The Most Popular Name in Sweden, Ranked

Choose the name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 26, 2024 06:44
In a country rich in history and diverse in culture, the popularity of names changes frequently, reflecting trends and cultural shifts. By listing the most popular names, new parents can find inspiration and insights into names that resonate with Swedish cultural heritage and contemporary trends. This ongoing ranking offers a snapshot of societal preferences, guiding choices in a deeply personal yet culturally connected decision. When you participate in voting for your favorite names, you directly influence this dynamic list’s outcome. Your votes help not only to reflect current trends but also to shape future naming practices in Sweden. Engaging in this process offers a sense of community involvement and keeps the list fresh and relevant. Every vote matters and can potentially spotlight new names or keep classic favorites in circulation.

What Is the Most Popular Name in Sweden?

  1. 1
    This name has been the most popular name in Sweden for three consecutive years. It is a classic name that has been popular for centuries.
    Alice is a popular given name in Sweden, typically given to female individuals. It has a timeless and classic feel to it, and is widely used across different generations. The name Alice holds a significant place in Swedish culture.
    • Gender: Female
    • Popularity: High
    • Origin: Old Germanic
    • Meaning: The name Alice means 'noble' or 'of noble birth'
    • Pronunciation: AH-lee-seh
  2. 2
    William is a traditional name that has remained popular in Sweden for many years. It is currently the most popular name for boys in Sweden.
    William is a traditional boys' name of English origin, which has remained consistently popular over the years. It conveys a sense of strength, elegance, and timeless charm. The name William derives from the Germanic elements 'wil', meaning 'desire', and 'helm', meaning 'helmet' or 'protection'. It has royal associations as several kings of England and rulers of other European countries have borne the name.
    • Origin: English
    • Meaning: Desire for protection
    • Popularity: Consistently popular in England
    • Associations: Royalty
    • Strength: Evokes a sense of strength and power
  3. 3
    Elsa is a popular name in Sweden that has been gaining popularity in recent years, partly due to the success of the movie Frozen.
  4. 4
    Lucas is a popular name in Sweden that has been in the top five for several years. It is a classic name that has been popular for many years.
    Lucas is a popular boy name of Latin origin. It is derived from the Latin name Lucius, meaning 'light' or 'illumination.' Lucas has gained widespread popularity in various countries and cultures.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Light or illumination
    • Popularity: Widespread in various countries and cultures
    • Gender: Male
    • Famous Namesakes: Lucas Black, Lucas Till, Lucas Hedges
  5. 5
    Olivia is a popular name in Sweden that has been in the top five for many years. It is a classic name that has been popular for centuries.
    Olivia is a popular baby name that has been consistently ranking high on the charts. It is a name of Latin origin, meaning 'olive tree'. Olivia is beloved for its timeless elegance and soft femininity, making it a classic choice for parents around the world.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Olive tree
    • Popularity: Consistently ranked high
    • Elegance: Timeless
    • Femininity: Soft
  6. 6
    Liam is a popular name in Sweden that has been in the top five for several years. It is a traditional name that has remained popular for many years.
    Liam is a popular baby name that derives from Irish origin, specifically from the Irish version of the name William. It has gained substantial popularity in recent years around the world.
    • Origin: Irish
    • Meaning: Strong-willed warrior
    • Gender: Predominantly male
    • Popularity: Consistently ranks among the top baby names in multiple countries
    • Famous Namesakes: Liam Neeson, Liam Hemsworth
  7. 7
    Ella is a popular name in Sweden that has been in the top ten for several years. It is a classic name that has been popular for centuries.
    Located in the central highlands of Sri Lanka, Ella is a picturesque hill town known for its abundant natural beauty. Surrounded by lush greenery, cascading waterfalls, and tea plantations, Ella offers breathtaking panoramic views of the mountains. The town exudes a serene and peaceful atmosphere, attracting tourists from all over the world.
    • Elevation: 1,041 meters (3,415 feet)
    • Scenic Train Ride: Ella Railway Station is renowned for one of the most scenic train routes in the world
    • Demographics: Population of around 10,000 people
    • Waterfalls: Ravana Falls, Bambaragama Falls, and Diyaluma Falls are some of the famous waterfalls in the vicinity
    • Hiking Trails: Ella Rock and Little Adam's Peak offer rewarding trekking experiences with stunning viewpoints
  8. 8
    Emil is a popular name in Sweden that has been in the top ten for many years. It is a traditional name that has remained popular for many years.
    Emil is a common male given name in Bulgaria. It has Germanic origins and means 'rival' or 'challenger'. The name is often associated with qualities like determination, strength, and leadership.
    • Origin: Germanic
    • Meaning: Rival, challenger
    • Gender: Male
    • Popularity: Common in Bulgaria
    • Traits: Determined, strong, leader
  9. 9
    Saga is a popular name in Sweden that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It is a unique name that has become increasingly popular.
    Saga is a popular comic book series that combines elements of science fiction and fantasy. It follows the epic tale of two star-crossed lovers, Alana and Marko, from different warring planets who embark on a dangerous journey to protect their family. The story is filled with gripping adventures, complex characters, and a richly crafted universe.
    • Publication Date: March 2012 - Present
    • Genre: Science fiction, Fantasy
    • Publisher: Image Comics
    • Number of Issues: 54 (as of October 2021)
    • Main Characters: Alana, Marko, Hazel, Prince Robot IV, The Will, Lying Cat, Gwendolyn, Sophie, Upsher, and Doff
  10. 10
    Alexander is a popular name in Sweden that has been in the top ten for several years. It is a traditional name that has remained popular for many years.
    The papal name Alexander has been widely adopted by Popes throughout history. It symbolizes strength, leadership, and a connection to the great Alexander the Great of ancient times. The name Alexander is derived from the Greek name Alexandros, meaning 'defender of the people'.
    • Papal Name: Alexander
    • Meaning: 'Defender of the people'
    • Origin: Greek
    • Symbolism: Strength, Leadership
    • Inspiration: Alexander the Great

