The Most Popular Prime Minister in Canada, Ranked

Choose the Prime Minister you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 07:59
Evaluating the popularity of Canadian Prime Ministers provides a unique lens through which we can view the country's political landscape. Over the years, the role of Prime Minister has seen diverse individuals who have shaped the nation in various ways. Knowing which leaders resonated most with people helps highlight what qualities or policies are preferred by the public. This ranking is driven by your input. By voting for your favorite Prime Ministers, you contribute to a live snapshot of collective preferences and opinions across the country. It’s an interactive way to engage with Canada's political history and see how your views align with those of others in real time.

Who Is the Most Popular Prime Minister in Canada?

  1. 2
    Lester B. Pearson

    Lester B. Pearson

    Notable for his role in establishing universal health care, the Canada Pension Plan, and the 1967 Centennial celebrations.
    • Term Start: April 22, 1963
    • Term End: April 20, 1968
    • Party: Liberal
  2. 3
    Paul Martin

    Paul Martin

    Known for his work in eliminating the federal deficit and his role in negotiating health care accords with the provinces.
    • Term Start: December 12, 2003
    • Term End: February 6, 2006
    • Party: Liberal
  3. 4
    Stephen Harper

    Stephen Harper

    Served as Prime Minister from 2006 to 2015, known for his conservative policies and focus on economic issues.
    • Term Start: February 6, 2006
    • Term End: November 4, 2015
    • Party: Conservative
  4. 5
    Brian Mulroney

    Brian Mulroney

    Prominent for his role in the introduction of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) and the signing of the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement.
    • Term Start: September 17, 1984
    • Term End: June 25, 1993
    • Party: Conservative
  5. 6
    Jean ChrΓ©tien

    Jean ChrΓ©tien

    Prime Minister throughout the 1990s, overseeing significant economic growth and the rejection of Quebec sovereignty in the 1995 referendum.
    • Term Start: November 4, 1993
    • Term End: December 12, 2003
    • Party: Liberal
  6. 7
    Wilfrid Laurier

    Wilfrid Laurier

    Known for his efforts to develop Canada as a more autonomous entity within the British Empire and his advocacy for French-English unity.
    • Term Start: July 11, 1896
    • Term End: October 6, 1911
    • Party: Liberal
  7. 8
    Pierre Trudeau

    Pierre Trudeau

    Served as Prime Minister during the 1960s, 1970s, and early 1980s, known for his charismatic personality and the implementation of the Official Languages Act.
    • Term Start: April 20, 1968
    • Term End: June 30, 1984
    • Party: Liberal
  8. 9
    John A. Macdonald

    John A. Macdonald

    The first Prime Minister of Canada and a key figure in the country's founding and the creation of the Canadian Confederation.
    • Term Start: July 1, 1867
    • Term End: June 6, 1891
    • Party: Conservative
  9. 10
    William Lyon Mackenzie King

    William Lyon Mackenzie King

    The longest-serving Prime Minister of Canada, notable for his leadership during World War II.
    • Term Start: December 29, 1921
    • Term End: November 15, 1948
    • Party: Liberal

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Prime Minister in Canada. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Minister is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 135 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Minister once every 24 hours. The rank of each Minister is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Prime Minister in Canada

Justin Trudeau
Rank #1 for the most popular Prime Minister in Canada: Justin Trudeau (Source)
Canada has had many Prime Ministers, each leaving a unique mark on the nation. Among them, one stands out as the most popular. This leader's tenure brought significant changes and left a lasting legacy.

This Prime Minister's rise to power was marked by a strong connection with the public. They understood the needs and aspirations of ordinary Canadians. Their policies reflected a deep commitment to social justice and economic equality. They worked tirelessly to ensure that every citizen had a fair shot at success.

Under their leadership, the country saw a period of economic growth. They implemented policies that stimulated the economy and created jobs. Their government invested in infrastructure, education, and healthcare. These investments improved the quality of life for many Canadians.

This Prime Minister was also known for their diplomatic skills. They strengthened Canada's relationships with other countries. Their ability to navigate complex international issues brought respect and admiration from global leaders. They championed peace and cooperation on the world stage.

Their popularity was not just due to their policies. This Prime Minister had a charismatic personality that resonated with people. They were approachable and seemed to genuinely care about the concerns of Canadians. Their speeches were inspiring, often filled with hope and optimism.

Despite their popularity, this Prime Minister faced challenges. They dealt with economic downturns, political opposition, and social unrest. However, their resilience and determination helped them overcome these obstacles. They remained focused on their vision for the country.

This Prime Minister's legacy is still felt today. Their policies laid the foundation for a more inclusive and prosperous Canada. They showed that strong leadership, combined with empathy and vision, can make a significant difference. Their time in office is often looked back on as a golden era in Canadian politics.

Their impact extends beyond their time in office. They inspired future leaders and set a standard for what a Prime Minister should be. Their approach to governance, marked by a balance of pragmatism and idealism, continues to influence political discourse in Canada.

In conclusion, this Prime Minister's popularity was well-deserved. Their leadership brought positive change and left a lasting imprint on the nation. They proved that a leader who listens, acts with integrity, and cares deeply for their people can achieve great things. Their legacy remains a source of pride for Canadians.

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