMORPG
    • Chapters: Ongoing
    • Published: 2015-present
    • Original Publisher: Naver Comics
    • Number of Volumes: 29+
    The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor in other rankings
  10. 10
    It is a psychological horror series that follows the story of a stalker who becomes obsessed with his crush. It has been praised for its unique premise, art style, and storytelling. However, it's important to note that this series contains mature themes and is not suitable for all readers.
    Killing Stalking is a psychological thriller manhwa written and illustrated by Koogi. It follows the twisted relationship between Yoon Bum, a young man with a disturbing infatuation, and Oh Sangwoo, a charming and sadistic serial killer. The story delves into their dark and intricate dynamic as Yoon Bum becomes trapped in Sangwoo's deadly game of cat and mouse.
    • Genre: Psychological thriller
    • Publication: 2016 - 2019
    • Volumes: 3 (47 chapters)
    • Characters: Yoon Bum, Oh Sangwoo
    • Setting: South Korea

Missing your favorite Manhwa?


Ranking factors for popular Manhwa

  1. Sales and circulation
    Review the sales figures and circulation numbers for both physical and digital formats. This data will provide insight into the actual demand and interest in the manhwa.
  2. Ratings and reviews
    Analyze the ratings and reviews from various online platforms like MyAnimeList, Amazon, and Goodreads. The higher the ratings and positive reviews, the more popular the manhwa is.
  3. Adaptations
    A manhwa that has been adapted into other media forms (like anime, movies, or TV series) indicates its popularity among fans.
  4. Awards and recognition
    Manhwa that have won awards or have been recognized on various platforms and by numerous organizations are usually considered popular.
  5. Longevity and ongoing status
    The number of years a manhwa has been published and ongoing can indicate its popularity. Long-running series tend to have dedicated fanbases that contribute to the manhwa's overall popularity.
  6. Fanbase and online presence
    Social media following and fan groups on platforms like Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter can indicate popularity. Additionally, the number of fanart, fanfiction, and cosplay related to the manhwa can also be a gauge of popularity.
  7. Cultural impact and influence
    Manhwa that have influenced other works or have left a lasting impact on the industry or its genre can be considered popular. This may include introducing new themes, art styles, or storytelling techniques.
  8. Genre and target audience
    Consider the popularity of the manhwa within its specific genre and among its intended target audience. This helps to determine the manhwa's popularity among relevant groups of readers.
  9. Merchandise and collaborations
    The availability and sales of merchandise related to the manhwa, such as figurines, clothing, and posters, can indicate its popularity. Additionally, manhwa that have collaborated with other popular franchises or companies might be considered more popular.
  10. Author's reputation and previous works
    The popularity of the author and their other works can contribute to the popularity of the manhwa. Well-established creators might have a fanbase that follows their work, thereby increasing the popularity of the manhwa.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Manhwa of all time. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Manhwa is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 228 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Manhwa once every 24 hours. The rank of each Manhwa is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular manhwa of all time

Manhwa, which is the Korean equivalent of manga or comic books, has gained immense popularity among readers worldwide. With its unique storytelling style and captivating art, it has become a significant part of the global comic book culture. Over the years, many Manhwa titles have gained a massive following, with some even being adapted into animated series and movies. From romance to action to fantasy, there is a Manhwa for everyone. But, what is the most popular Manhwa of all time? The answer to this question is subjective and varies from person to person. However, based on sales figures, reviews, and fan following, some Manhwa titles have emerged as the top contenders for this title. Whether you are a seasoned Manhwa reader or just starting, exploring the most popular titles is an excellent way to dive into this fascinating world of comics. So, let's take a closer look at the most popular Manhwa of all time and see what makes them stand out from the rest.

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