Missing your favorite name?


Ranking factors for popular name

  1. Historical popularity
    Consider names that have been popular in Sweden over the years. Traditional Swedish names like Johan, Erik, Anna, and Maria have always been popular among the population.
  2. Cultural influences
    Evaluate the impact of cultural events and trends, such as popular TV shows, movies, and literature, as they can influence the popularity of certain names.
  3. Demographics
    Consider the different ethnicities and cultures residing in Sweden, as names popular among immigrants and minority groups can affect the overall popularity ranking.
  4. Trend changes
    Assess whether any significant shifts in name trends have occurred in recent years. For instance, currently, there might be a trend towards more unique or unisex names. 6. Pronunciation and spelling: Swedish names that are easy to pronounce and spell can contribute to their popularity.
  5. Name meanings
    In some cases, names with particular meanings or associations might gain popularity.
  6. Celebrity influence
    Names of Swedish or international celebrities might influence the popularity of certain names in Sweden.
  7. Social media trends
    Social media platforms can sometimes lead to the popularity of specific names. Look for any trending names on popular platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular name in Sweden. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or name is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 167 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each name once every 24 hours. The rank of each name is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular name in sweden

Sweden is a country rich in culture and tradition, with a diverse population that has contributed to the country's vibrant history. One of the most fascinating aspects of Swedish society is their naming conventions. In Sweden, names are not just a label, but rather a reflection of the country's values and beliefs. The most popular names in Sweden are often inspired by nature, mythology, and history. Swedish names are also gender-neutral, meaning that they can be used for both boys and girls. The most popular names for boys in Sweden include William, Noah, and Liam, while the most popular names for girls are Alice, Olivia, and Astrid. Understanding Swedish naming conventions is essential for anyone interested in Swedish culture, and StrawPoll is the perfect platform to explore this fascinating topic further.

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