The Most Popular Secondary School in Leicester, Ranked

Choose the secondary school you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 20, 2024 07:09
Choosing the right secondary school for a child is a decision that involves various factors, each weighted differently by different families. For some, the popularity of a school among local residents can serve as a good initial indicator of its community standing and overall appeal. By ranking secondary schools in Leicester based on popularity, prospective students and their parents can gain insights into where their peers are leaning towards. This dynamic list is shaped directly by your votes, reflecting current trends and preferences within the community. Whether you are considering where to send your child or just interested in seeing how local schools stack up against each other, casting your vote adds your voice to a larger conversation. This way, the ranking remains fresh and relevant, providing an up-to-date snapshot of school popularity.

What Is the Most Popular Secondary School in Leicester?

  1. 1

    Beauchamp College

    A leading secondary school in Leicester known for its strong academic performance and comprehensive educational programs.
    • Location: Oadby, Leicester
    • Type: Academy
  2. 2

    Rushey Mead Academy

    One of the top-performing secondary schools in Leicester, with a reputation for academic success and extracurricular opportunities.
    • Location: Rushey Mead, Leicester
    • Type: Academy
  3. 3

    Judgemeadow Community College

    A secondary school in Leicester known for its commitment to fostering a strong community and providing a broad education.
    • Location: Evington, Leicester
    • Type: Community College
  4. 4

    English Martyrs' Catholic School

    A Roman Catholic secondary school in Leicester, known for its strong ethos and community values.
    • Location: Anstey Lane, Leicester
    • Type: Voluntary Aided School
  5. 5

    Fullhurst Community College

    A secondary school in Leicester that prides itself on its inclusive education and community involvement.
    • Location: Braunstone, Leicester
    • Type: Community College
  6. 6

    The Lancaster School

    A boys' secondary school known for its strong emphasis on discipline and academic excellence.
    • Location: Leicester
    • Type: Academy
  7. 7

    Sir Jonathan North College

    An all-girls school in Leicester, celebrated for its inclusive environment and high-quality education.
    • Location: Knighton, Leicester
    • Type: Community College
  8. 8

    Moat Community College

    A vibrant and diverse secondary school in Leicester, offering a wide range of educational opportunities.
    • Location: Highfields, Leicester
    • Type: Community College
  9. 9

    Soar Valley College

    A co-educational comprehensive secondary school in Leicester, praised for its diverse curriculum and supportive learning environment.
    • Location: Belgrave, Leicester
    • Type: Community College
  10. 10

    Hamilton Academy

    A secondary school in Leicester recognized for its innovative teaching methods and strong support for student development.
    • Location: Hamilton, Leicester
    • Type: Academy

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular secondary school in Leicester. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or school is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 57 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each school once every 24 hours. The rank of each school is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Secondary School in Leicester

Leicester is home to many secondary schools, each with its unique strengths. Among them, one stands out as the most popular. This school has built a solid reputation over the years. It attracts students from all over the city and even from nearby towns.

The school offers a broad curriculum. Students can choose from a wide range of subjects. This allows them to explore their interests and develop new skills. The school places a strong emphasis on academic excellence. It consistently achieves high exam results. Many of its students go on to attend top universities.

The teaching staff at this school are highly qualified. They are dedicated to helping students succeed. They provide support both in and out of the classroom. The school also has a robust pastoral care system. This ensures that students' well-being is a top priority.

Extracurricular activities are another key feature. The school offers numerous clubs and societies. These range from sports teams to music groups. There are also opportunities for students to participate in drama productions and art exhibitions. These activities help students develop a well-rounded education.

The school has excellent facilities. The classrooms are modern and well-equipped. There are science labs, computer rooms, and a large library. The sports facilities are also top-notch. They include a gym, sports fields, and courts. These facilities provide students with the resources they need to excel.

Parental involvement is encouraged. The school has an active parent-teacher association. This helps to foster a strong sense of community. Parents are kept informed about their child's progress. They are also invited to attend school events and meetings.

The school is also committed to inclusivity. It welcomes students from diverse backgrounds. It promotes a culture of respect and understanding. This helps to create a positive learning environment.

Students at this school are encouraged to be ambitious. They are taught to set high goals and work hard to achieve them. The school provides them with the tools and support they need to succeed. This prepares them well for future challenges.

The school's popularity is also due to its strong leadership. The headteacher and senior staff are experienced and visionary. They are committed to continuous improvement. They work closely with teachers, students, and parents to ensure the school remains at the top.

In summary, this secondary school in Leicester has earned its reputation as the most popular. Its commitment to academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and student well-being sets it apart. The support from teachers, parents, and the community ensures that students receive a high-quality education. This prepares them well for their future endeavors.

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