The Most Popular Prodigy Pet, Ranked

Choose the pet you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 14, 2024 07:28
In the world of Prodigy, where mystical pets abound and adventures await, every player has a favorite pet that accompanies them on their quests. Identifying the most beloved pet can help new players decide which creature to partner with as they start their journey, and also spark lively discussions among seasoned fans about the strengths and unique abilities of each pet. By casting your vote on your preferred Prodigy pet, you contribute to a community-driven ranking that reflects the current trends and preferences of players. This dynamic tally not only shows which pets are capturing the hearts of players but also encourages a deeper engagement with the game as participants see how their choices influence the overall standings.

What Is the Most Popular Prodigy Pet?

  1. 1
    The Arctursus is a popular Prodigy pet due to its high health and attack stats. It also has a unique design that resembles a polar bear.
    Arctursus is a powerful and sought-after Epic in Prodigy. It is a massive, bear-like creature with icy blue fur and sharp, crystalline claws. Known for its unparalleled strength and resilience, this legendary Epic is highly regarded among collectors and battle enthusiasts.
    • Evolution Levels: 2
    • Exclusive Move: Glacial Roar - Deals massive ice damage to all enemies
    • Element: Ice
    • Type: Bear
    • Level Requirement: 50
  2. 2
    Tidus is a popular choice among Prodigy players due to its water element and high speed. It also has a sleek design that resembles a dolphin.
    The Tidus is a popular Prodigy pet known for its fierce and majestic appearance. It resembles a mythical beast with shimmering blue scales and a formidable presence.
    • Element: Celestial
    • Rarity: Legendary
    • Abilities: Tide Surge, Celestial Beam, Resilient Dance
    • Strengths: High damage output, strategic moves
    • Weaknesses: Vulnerable to dark-based attacks
  3. 3
    Embershed is a popular fire-element Prodigy pet due to its high attack and special ability that increases fire damage. It also has a unique design that resembles a fiery dragon.
    Embershed is a popular Prodigy pet known for its fiery appearance and playful nature. It resembles a small dragon, with scales that range in color from vibrant red to deep orange, flickering with an inner flame. The Embershed emits a warm glow, which is especially striking in dimly lit areas. It has expressive eyes that shimmer like burning ember, giving it a charming and mischievous look.
    • Element: Fire
    • Type: Dragon
    • Rarity: Epic
    • Health: 120
    • Mana: 100
  4. 4
    Shadow is a popular choice among Prodigy players due to its dark element and high attack stats. It also has a cool design that resembles a shadowy wolf.
    The Shadow is a powerful Epic in Prodigy that holds immense darkness and stealth abilities. It is a highly sought-after companion for players who prefer a strategic and elusive playstyle.
    • Element: Dark
    • Type: Attack
    • Evolution: 3
    • Attack Power: 120
    • Health: 180
  5. 5
    Squally is a popular air-element Prodigy pet due to its high speed and special ability that increases air damage. It also has a cute design that resembles a blue bird.
    The Squally is a popular Prodigy pet known for its cheerful and mischievous nature. It is a small creature with a fluffy and colorful body, resembling a combination of a cactus and a cloud. The Squally is often seen floating around with its tiny wings and emitting cute little squeaks. It can be found in various vibrant colors, including blue, pink, and green.
    • Size: Small
    • Appearance: Fluffy and vibrant
    • Type: Magical creature
    • Abilities: Flight, squeaking
    • Rarity: Common
  6. 6
    Florafox is a popular nature-element Prodigy pet due to its high health and special ability that increases nature damage. It also has a cute design that resembles a fox.
    The Florafox is one of the most popular Epic pets in Prodigy. It is a fox-like creature with vibrant flora patterns covering its fur, making it blend seamlessly with its surroundings. Its tail, resembling a bushy fern, further aids in its camouflage abilities.
    • Element: Plant
    • Rarity: Epic
    • Evolution Stage 1: Seedling
    • Evolution Stage 2: Leaflet
    • Evolution Stage 3: Florablossom
  7. 7

