The Most Popular President in Asia, Ranked

Choose the President you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:58
Determining the most popular president in Asia can offer valuable insights into the region's political climate. Popularity can reflect a leader's effectiveness, policies, and the public's perception of their governance. By ranking these leaders, citizens and observers can gauge the political trends and preferences that shape Asia's dynamic socio-political landscape. This live ranking system allows users to cast votes for the presidents they support or admire the most, updating in real time to reflect current opinions. Such a tool not only engages people in an ongoing discussion about leadership and governance but also empowers them to voice their opinion in a collective evaluation. Your participation will help paint a clearer picture of leadership appreciation across different Asian cultures.

Who Is the Most Popular President in Asia?

  1. 1

    Xi Jinping

    Current General Secretary of the Communist Party of China and President of the People's Republic of China.
    • Country: China
    • Term Start: 15 November 2012
  2. 3
    Joko Widodo

    Joko Widodo

    7th and current President of Indonesia.
    • Country: Indonesia
    • Term Start: 20 October 2014
  3. 4
    Rodrigo Duterte

    Rodrigo Duterte

    16th President of the Philippines.
    • Country: Philippines
    • Term Start: 30 June 2016
    • Term End: 30 June 2022
  4. 5
    Moon Jae-in

    Moon Jae-in

    12th President of South Korea.
    • Country: South Korea
    • Term Start: 10 May 2017
    • Term End: 9 May 2022
  5. 7
    Shinzo Abe

    Shinzo Abe

    Former Prime Minister of Japan, the longest-serving prime minister in Japanese history.
    • Country: Japan
    • Term Start: 26 December 2012
    • Term End: 16 September 2020
  6. 8
    Hassan Rouhani

    Hassan Rouhani

    7th President of Iran.
    • Country: Iran
    • Term Start: 3 August 2013
    • Term End: 5 August 2021
  7. 10
    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

    Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

    12th and current President of Turkey.
    • Country: Turkey
    • Term Start: 28 August 2014

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular President in Asia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or President is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 173 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each President once every 24 hours. The rank of each President is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular President in Asia

Xi Jinping
Rank #1 for the most popular President in Asia: Xi Jinping (Source)
In Asia, many presidents have gained popularity due to their leadership qualities and policies. These leaders often focus on economic growth, social welfare, and national security. Their actions and decisions resonate with the people, earning them widespread support.

One key factor behind their popularity is economic development. A president who successfully boosts the economy can win the hearts of the citizens. They create jobs, improve infrastructure, and attract foreign investment. These actions lead to better living standards, which people appreciate.

Social welfare programs also play a significant role. Popular presidents often introduce policies that benefit the underprivileged. They may provide healthcare, education, and housing support. By addressing the needs of the poor, they gain the trust and admiration of the masses.

National security is another crucial aspect. A president who ensures the safety of the country and its citizens earns respect. They strengthen the military, enhance border security, and tackle internal threats. People feel safe and secure under their leadership.

Communication skills are vital for any leader. Popular presidents are often great orators. They connect with the public through speeches and media. They listen to the concerns of the people and address them effectively. This open communication fosters a sense of trust and loyalty.

Corruption is a significant issue in many countries. A president who fights corruption gains immense support. They implement strict laws and take action against corrupt officials. This creates a sense of justice and fairness among the citizens.

Cultural and national pride also contribute to a president's popularity. Leaders who promote the country's heritage and values resonate with the people. They celebrate national achievements and honor historical figures. This instills a sense of unity and pride among the citizens.

Foreign policy is another area where presidents can gain support. Effective leaders maintain good relations with other countries. They negotiate trade deals, participate in international forums, and ensure the country's interests are protected. This enhances the nation's global standing and earns the president respect.

Environmental policies are becoming increasingly important. Popular presidents often address environmental issues. They implement measures to combat pollution, protect natural resources, and promote sustainable development. People appreciate these efforts to preserve the environment for future generations.

Education is a priority for many successful leaders. They invest in the education system, improve schools, and provide scholarships. This ensures that children receive quality education, which is crucial for the country's future. Parents and students support these initiatives.

Healthcare is another critical area. Popular presidents often focus on improving healthcare services. They build hospitals, provide affordable healthcare, and ensure access to medicines. This improves the overall health of the population, which is a significant achievement.

In conclusion, the most popular presidents in Asia share common traits. They focus on economic growth, social welfare, and national security. They communicate effectively, fight corruption, and promote cultural pride. They maintain good foreign relations, address environmental issues, and prioritize education and healthcare. These actions and qualities earn them the admiration and support of their citizens.

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