The Most Popular Gin in England, Ranked

Choose the gin you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:54
Gin enthusiasts often face the challenge of choosing from the myriad of options available, each promising a unique blend of botanicals and flavors. Having a clear, democratically-generated ranking helps both newcomers and aficionados make informed decisions. Such a ranking reflects current trends and public favor, providing a snapshot of what's captivating the tastes of the nation. By participating in the voting process, users have the opportunity to influence the rankings and see how their preferences stack up against the wider community. This interactive system not only fosters a community of like-minded enthusiasts but also keeps the list fresh and reflective of real-time popular opinion. Each vote contributes to the evolving narrative of what truly stands out in the world of gin.

What Is the Most Popular Gin in England?

  1. 1


    A prestigious gin that has been around since 1830, Tanqueray is known for its crisp, dry taste and iconic green bottle.
    • Founded: 1830
    • Type: London Dry Gin
  2. 2


    One of the few gins still distilled in London, Beefeater is known for its classic and balanced flavor.
    • Founded: 1863
    • Type: London Dry Gin
  3. 3
    Bombay Sapphire

    Bombay Sapphire

    Known for its aromatic botanicals and distinctive blue bottle, Bombay Sapphire is a leading premium gin.
    • Founded: 1987
    • Type: London Dry Gin
  4. 4


    A gin with a slightly sweeter taste and a rich history, Plymouth is one of the oldest gins still in production.
    • Founded: 1793
    • Type: Plymouth Gin
  5. 5


    A Scottish gin that is infused with cucumber and rose, Hendrick's offers a unique flavor profile.
    • Founded: 1999
    • Type: Infused Gin
  6. 6


    Warner's distillery produces a range of farm-grown gins, emphasizing sustainability and natural ingredients.
    • Founded: 2012
    • Type: Craft Gin
  7. 7


    Brockmans is a modern gin known for its unique blend of botanicals, offering a smooth and fruity flavor.
    • Founded: 2008
    • Type: New Western Gin
  8. 8


    A pioneer of the gin renaissance in London, Sipsmith combines traditional methods with a modern twist.
    • Founded: 2009
    • Type: London Dry Gin
  9. 9

    Monkey 47

    Although not a British gin, Monkey 47 has gained popularity in England for its complex blend of 47 botanicals.
    • Founded: 2008
    • Type: German Dry Gin
  10. 10


    One of the best-selling London Dry gins globally, Gordon's has been around since 1769.
    • Founded: 1769
    • Type: London Dry Gin

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular gin in England. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or gin is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 56 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each gin once every 24 hours. The rank of each gin is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Gin in England

Rank #1 for the most popular gin in England: Tanqueray (Source)
Gin has deep roots in England. Its history stretches back hundreds of years. The spirit gained fame during the 18th century. At that time, gin was cheap and easy to make. This led to the "Gin Craze," a period when many people consumed large amounts. The government stepped in to control its production and sale. This resulted in better quality and more refined flavors.

English gin stands out for its distinct taste. It uses juniper berries as the main ingredient. These berries give it a pine-like flavor. Other botanicals often include coriander, angelica root, and citrus peels. Each distillery has its own recipe, adding unique twists to the classic flavor. This variety makes gin a versatile spirit, suitable for many cocktails.

The production process of gin involves distillation. First, distillers create a neutral grain spirit. They then add botanicals to this base. The mixture is distilled again to infuse the flavors. This double distillation process ensures a clean and smooth taste. Some distilleries use pot stills, while others use column stills. Each method impacts the final flavor profile.

Gin's popularity surged again in recent years. The craft movement played a big role in this revival. Small distilleries emerged, each offering unique blends. These craft gins often highlight local ingredients. This trend brought a new appreciation for the spirit. People now explore different types and flavors, enhancing their drinking experience.

Mixologists also contributed to gin's resurgence. Classic cocktails like the gin and tonic, martini, and negroni became fashionable once more. Bartenders experiment with new recipes, showcasing gin's versatility. This renewed interest in cocktails boosted gin's profile in bars and homes alike.

English gin brands have a strong presence globally. They are known for their quality and heritage. Many have won awards and accolades. This recognition helps maintain their status as top choices for gin lovers. The export market for English gin continues to grow, reaching new audiences worldwide.

Gin also plays a role in English culture. It is a staple at many social events. From garden parties to formal gatherings, gin-based drinks are often served. The spirit embodies a sense of tradition and sophistication. Its enduring appeal lies in its ability to adapt while retaining its core essence.

In recent times, sustainability has become important in gin production. Many distilleries now focus on eco-friendly practices. They source botanicals responsibly and reduce waste. This shift reflects a broader trend in the beverage industry. Consumers increasingly prefer products that align with their values.

Gin's journey in England is a story of evolution. From its humble beginnings to its current status, it has seen many changes. Yet, it remains a beloved spirit, cherished for its rich history and complex flavors. Its future looks bright as new generations discover and enjoy its unique qualities.

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