The Most Popular Girls' Name in California, Ranked

Choose the girls' name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 20, 2024 06:54
Selecting a name for a newborn can be both an exciting and daunting task for parents. In California, a state known for its diverse culture and population, the trends in baby names can vary widely from year to year. Keeping track of the most popular girls' names helps expectant parents make informed decisions by understanding which names are currently favored by others. By voting for your favorite girls' names, you contribute to a dynamic list that reflects current preferences and changes over time. This list not only serves as a guide for new parents but also captures cultural shifts and popular trends in naming. Your participation ensures that the ranking remains fresh and relevant, providing valuable insights for anyone interested in the popularity of girls' names in California.

What Is the Most Popular Girls' Name in California?

  1. 1


    The sixth most popular girls' name in California.
    • Origin: Greek
    • Meaning: Wisdom
  2. 2


    The second most popular girls' name in California.
    • Origin: German
    • Meaning: Whole or universal
  3. 4


    The third most popular girls' name in California.
    • Origin: Scandinavian, Italian
    • Meaning: Mine; bitter
  4. 5


    The fifth most popular girls' name in California.
    • Origin: Hebrew, Italian
    • Meaning: Pledged to God
  5. 7


    The seventh most popular girls' name in California.
    • Origin: German
    • Meaning: Work
  6. 8


    The ninth most popular girls' name in California.
    • Origin: Greek
    • Meaning: Wisdom
  7. 9


    The eighth most popular girls' name in California.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Moon
  8. 10


    The fourth most popular girls' name in California.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Young ceremonial attendant

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular girls' name in California. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or girl's name is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 187 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each girl's name once every 24 hours. The rank of each girl's name is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Girls' Name in California

Names hold deep significance in many cultures. They often reflect trends, traditions, and societal influences. In California, the most popular girls' name reveals much about the cultural landscape.

California is a melting pot of diverse cultures. This diversity influences naming trends. Many parents choose names that honor their heritage. Others prefer names that sound modern and unique. The most popular name often blends these elements.

The state has a rich history of immigration. People from all over the world have settled here. This influx brings a variety of naming traditions. Spanish and Latin American influences are strong. Names that are popular in these cultures often rise to the top.

Celebrities also play a role. California is home to Hollywood. Many parents look to the stars for inspiration. A name that a famous actress or singer chooses for her daughter can quickly become trendy.

Literature and media impact naming trends too. A character from a popular book or TV show can inspire many parents. The name becomes associated with positive traits or strong personalities. This can make it more appealing.

Trends in baby names change over time. What was popular ten years ago might not be today. Parents often seek names that are fresh and current. They want something that stands out but is not too unusual.

The rise of social media has also influenced naming trends. Parents share their name choices online. They seek feedback and approval from friends and followers. This can lead to certain names gaining popularity quickly.

Names often reflect broader societal trends. In recent years, there has been a shift towards names that are gender-neutral. Some parents prefer names that do not clearly identify gender. This reflects a broader move towards gender equality and inclusivity.

The most popular name in California often has a melodic sound. It is easy to pronounce and spell. This makes it accessible to people from different backgrounds. It also ensures that the name will be well-received in various social settings.

Choosing a name is a significant decision for parents. They consider many factors. They want a name that their child will be proud of. They also want it to reflect their values and aspirations.

In California, the most popular girls' name is a blend of tradition and modernity. It reflects the state's diverse population and rich cultural heritage. It is influenced by celebrities, literature, and societal trends. It is a name that resonates with many parents and is likely to remain popular for years to come.

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