The Most Popular Name in Slovakia, Ranked

Choose the name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 06:45
In a small country like Slovakia, where the blend of tradition and modernity swirls through cities and villages, the stories behind names hold a unique significance. Understanding which names capture the hearts of families gives us insight into cultural priorities and identity shifts over generations. By tracking the most cherished names, we get a snapshot of societal values at any given time. Through your participation, each vote casts a spotlight on what's resonant in today's Slovak society. This dynamic tally not only feeds curiosity but also connects communities, showcasing the trends that define current naming conventions. As names rise and fall in popularity, your involvement shapes a living record of Slovakia’s cultural landscape.

What Is the Most Popular Name in Slovakia?

  1. 1
    This name was the most popular name for boys in Slovakia in 2019. It is of Czech origin and means "from Lucania". You can find more information about this name on
    Lukáš is a popular given name in Slovakia. It is of Slovak origin, derived from the Latin name Lucas. The name Lukáš is commonly used for males and has a strong religious connotation, being associated with Saint Luke, one of the four evangelists in the New Testament. It is a timeless and classic name that has stood the test of time.
    • Origin: Slovak
    • Gender: Male
    • Religious Significance: Associated with Saint Luke
    • Popularity: One of the most popular names in Slovakia
    • Timelessness: A classic name that has stood the test of time
  2. 2
    This name is also of Czech origin and means "asked of God". It was the second most popular name for boys in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Samuel is a common given name in Slovakia. It is derived from the Hebrew name 'Shmuel' meaning 'heard by God' or 'God has heard'.
    • Origin: Hebrew
    • Meaning: 'Heard by God' or 'God has heard'
    • Gender: Male
    • Pronunciation: Sahm-yoo-el
    • Popularity Rank: One of the most popular names in Slovakia
  3. 3
    This name is of Latin origin and means "of Mars, the god of war". It was the third most popular name for boys in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Martin is a traditional and widely used boy name that originates from Latin. It is derived from the Roman name 'Martinus' which means 'of Mars', the Roman god of war. The name Martin has been popularized by various famous personalities and saints throughout history.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Of Mars
    • Popularity: Widely used
    • Famous Personalities: Martin Luther King Jr., Martin Scorsese, Martin Freeman
    • Saints: St. Martin of Tours, St. Martin de Porres
  4. 4
    This name is of Greek origin and means "lover of horses". It was the fourth most popular name for boys in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Filip is one of the most popular names in Macedonia. It is a male given name of Slavic origin, commonly used in the country. The name Filip is derived from the Greek name Philippos, meaning 'lover of horses'. It has been widely used in Macedonian culture and has historical significance.
    • Gender: Male
    • Origin: Slavic
    • Meaning: Lover of horses
    • Popularity: High in Macedonia
    • Usage: Commonly used given name
  5. 5
    This name is of Czech origin and means "twin". It was the fifth most popular name for boys in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Tomáš is a common given name in Slovakia that has its origins in ancient Aramaic and comes from the Greek name Thomas. It is a masculine name widely used and recognized among the Slovak population.
    • Meaning: Twin
    • Pronunciation: Toh-mahsh
    • Gender: Masculine
    • Popularity Rank: Top 10
    • Variant Forms: Toma, Tomas, Tomaš, Thomas, Tom, Tomi
  6. 6
    This name is of Greek origin and means "wisdom". It was the most popular name for girls in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Sofia is a feminine given name that is popular in Italy. It is of Greek origin, derived from the word 'sophia' meaning 'wisdom'.
    • Origin: Greek
    • Meaning: Wisdom
    • Gender: Feminine
    • Popularity: Popular in Italy
    • Famous Namesakes: Sofia Loren, Sofia Coppola
  7. 7
    This name is of Latin origin and means "birthday" or "born on Christmas day". It was the second most popular name for girls in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Natália is a common feminine given name in Slovakia, often pronounced as 'nah-TAH-lee-ah'. It is derived from the Latin word 'natalis' which means 'born on a birthday' or 'Christmas Day'.
    • Meaning: Born on a birthday or Christmas Day
    • Origin: Derived from the Latin word 'natalis'
    • Gender: Feminine
    • Pronunciation: 'nah-TAH-lee-ah'
    • Popularity: One of the most popular names in Slovakia
  8. 8


