The Most Popular MOOC Platforms, Ranked

Choose the platforms you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 06:16
As online education continues to grow, the number of MOOC platforms has expanded, offering a plethora of courses across various fields. Choosing the right platform can significantly affect a learner's experience and outcomes. By ranking these platforms based on user votes, potential users can gain insights from the experiences of others, helping them to make informed decisions about where to invest their time and resources for learning. This live ranking serves as a dynamic resource that reflects current user preferences and trends in the world of online education. As more individuals contribute their votes and opinions, the accuracy and value of the ranking improve. This allows for a continuously updated guide that can direct new users to the best educational resources available online, tailored to meet their learning needs and preferences.

What Are the Most Popular MOOC Platforms?

  1. 1


    Coursera offers online access to classes from leading universities and companies, covering a wide range of topics.
    • Founded: 2012
    • Founders: Andrew Ng and Daphne Koller
  2. 2


    edX is a massive open online course provider hosting university-level courses in a wide range of disciplines.
    • Founded: 2012
    • Founders: Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Harvard University
  3. 3
    LinkedIn Learning

    LinkedIn Learning

    LinkedIn Learning, formerly known as, offers video courses taught by industry experts in software, creative, and business skills.
    • Founded: 1995
    • Founder: Lynda Weinman
  4. 4


    FutureLearn offers a diverse selection of courses from leading universities and cultural institutions from around the world.
    • Founded: 2012
    • Owner: The Open University
  5. 5


    Udacity focuses on offering courses related to technology and innovation, including programming, data science, and artificial intelligence.
    • Founded: 2011
    • Founders: Sebastian Thrun, David Stavens, and Mike Sokolsky
  6. 6


    Skillshare is an online learning community for people who want to learn from educational videos, particularly in creative fields.
    • Founded: 2010
    • Founders: Michael Karnjanaprakorn and Malcolm Ong
  7. 7


    Udemy is an online learning platform aimed at professional adults and students, hosting courses on a variety of topics.
    • Founded: 2010
    • Founder: Eren Bali
  8. 8


    Codecademy offers interactive coding classes in various programming languages, web development, data visualization, and more.
    • Founded: 2011
    • Founders: Zach Sims and Ryan Bubinski
  9. 9
    Khan Academy

    Khan Academy

    Khan Academy offers practice exercises and instructional videos to support learners in various subjects.
    • Founded: 2008
    • Founder: Sal Khan
  10. 10


    Pluralsight is an online learning platform focusing on technology skill development, particularly in software development and IT operations.
    • Founded: 2004
    • Founder: Aaron Skonnard

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular MOOC platforms. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or platform is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 145 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each platform once every 24 hours. The rank of each platform is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Popular MOOC Platforms

Rank #1 for the most popular MOOC platforms: Coursera (Source)
Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs, have transformed education. They offer courses to anyone with an internet connection. This model allows learners to access quality education from top institutions. The idea is simple: provide affordable and flexible learning options.

MOOCs began gaining traction in the early 2010s. They emerged from a need to democratize education. Traditional education systems often have barriers. These include high costs and limited access. MOOCs aimed to break down these barriers.

The courses cover a wide range of subjects. Learners can study anything from computer science to art history. The flexibility of these courses is a key feature. Students can learn at their own pace. This suits people with busy schedules. It also benefits those who prefer self-directed learning.

The structure of MOOCs varies. Some courses are self-paced. Others follow a set schedule. Many include video lectures, readings, and quizzes. Discussion forums are common. They allow students to interact and share ideas. Some courses offer peer assessments. This helps learners get feedback on their work.

Certificates are often available for a fee. These certificates can enhance resumes. They show employers a commitment to learning. Some platforms also offer specializations. These are series of courses focused on a specific skill or topic. Completing a specialization can provide deeper knowledge.

MOOCs have partnerships with universities and colleges. These institutions provide the content. This ensures the quality of the courses. The platforms then deliver the content to a global audience. This collaboration benefits both parties. Universities reach a wider audience. The platforms gain credibility from the association with established institutions.

The rise of MOOCs has sparked debates. Some question their effectiveness. Critics argue that completion rates are low. Many students start courses but do not finish them. Supporters counter that even partial completion is valuable. Learners can still gain new skills and knowledge.

Another concern is the lack of personal interaction. Traditional classrooms offer face-to-face engagement. MOOCs rely on digital communication. This can feel impersonal. However, some platforms have tried to address this. They include live sessions and interactive elements. These features aim to create a sense of community.

Despite these challenges, MOOCs continue to grow. They adapt to changing needs. For example, some platforms now offer degrees. These online degrees are more affordable than traditional ones. They also provide more flexibility. This makes them attractive to working professionals.

The COVID-19 pandemic boosted interest in online learning. Many people turned to MOOCs during lockdowns. This increased demand led to more course offerings. It also highlighted the importance of accessible education.

MOOCs have a significant impact on education. They make learning more accessible. They offer flexibility and a wide range of subjects. While they have challenges, their benefits are clear. As technology advances, MOOCs will likely continue to evolve. They will find new ways to engage and educate learners worldwide.

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