The Most Popular Map in FS19, Ranked

Choose the map you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:00
Farmers and gamers alike often find themselves pondering over which map to dive into when playing Farming Simulator 19. Each map offers unique landscapes, challenges, and opportunities, making the choice somewhat daunting. A well-organized ranking of the most popular maps can guide new and experienced players in making a decision that enhances their gaming experience. By participating in the voting process for the most popular FS19 map, players contribute to a community-driven result that reflects collective preferences and insights. This ongoing input helps ensure the rankings stay current and meaningful, providing a reliable resource for all players looking to optimize their farm management strategies.

What Is the Most Popular Map in FS19?

  1. 1


    Ravenport is an American map featuring large fields and a spacious layout, ideal for large machinery.
    • Theme: American
    • Field Size: Large
  2. 2

    Lone Oak Farm

    Set in the Pacific Northwest, Lone Oak Farm is known for its stunning landscapes and large fields, making it a favorite for many players.
    • Location: Pacific Northwest
    • Field Size: Large
  3. 3


    Felsbrunn is a European map with a varied landscape and modern farming infrastructure.
    • Theme: European
    • Terrain: Varied
  4. 4

    Greenwich Valley

    A map that offers a mix of everything, from arable farming to dairy management, set in a beautifully detailed environment.
    • Farming Type: Mixed
    • Detail: High
  5. 5

    Estancia Lapacho

    Originally from FS17, Estancia Lapacho was updated for FS19, offering a South American farming experience with unique vegetation and landscapes.
    • Theme: South American
    • Unique Feature: Unique vegetation
  6. 6

    Marwell Manor Farm

    A British map that features a realistic farming environment, closely modeled after an actual location in the UK.
    • Theme: British
    • Realism: High
  7. 7

    Dahl Ranch

    A map set in the Midwest of the USA, Dahl Ranch offers vast fields and a true American farming experience.
    • Location: Midwest USA
    • Field Size: Vast
  8. 8

    Oakfield Farm

    Another British map, Oakfield Farm is praised for its attention to detail and authentic representation of British farming.
    • Theme: British
    • Detail: High
  9. 9

    Hof Bergmann

    A German map that brings a lot of detail and a unique farming experience, focusing on small to medium-sized fields.
    • Theme: German
    • Field Size: Small to Medium
  10. 10

    Mercury Farms

    A fan favorite for its rolling hills and detailed environment, offering both arable and livestock farming.
    • Terrain: Rolling hills
    • Farming Type: Arable and Livestock

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular map in FS19. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or map is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 164 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each map once every 24 hours. The rank of each map is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Map in FS19

Farming Simulator 19 (FS19) offers a variety of maps for players to explore and cultivate. Among these, one map stands out as the most popular. This map provides a rich farming experience with its well-designed layout and diverse features.

The map's landscape is a blend of fields, forests, and water bodies. It offers a mix of flat and hilly terrains, which adds to the challenge and excitement of farming. Players can grow different crops, raise animals, and manage forestry operations. The map's design encourages players to plan their activities carefully, making the farming experience rewarding.

The fields on this map vary in size and shape. Some are large and open, ideal for extensive crop farming. Others are smaller and irregular, which require more precise work. This variety ensures that players can engage in different types of farming activities without feeling repetitive. The map also includes several pre-built farms, each with its own set of buildings and equipment. These farms provide a good starting point for new players and a base for expansion for experienced ones.

Forests cover a significant portion of the map. These areas are perfect for players interested in forestry. The dense woods offer ample opportunities for logging and timber production. The presence of forests also adds to the map's visual appeal, making it more immersive. Water bodies, such as rivers and lakes, are scattered throughout the map. They enhance the scenery and provide a source of water for irrigation and animal husbandry.

The map features a well-connected road network. Paved and dirt roads link the various parts of the map, making it easy to transport goods. The roads are wide enough to accommodate large farming equipment, which is crucial for efficient farming operations. The presence of bridges and tunnels adds to the realism of the map, making navigation more interesting.

Several points of interest are located across the map. These include shops, where players can buy and sell equipment and produce, and service stations, where they can refuel and repair their machinery. There are also sell points for crops, milk, and other farm products. These locations are strategically placed to ensure that players do not have to travel long distances to conduct their business.

The map supports multiplayer mode, allowing players to farm together. This feature makes the map even more popular, as it enables friends and family to share the farming experience. The cooperative gameplay encourages teamwork and adds a social aspect to the game.

The map's popularity can be attributed to its balanced design and diverse features. It offers something for every type of player, whether they prefer crop farming, animal husbandry, or forestry. The attention to detail and the realistic environment make it a favorite among FS19 players. Its well-thought-out layout ensures that players remain engaged and challenged, making their farming experience enjoyable and fulfilling.

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