    This name is of German origin and means "universal". It was the third most popular name for girls in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Ema is a popular female given name in Slovakia. It is derived from the biblical name Emma, which means 'universal' or 'whole'.
    • Origin: Derived from the Hebrew name Emma.
    • Meaning: 'Universal' or 'whole'.
    • Popularity: A commonly used name in Slovakia.
    • Gender: Female.
    • Pronunciation: EH-mah.
  9. 9


    This name is of Hebrew origin and means "mine" or "beloved". It was the fourth most popular name for girls in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Mia is a trendy and beloved female name in Trinidad that carries an air of charm and elegance. It has gained popularity among parents for its simplicity and international appeal.
    • Origin: Mia has multiple origins, including Italian, Scandinavian, and Slavic.
    • Meaning: It is often associated with the meanings 'mine' (Italian) or 'uncertain' (Scandinavian).
    • Pronunciation: Mee-ah or My-ah
    • Celebrity Influence: Mia has been popularized by several notable figures, such as actress Mia Farrow and soccer player Mia Hamm.
    • Popularity: Mia consistently ranks among the top choices for baby girl names in Trinidad and has a universal appeal worldwide.
  10. 10
    This name is of Latin origin and means "victory". It was the fifth most popular name for girls in Slovakia in 2019. You can find more information about this name on
    Viktória is a popular Slovak name for females. It is derived from the Latin word 'victoria', meaning victory. The name Viktória signifies strength, triumph, and success. It is widely used in Slovakia and carries a sense of pride and accomplishment.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Victory
    • Gender: Female
    • Popularity: Popular in Slovakia
    • Symbolism: Strength, triumph, success

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Ranking factors for popular name

  1. Historical and cultural significance
    The popularity of a name in Slovakia may be influenced by its historical and cultural significance. Names of historical figures, national heroes, or popular personalities in Slovakia may be more popular than other names.
  2. Religious influence
    Slovakia is a predominantly Christian country, with Roman Catholicism being the largest religious group. Therefore, names related to Christianity, such as names of saints or biblical characters, may be more popular among Slovaks.
  3. Trend and modernity
    Like in other countries, Slovakia may also experience name trends that change over time. Some names become more popular because of their modern or fashionable appeal.
  4. Pronunciation and ease of use
    Names that are easily pronounced by Slovaks or those that do not have complex spelling or pronunciation rules may be more popular.
  5. Family tradition and heritage
    Many Slovak families pass on names through generations, which can contribute to a name's popularity. Some names become popular in certain regions or communities due to family or ancestry connections.
  6. Uniqueness
    Some parents prefer to give their children unique or less common names, which can impact the popularity of certain names in Slovakia.
  7. Media and celebrity influence
    Television shows, movies, books, and famous personalities may contribute to the popularity of certain names in Slovakia.
  8. Name's meaning
    The meaning of a name can impact its popularity, with some parents choosing names based on their meanings and cultural significance.
  9. Sound and flow
    Some parents may choose names based on how they sound or how well they flow with their child's last name or middle name.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular name in Slovakia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or name is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 174 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each name once every 24 hours. The rank of each name is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular name in slovakia

Slovakia, a central European country with a rich history and culture, boasts a unique naming tradition that reflects its Slavic roots. In Slovakia, first names are typically gender-specific and often have a religious or cultural significance. Some of the most popular Slovakian names for boys include Jan, Tomas, and Michal, while Maria, Lucia, and Anna are among the top choices for girls. With a diverse population and a range of influences from neighboring countries, Slovakia's naming trends continue to evolve and reflect the country's dynamic identity.

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