    Chill & Char

    Prodigy Studios
    Chill & Char are popular ice-element Prodigy pets due to their high attack stats and unique design that resembles a pair of polar bears. They also have a special ability that increases ice damage.
    The Chill & Char is a popular Prodigy pet known for its cool and fiery nature. It combines the elements of ice and fire, creating a unique and striking appearance. Its fur and body are predominantly icy blue, sprinkled with fiery orange accents. With its contrasting colors, this pet has become an eye-catching favorite among Prodigy players.
    • Element: Ice/Fire
    • Rarity: Epic
    • Health: 800
    • Attack: 450
    • Defense: 400
  8. 8
    Mysticat is a popular crystal-element Prodigy pet due to its high health and special ability that increases crystal damage. It also has a cool design that resembles a mystical cat.
    Mysticat is a popular Prodigy pet that possesses mysterious and magical abilities. This magical feline creature is known for its beautiful, sleek appearance and enchanting aura. With its piercing eyes and graceful movements, the Mysticat captures the hearts of Prodigy players.
    • Element: Mystical
    • Rarity: Rare
    • Evolution: 3
    • Attack Power: 70
    • Defense Power: 30
  9. 9
    Shellbee is a popular water-element Prodigy pet due to its high health and special ability that increases water damage. It also has a unique design that resembles a blue crab.
    The Shellbee is a popular Prodigy pet that resembles a colorful, shell-shaped bee with intricate patterns and vibrant wings. Its design is a combination of an insect and a seashell, giving it a unique and captivating appearance.
    • Rarity: Epic
    • Level range: 15-25
    • Health: 650
    • Element: Vibrant
    • Element boost: Aqua 3x
  10. 10
    Fennekin is a popular fire-element Prodigy pet due to its high speed and special ability that increases fire damage. It also has a cute design that resembles a fox.
    Fennekin is a virtual pet introduced in the popular online game Prodigy. It is a small, fox-like creature with orange fur and a tuft of white fur on its head. Fennekin has large ears and bright, expressive eyes. It is known for its playful and mischievous nature.
    • Element: Fire
    • Type: Virtual Pet
    • Evolutionary Stage: Starter
    • Abilities: Blaze, Magician
    • Attack Power: 58

Missing your favorite pet?


Ranking factors for popular pet

  1. Rarity
    The rarity of the pet should be considered as it indicates how difficult it is for players to obtain that particular pet. Pets that are more rare will generally be more popular amongst the players.
  2. Appearance
    The aesthetic aspects of the pet may play a significant role in its popularity. A pet that is designed well and has a visually appealing appearance may be more popular than a pet that is not.
  3. Abilities or skills
    The skills and abilities a pet has in the game can make it more popular, especially if they are powerful or helpful in various situations. Players will prefer pets with abilities that help them progress or perform better in battles and quests.
  4. Evolution
    Some pets have the ability to evolve, making them better and stronger over time. Pets with interesting or substantial evolutions may garner more popularity among players who are invested in the development of their pets.
  5. Hatching time
    The time it takes to hatch a pet can influence its popularity. Pets that take longer to hatch may be considered more valuable and desirable, while pets that hatch quickly may be perceived as less valuable and less popular.
  6. Community sentiment
    The opinions of the game community also plays a significant role in determining pet popularity. If a pet is highly recommended or praised by other players, it is likely to be more popular.
  7. Availability in the game
    Pets that are available through limited-time events or promotions may be more popular due to their exclusive nature. Similarly, pets that can be obtained only through in-game purchases or special achievements may also have a higher level of popularity.
  8. Nostalgia
    Nostalgia is a powerful factor that can contribute to the popularity of a pet. Pets that were first introduced in the early days of Prodigy, or pets that are reminiscent of popular nostalgic characters, might hold a special place in the hearts of players.
  9. Performance in battles
    Pets with high levels of power, defense, or speed are often more desirable, as they can be more useful in battles. Players are likely to gravitate towards pets that can help them win tough battles and progress more quickly in the game.
  10. Elemental type
    The elemental type of a pet can also contribute to its popularity. Pets that belong to popular or strong elemental classes may be preferred by players, while pets of less popular or weaker elements may be less sought after.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Prodigy pet. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or pet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 194 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each pet once every 24 hours. The rank of each pet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


More information on most popular prodigy pet

Prodigy is a widely popular educational game that has taken the world by storm. One of the game's most fascinating aspects is the ability to collect and train pets. These pets come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors, and each has its own unique abilities and strengths. In the game, players can battle other trainers, explore new worlds, and complete quests with their pets by their side. With hundreds of pets to choose from, it's no wonder that players are always on the lookout for the most popular Prodigy pet. In this article, we'll take a closer look at the top contenders and explore what makes them so special.

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