The Most Popular Pizza Topping in India, Ranked

Choose the pizza topping you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 27, 2024 06:46
In a dynamic country like India, where culinary preferences can shift from region to region, keeping up with the most cherished pizza topping can become quite an intriguing endeavor. This ranking provides a current snapshot of nationwide favorites, helping you see which toppings resonate most with the diverse palate across India. By participating in this live ranking, every user has the opportunity to impact the results and showcase their individual preferences. Whether you trend towards the sweet, savory, or spicy, your votes help pinpoint the collective taste of pizza lovers throughout the country. So, cast your vote and see where your favorites stack up against the competition!

What Is the Most Popular Pizza Topping in India?

  1. 1
    Cottage cheese is a popular vegetarian protein source in India, and it is commonly used as a pizza topping. It adds a creamy texture and slightly tangy taste to the pizza.
    Paneer is a type of fresh cheese commonly used as a topping on pizzas in India. It is made by curdling milk with a food acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar, and then straining it. Paneer is similar to cottage cheese but has a firmer texture and a milder taste. It is often cubed and marinated before being added as a pizza topping.
    • Texture: Firm
    • Taste: Mild
    • Preparation: Curdling milk with an acid
    • Shape: Cubed
    • Marination: Often marinated before use
  2. 2
    Chicken marinated in Indian spices and grilled is a popular topping for pizza. It adds a smoky flavor and spicy taste to the pizza.
    Chicken Tikka is a popular pizza topping in India. It consists of succulent pieces of marinated chicken tikka, which are traditionally cooked in a tandoor (clay oven) to give them a smoky and charred flavor. The chicken tikka is then placed on a pizza crust along with other ingredients.
    • Flavor: Smoky and charred
    • Texture: Tender and juicy
    • Spiciness: Medium to high
    • Ingredients: Chicken tikka, pizza crust, cheese, and other toppings
    • Color: Golden brown
  3. 3
    Onions are a staple ingredient in Indian cuisine, and they add a sweet and slightly pungent flavor to the pizza.
    The Onion bagel is a savory and aromatic bagel flavor that is beloved by many. It is known for its distinctive taste and is a popular choice for breakfast or a satisfying snack. The Onion bagel offers a unique combination of flavors, with a hint of sweetness from the onions and a satisfying chewy texture. It pairs well with a variety of toppings and spreads, making it a versatile choice for bagel enthusiasts.
    • Flavor: Savory and aromatic with a hint of sweetness
    • Texture: Chewy and dense
    • Topping suggestions: Cream cheese, lox, tomato, cucumber, or scrambled eggs
    • Size: Typically around 4-5 inches in diameter
    • Calories: Approximately 250-300 calories per bagel
  4. 4
    Capsicum or bell peppers are commonly used in Indian cuisine and add a sweet and slightly bitter taste to the pizza.
    Capsicum is a popular pizza topping in India that consists of bell peppers sliced into thin pieces and scattered over the pizza. It adds a colorful and crunchy element to the pizza and is loved for its mild and slightly sweet flavor. Capsicum is known for enhancing the overall taste and texture of the pizza.
    • Taste: Mild, slightly sweet
    • Texture: Crunchy
    • Appearance: Colorful, often green, red or yellow
    • Preparation: Sliced into thin pieces
    • Usage: Pizza topping
  5. 5
    Mushrooms are a popular pizza topping worldwide, and they add an earthy flavor to the pizza.
  6. 6
    Sweetcorn is a popular pizza topping in India, and it adds a sweet and slightly crunchy texture to the pizza.
    Corn, also known as maize, is a widely cultivated agricultural product that originated in Mesoamerica. It is a staple food for many cultures around the world and is used in various forms, including grains, meal, flour, and oil. Corn is primarily grown for its edible kernels, which can be consumed fresh, dried, or processed into various food products and derivatives.
    • Scientific Name: Zea mays
    • Family: Poaceae
    • Origin: Mesoamerica
    • Cultivation Area: Global
    • Growing Season: Warm and temperate climates
  7. 7
    Olives are a popular pizza topping worldwide, and they add a salty and slightly tangy taste to the pizza.
    Olives are a popular pizza topping known for their distinctive flavor and unique texture. These small, oval-shaped fruits are harvested from the olive tree and offer a rich, briny taste that adds both depth and complexity to the overall pizza experience. Olives are commonly used in various cuisines around the world and have become a beloved addition to many pizza recipes.
    • Varieties: Olives come in different varieties, including black, green, and Kalamata olives.
    • Flavor: Olives have a tangy, briny taste that ranges from mild to intense, depending on the variety.
    • Texture: Olives have a soft, tender texture with a slightly chewy quality, adding a pleasant contrast to the pizza.
    • Appearance: Olives are typically small, round or oval-shaped fruits with a dark or greenish color, depending on the variety.
    • Preparation: Olives used as pizza toppings are usually pitted and sliced to ensure easy consumption and even distribution on the pizza surface.
  8. 8
    Jalapenos add a spicy and slightly sour taste to the pizza. It is a popular topping for those who enjoy spicy food.
    Jalapenos are a popular pizza topping in India. They are green chilli peppers, known for their spicy and tangy flavor. The jalapenos used on pizzas are typically pickled or brined to enhance their taste. The heat level of jalapenos can vary, ranging from mild to hot.
    • Spiciness Level: Varies from mild to hot
    • Flavor: Spicy and tangy
    • Preparation: Pickled or brined
    • Color: Green
    • Texture: Firm and crisp
  9. 9
    Pineapple is a popular pizza topping in India, and it adds a sweet and slightly tangy taste to the pizza. It is often paired with ham or bacon.
    Pineapple is a refreshing and tropical prime drink flavor that is loved by many. It combines the sweet and tangy taste of ripe pineapples, creating a delightful and invigorating experience. The flavor is often associated with summer, beaches, and a tropical getaway.
    • Taste: Sweet and tangy
    • Profile: Tropical
    • Popularity: High
    • Aroma: Fruity
    • Color: Yellow
  10. 10
    Chicken Sausage
    Tamorlan · CC BY-SA 3.0
    Chicken sausage is a popular pizza topping in India, and it adds a meaty and slightly smoky flavor to the pizza. It is a popular topping for meat lovers.
    Chicken Sausage is a popular pizza topping in India that consists of pieces of seasoned and cooked chicken sausage.
    • Texture: Juicy and tender
    • Flavor: Savory and slightly smoky
    • Size: Small, bite-sized pieces
    • Seasoning: Often seasoned with herbs and spices
    • Cooking Method: Grilled or pan-fried before being used as a pizza topping

