The Most Popular Girls' Name in California, Ranked

Choose the girls' name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 24, 2024 07:13
In California, a state known for its diverse culture and population, the popular names given to new-born girls often reflect trends that are admired nationwide. Tracking these names is not just about keeping tabs on what’s in style; it also provides insight into cultural shifts and values that resonate across communities. This is especially helpful for expecting parents caught in the indecision of naming their child, providing a current snapshot of names that are cherished and celebrated. By participating in voting, users contribute to shaping a real-time reflection of what names are most admired today. This dynamic ranking offers a unique glimpse into the preferences and influences prevailing in California at any given time. Whether you're simply curious, seeking inspiration, or looking to keep up with societal trends, your vote can add valuable perspective to this ongoing narrative.

What Is the Most Popular Girls' Name in California?

  1. 1
    According to BabyCenter, Sophia has been the most popular girls' name in California for the past few years. The name is of Greek origin and means "wisdom."
    Sophia is a popular baby name that has a timeless and elegant appeal. It exudes sophistication and grace, making it a favorite among parents looking for a classic name for their little ones. Sophia has a rich history, derived from the Greek word 'sophia' meaning wisdom. It has been consistently ranked among the top baby names globally, reflecting its enduring popularity.
    • Origin: Greek
    • Meaning: Wisdom
    • Popularity Ranking: Consistently ranked among the top baby names globally
    • Timelessness: Enduring popularity and classic appeal
    • Elegance: Sophisticated and graceful vibe
  2. 2
    Emma is another popular name in California, ranking in the top three according to BabyCenter. The name is of German origin and means "universal."
    Emma is a popular baby name that has been trending this year. It is a feminine name with timeless appeal and a classic charm. Emma is of German origin and means 'whole' or 'universal'. It is often associated with strength, grace, and elegance. This name has been consistently popular and has remained in the top ranks for several years.
    • Origin: German
    • Meaning: Whole, universal
    • Popularity: Consistently popular, trending this year
    • Gender: Feminine
    • Appeal: Timeless, classic, charming
  3. 3


    Mia is a trendy name that has been rising in popularity in California. The name is of Italian origin and means "mine."
    Mia is a trendy and beloved female name in Trinidad that carries an air of charm and elegance. It has gained popularity among parents for its simplicity and international appeal.
    • Origin: Mia has multiple origins, including Italian, Scandinavian, and Slavic.
    • Meaning: It is often associated with the meanings 'mine' (Italian) or 'uncertain' (Scandinavian).
    • Pronunciation: Mee-ah or My-ah
    • Celebrity Influence: Mia has been popularized by several notable figures, such as actress Mia Farrow and soccer player Mia Hamm.
    • Popularity: Mia consistently ranks among the top choices for baby girl names in Trinidad and has a universal appeal worldwide.
  4. 4
    Olivia is a classic name that has remained popular in California. The name is of Latin origin and means "olive tree."
    Olivia is a popular baby name that has been consistently ranking high on the charts. It is a name of Latin origin, meaning 'olive tree'. Olivia is beloved for its timeless elegance and soft femininity, making it a classic choice for parents around the world.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Olive tree
    • Popularity: Consistently ranked high
    • Elegance: Timeless
    • Femininity: Soft
  5. 5
    Isabella is a popular name in California, ranking in the top 10 according to BabyCenter. The name is of Italian origin and means "God is my oath."
    Isabella is a popular baby name which has gained significant popularity in recent years. It exudes elegance, femininity, and grace, making it a top choice for parents around the world. With a timeless appeal, Isabella has become a classic name that continues to resonate with many.
    • Meaning: Isabella is a variant of Elizabeth, originating from Hebrew, meaning 'God is my oath.'
    • Origin: Isabella has roots in various cultures, including Hebrew, Spanish, Italian, and English.
    • Popularity: Isabella has consistently ranked among the top baby names in recent years, both in the United States and internationally.
    • Celebrity Associations: The name Isabella has been chosen by several notable figures, including actress Isabella Rossellini and author Isabella Allende.
    • Variations: Isabella has numerous variations in different languages, such as Isabel, Isabelle, and Izabella.
  6. 6


