The Most Popular Girl's Name in India, Ranked

Choose the girl's name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 15, 2024 06:54
Choosing a name for a newborn can be a significant decision, shaping part of a child's identity for life. In India, where cultural richness and diversity proliferate through every aspect of life, picking a name resonates deeply with familial traditions, local customs, and personal preferences. A list that ranks the most popular girls' names can provide a window into current trends and cultural preferences across different regions. By participating in voting on these names, you contribute to a broader understanding of what's trending in naming conventions right now. This dynamic tally not only helps expectant parents or curious individuals get a grasp of popular choices but also reflects the fluid nature of culture and communication across the country. Your vote matters and directly influences the live updating of this list.

What Is the Most Popular Girl's Name in India?

  1. 1


    A name that stands for uniqueness and distinction.
    • Meaning: Incomparable
  2. 2


    A name that signifies the beginning, often associated with Goddess Durga.
    • Meaning: First power
  3. 3


    A name that signifies light and radiance.
    • Meaning: Lamp; Light
  4. 4


    A name that signifies the one who has to be followed.
    • Meaning: One of Devi's names
  5. 5


    A popular name for girls in India, often associated with Goddess Lakshmi.
    • Meaning: Knowledge; One who will be followed
  6. 6


    A name that conveys nobility and honor.
    • Meaning: Noble
  7. 7


    A name that is often associated with Goddess Parvati, symbolizing purity.
    • Meaning: One who protects
  8. 8


    A modern and popular name in India with an exotic appeal.
    • Meaning: Dark; Little dark one
  9. 9


    A name that signifies inner light and dawn.
    • Meaning: Dawn; Inner light
  10. 10


    A unique name that means one who is unique in every aspect.
    • Meaning: World; Earth

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular girl's name in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or name is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 57 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each name once every 24 hours. The rank of each name is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Girl's Name in India

In India, names hold deep meaning and cultural significance. Choosing a name for a baby girl is a momentous occasion. Families often look to tradition, religion, and current trends for inspiration. The most popular girl's name in India reflects a blend of these influences.

Many names in India have roots in ancient texts and mythology. These names carry stories and virtues that parents wish to pass on to their children. For example, names from Hindu mythology are common. They often represent goddesses or characters with admirable traits. These names are timeless and continue to be favored across generations.

Religion plays a crucial role in name selection. India is home to diverse religions, each with its own set of names. Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, and other religions contribute to the rich tapestry of Indian names. A popular girl's name might come from a revered figure or a sacred text. This connection to faith provides a sense of identity and belonging.

Modern trends also influence name choices. Parents today seek names that are unique yet meaningful. They want names that are easy to pronounce and spell. This trend reflects a globalized world where people move and interact across cultures. A name that is simple and elegant can help a child navigate this interconnected world.

The sound of a name is important too. Many popular names have a melodious quality. They often end with vowels, giving them a soft and pleasant sound. This phonetic appeal makes the name easy on the ears and memorable.

Cultural diversity within India leads to regional variations in popular names. Different states and communities have their own naming conventions. A name popular in one region might be less common in another. This regional flavor adds to the richness of Indian names.

Family traditions also play a role. Some families follow the custom of naming children after elders. This practice honors ancestors and keeps their memory alive. It also creates a sense of continuity and connection within the family.

Celebrities and public figures can influence naming trends. When a famous person has a child, the name they choose can become fashionable. Media coverage and social media amplify this effect, spreading the name's popularity quickly.

Names can also reflect the aspirations parents have for their children. They might choose a name that signifies strength, beauty, wisdom, or success. This choice reflects the hopes and dreams they hold for their daughter's future.

Despite the variety of influences, the most popular girl's name in India embodies a blend of tradition, modernity, and cultural pride. It resonates with people across different backgrounds and regions. This name stands as a testament to India's rich heritage and evolving identity.

In conclusion, the popularity of a girl's name in India is shaped by a mix of historical, religious, and contemporary factors. It is a reflection of the country's diverse and dynamic culture. Choosing such a name is a meaningful decision, one that carries the weight of tradition and the promise of the future.

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