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Ranking factors for popular pizza topping

  1. Vegetarian vs. non-vegetarian
    A significant portion of the Indian population is vegetarian, which means that meat-based toppings may not be as popular as vegetable-based ones. It is important to consider the proportion of vegetarians in the population when evaluating the popularity of pizza toppings.
  2. Availability and affordability of ingredients
    The availability and cost of various ingredients can also play a role in determining the popularity of pizza toppings. Ingredients that are readily available and affordable are more likely to be featured as popular pizza toppings.
  3. Cultural and religious factors
    Some food items may not be popular in certain communities due to cultural or religious restrictions. For example, beef is not popular among Hindus, and pork is not popular among Muslims. This can also impact the popularity of pizza toppings.
  4. Market research and sales data
    Analyzing market research and sales data from various pizza chains and restaurants can provide insights into the popularity of different pizza toppings in India.
  5. Influences from international trends
    India's exposure to international trends and globalization can impact the popularity of specific pizza toppings. Western influences, such as regular toppings found in American or Italian pizza chains, can have an effect on the popularity of certain toppings.
  6. Social media and food trends
    Social media can play a role in shaping and promoting food trends, including popular pizza toppings. It's important to consider social media engagement, food bloggers, and influencers when evaluating the popularity of pizza toppings in India.
  7. Health considerations
    Health-conscious consumers may prefer certain pizza toppings over others due to their nutritional value or perceived health benefits. This can influence the popularity of specific toppings.
  8. Experimentation and fusion pizzas
    Indian chefs and food enthusiasts often experiment with pizza toppings by combining traditional Indian ingredients and local flavors with the classic pizza base. This can lead to the emergence of popular fusion pizza toppings.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular pizza topping in India. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or topping is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 177 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each topping once every 24 hours. The rank of each topping is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular pizza topping in india

Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world and has become a global phenomenon. Originating from Italy, this delicious dish has been modified and adapted to suit local tastes and preferences around the world. In India, pizza has become a favourite among food lovers and is enjoyed by people of all ages. With the availability of a wide range of toppings, pizza has become a versatile dish that can be customised to suit anyone's taste. But what is the most popular pizza topping in India? Let's dive into the world of pizza toppings and find out!

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