    Ava is a short and sweet name that has been rising in popularity in California. The name is of Latin origin and means "life" or "bird."
    Ava is a stylish and timeless baby name that has been consistently popular in recent years. It has a gentle sound and a beautiful meaning, making it a favored choice among parents.
    • Meaning: Ava is derived from the Latin word 'avis,' meaning bird, symbolizing freedom and grace.
    • Origin: Ava has different origins and can be traced back to various cultures, including Latin and Germanic languages.
    • Popularity: Ava has consistently been among the top baby names in recent years, demonstrating its widespread appeal.
    • Celebrity Influence: Several celebrities, such as Reese Witherspoon and Hugh Jackman, have chosen the name Ava for their children, contributing to its popularity.
    • Simplicity: Ava is a short and simple name, consisting of only three letters, making it easy to pronounce and remember.
  7. 7
    Emily is a timeless name that has remained popular in California. The name is of Latin origin and means "rival."
    Emily is a popular girls' name in California. It is derived from the Latin name Aemilia, which means 'rival'. It is a timeless name that has been consistently popular over the years. Emily is favored for its simplicity, elegance, and versatility.
    • Meaning: 'Rival' in Latin
    • Origin: Derived from the Latin name Aemilia
    • Popularity: Consistently popular in California
    • Simplicity: Simple and easy to pronounce
    • Elegance: Elegant and feminine
  8. 8
    Harper is a trendy name that has been rising in popularity in California. The name is of English origin and means "harp player."
    The Harper is a popular unisex given name and surname, derived from an English occupational name meaning 'harp player' or 'maker of harps'. It gained significant popularity as a given name after the American author Harper Lee published her acclaimed novel 'To Kill a Mockingbird'.
    • Gender: Unisex
    • Meaning: 'Harp player' or 'maker of harps'
    • Popularity: Significantly gained popularity as a given name after the publication of 'To Kill a Mockingbird'
    • Occupation: Historically associated with harp players or makers of harps
    • Surname Usage: Common as a surname
  9. 9
    Charlotte is a classic name that has remained popular in California. The name is of French origin and means "free man."
  10. 10
    Amelia is a popular name in California, ranking in the top 10 according to BabyCenter. The name is of German origin and means "work" or "industrious."
    Amelia is a popular name for girls in California, known for its timeless charm and elegance. It has gained wide popularity in recent years and continues to be a beloved choice among parents. The name Amelia has a classic and sophisticated sound, making it suitable for both young girls and adults. It embodies a sense of grace and strength, adding a touch of sophistication to those who bear the name.
    • Origin: Latin
    • Meaning: Derived from the Germanic name Amalia, meaning 'work' or 'industrious'
    • Pronunciation: Uh-MEE-lee-uh
    • Popularity Ranking: Consistently ranks among the top 10 most popular names for girls in California
    • International Popularity: Also widely popular in other English-speaking countries and across the world

Missing your favorite girls' name?


Ranking factors for popular girls' name

  1. Frequency
    The number of times a particular name is given to newborn girls in California within a given time period, usually a year. This helps to understand the popularity and commonness of a name. 2. Trends: Observing the trends in recent years for a name's popularity, such as whether it has been on the rise or decline, can provide insights into how popular it is among parents.
  2. Celebrity and media influence
    The popularity of a name can be affected by famous personalities, fictional characters, or other media influences. A name given to a celebrity baby or popular TV show character may see a surge in popularity.
  3. Pronunciation and spelling
    Names that are easily pronounced and spelled may be more popular due to their simplicity and accessibility, which could contribute to their ranking.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular girls' name in California. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or girl's name is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 215 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each girl's name once every 24 hours. The rank of each girl's name is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular girls' name in california

California is one of the most diverse states in the United States, with a population of over 39 million people. As a result, it's no surprise that the most popular girls' name in California can vary widely depending on the region and cultural influences. California's topography, climate, and history have all played a role in shaping the names that parents choose for their daughters. From traditional names like Emma and Olivia to more unique ones like Aaliyah and Sofia, there's no shortage of options for parents looking to name their baby girls. So, what is the most popular girls' name in California? Let's take a closer look.

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