The Most Popular NHL Mascot, Ranked

Choose the mascot you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:58
The excitement of a hockey game often transcends the action on the ice, with mascots playing a key role in enhancing the fan experience. From energizing the crowd to engaging with the community, these mascots are more than sideline entertainers. Yet, opinions on which mascot tops the list can vary widely among fans. By offering a space for fans to vote on their favorite NHL mascots, we provide a dynamic snapshot of popular opinion. This ongoing voting process allows you to throw your support behind your favorite and see how others are ranking them. It's a fun way to see where your top picks stand and to contribute to shaping the mascot hierarchy.

Who Is the Most Popular NHL Mascot?

  1. 1


    The official mascot for the Philadelphia Flyers.
    • Debut: 2018
    • Team: Philadelphia Flyers
  2. 2


    The official mascot for the Montreal Canadiens.
    • Debut: 1979
    • Team: Montreal Canadiens
  3. 3


    The official mascot for the Los Angeles Kings.
    • Debut: 2007
    • Team: Los Angeles Kings
  4. 4


    The official mascot for the Pittsburgh Penguins.
    • Debut: 1992
    • Team: Pittsburgh Penguins
  5. 5


    The official mascot for the Minnesota Wild.
    • Debut: 2008
    • Team: Minnesota Wild
  6. 6

    Tommy Hawk

    The official mascot for the Chicago Blackhawks.
    • Debut: 2001
    • Team: Chicago Blackhawks
  7. 7


    The official mascot for the Arizona Coyotes.
    • Debut: 2005
    • Team: Arizona Coyotes
  8. 8
    S.J. Sharkie

    S.J. Sharkie

    The official mascot for the San Jose Sharks.
    • Debut: 1992
    • Team: San Jose Sharks
  9. 9
    Blades the Bruin

    Blades the Bruin

    The official mascot for the Boston Bruins.
    • Debut: 1999
    • Team: Boston Bruins
  10. 10
    Mick E. Moose

    Mick E. Moose

    The official mascot for the Winnipeg Jets.
    • Debut: 2011
    • Team: Winnipeg Jets

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular NHL mascot. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or mascot is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 149 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each mascot once every 24 hours. The rank of each mascot is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular NHL Mascot

Rank #1 for the most popular NHL mascot: Gritty (Source)
NHL mascots bring energy and excitement to hockey games. They help create a fun atmosphere for fans of all ages. These mascots are usually large, colorful characters. They often have exaggerated features, making them easy to spot in a crowd. Their job is to entertain and engage with fans during games.

Mascots perform various tasks. They dance, cheer, and interact with the audience. They also pose for photos and sign autographs. During breaks in the game, they take part in on-ice activities. These can include races, games, and even skits. Their antics keep the crowd entertained and engaged, even when the action on the ice pauses.

Creating a mascot involves careful planning. Teams choose designs that reflect their identity. This can include team colors, logos, and other elements. The mascot's personality is also important. It should match the team's spirit and values. Designers work to create a character that fans will love and remember.

Mascots play a key role in community events. They attend charity functions, school visits, and other public appearances. This helps build a strong connection between the team and its fans. Mascots often become the face of the team's outreach efforts. They spread goodwill and promote the sport in their communities.

Mascots also have a presence on social media. They share photos, videos, and updates with fans. This helps keep the team in the public eye, even during the off-season. Engaging with fans online helps build a loyal following. It also allows the mascot to connect with a wider audience.

The role of a mascot is not easy. It requires physical stamina and a positive attitude. The person inside the costume must be able to perform for long periods. They must also be able to handle the heat and weight of the costume. Despite these challenges, many find the job rewarding. They enjoy making fans happy and being part of the team.

Mascots often have unique backstories. These stories add depth to their characters. They explain how the mascot came to be and why they support the team. Fans enjoy learning about these origins. It helps them feel more connected to the mascot and the team.

Mascots can become iconic symbols of their teams. They are often featured on merchandise, such as T-shirts, hats, and toys. Fans love to collect these items as a way to show their support. The popularity of a mascot can even influence the team's overall brand.

In conclusion, NHL mascots play a vital role in the sport. They entertain fans, promote the team, and engage with the community. Their presence adds a unique and enjoyable element to the game. Through their efforts, they help create lasting memories for fans.

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