The Most Popular RPG Maker Game, Ranked

Choose the game you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 18, 2024 07:08
As the variety of RPG Maker games continues to grow, so does the challenge of finding the ones that truly stand out in terms of quality, creativity, and engagement. That's where the power of community input becomes invaluable. By ranking these games, not only do players help each other uncover hidden gems, but also guide developers by showing what resonates with their audience. This dynamic ranking adjusts with every vote, reflecting real-time shifts in player preferences and trends. Whether you are a seasoned gamer seeking a new adventure or a developer looking for inspiration, this evolving list serves as a resource to gauge what is currently capturing the attention of the RPG Maker community.

What Is the Most Popular RPG Maker Game?

  1. 1

    To the Moon

    A story-driven experience focusing on two doctors traversing through the memories of a dying man to fulfill his last wish.
    • Developer: Freebird Games
    • Release Year: 2011
  2. 2


    A puzzle/adventure game with metafictional elements, where the player's actions have lasting consequences.
    • Developer: Future Cat
    • Release Year: 2016
  3. 3

    Lisa: The Painful RPG

    A post-apocalyptic role-playing game known for its difficult choices and emotional impact.
    • Developer: Dingaling
    • Release Year: 2014
  4. 4

    Yume Nikki

    An exploration game focusing on a young girl's dreams, known for its surreal atmosphere and lack of dialogue.
    • Developer: Kikiyama
    • Release Year: 2004
  5. 5

    The Witch's House

    A puzzle-oriented horror game where players must solve increasingly difficult puzzles to escape a mysterious house.
    • Developer: Fummy
    • Release Year: 2012
  6. 6

    Mad Father

    A horror adventure game about a young girl who explores her mansion to uncover her family's dark secrets.
    • Developer: sen
    • Release Year: 2012
  7. 7

    Corpse Party

    A horror/adventure game that follows a group of students trapped in a haunted school.
    • Developer: Team GrisGris
    • Original Release: 1996
  8. 8


    A horror adventure game that explores the themes of art and isolation through a young girl trapped in a surreal museum.
    • Developer: kouri
    • Release Year: 2012
  9. 9


    A unique RPG where players have the choice to spare or kill monsters in order to progress.
    • Developer: Toby Fox
    • Release Year: 2015
  10. 10


    A series of role-playing games that blend together classic storytelling, exciting quests, and puzzle-solving.
    • Developer: Amaranth Games
    • First Release: 2004

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular RPG Maker game. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or game is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 150 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each game once every 24 hours. The rank of each game is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular RPG Maker Game

RPG Maker has a rich history. Many game developers started with this tool. It allows users to create role-playing games. The software is user-friendly. It doesn't require deep coding knowledge. This makes it accessible to many.

The engine provides pre-made assets. These include characters, tilesets, and music. Users can also import custom assets. This flexibility is a big draw. It allows for unique and creative games. The event system is key. It lets creators design complex interactions. This can include quests, puzzles, and story events.

RPG Maker has evolved over time. Each version brings new features. Early versions were basic. They had limited graphical capabilities. Modern versions are more advanced. They support higher resolutions and more detailed graphics. The core principles remain the same. The focus is on ease of use and creative freedom.

The community around RPG Maker is strong. Many forums and websites offer support. Users share tips, tricks, and resources. This helps beginners learn quickly. It also fosters collaboration. Some projects are team efforts. These can be quite ambitious.

Many games created with RPG Maker have gained popularity. They often feature compelling stories. The gameplay can range from simple to complex. Some games focus on combat. Others emphasize exploration or puzzle-solving. The variety is vast. This keeps the platform fresh and interesting.

The engine's versatility is a major factor. It can create many types of games. Fantasy settings are common. But users can create any genre. Sci-fi, horror, and modern settings are also popular. This wide range of possibilities attracts many creators.

Monetization is possible. Some developers sell their games. Others offer them for free. There are also donation models. This allows creators to earn from their work. Some games have even achieved commercial success. They have built large fanbases.

RPG Maker's simplicity is deceptive. While easy to start with, it offers depth. Advanced users can script custom features. This can create unique gameplay mechanics. The scripting language is powerful. It allows for great customization.

The engine has limitations. It's not as powerful as some professional tools. But its strengths lie in accessibility and ease of use. It lowers the barrier to entry. This democratizes game development. Many people can bring their ideas to life.

The future of RPG Maker looks bright. The developers continue to improve it. They listen to user feedback. This helps shape future versions. The community remains active. New games are released regularly. The platform continues to inspire creativity.

In summary, RPG Maker is a beloved tool. It has enabled many to create and share their stories. Its mix of simplicity and depth is unique. The supportive community enhances the experience. The platform's versatility ensures its continued relevance.

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