The Most Popular Square Dance, Ranked

Choose the Square Dance you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:12
Square dancing, a blend of historical dance styles and communal fun, often leaves enthusiasts debating which dance should top the list as the most beloved. Differences in steps, calls, and regional traditions can alter the experience, making each dance uniquely engaging. Creating a community-driven ranking helps shine a light on preferences and trends, providing a clearer picture of which dances resonate most with dancers around the world. By participating in voting, you contribute to a broader celebration of square dance culture, helping future dancers discover which patterns and movements excite current practitioners. Each vote not only impacts the ranking but also supports a dynamic survey of popular opinion, ensuring the list remains accurate and inclusive. This ongoing involvement from the square dance community helps maintain a fresh and relevant perspective on a cherished tradition.

What Is the Most Popular Square Dance?

  1. 1


    Mainstream is the most popular style of square dancing and includes a set of basic movements.
    • Difficulty Level: Beginner
    • Number of Calls: 68
  2. 2
    Contra Dance

    Contra Dance

    Contra dance is a form of folk dancing that has similarities to square dancing but with lines of dancers.
    • Formation: Long lines
    • Music: Live, traditional
  3. 3


    Advanced square dancing introduces even more challenging calls, split into A1 and A2 levels.
    • Difficulty Level: Advanced
    • Number of Calls: A1 and A2 together add 70 calls
  4. 4


    Callerlab is not a dance but the International Association of Square Dance Callers, instrumental in standardizing calls.
    • Founded: 1974
    • Purpose: Standardize square dance calls
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    Challenge level square dancing includes highly complex calls and is aimed at experienced dancers.
    • Difficulty Level: Expert
    • Levels: C1, C2, C3A, C3B, C4
  6. 6


    Clogging is a type of folk dance with roots in traditional square dancing, characterized by percussive footwork.
    • Origin: Appalachian Mountains
    • Feature: Percussive footwork
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    Traditional square dancing involves fixed sequences and is the historical form of square dancing.
    • Historical Origin: 17th century England
    • Characteristics: Fixed sequences, no caller
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    Plus level adds more complex calls to the Mainstream program, offering a greater challenge.
    • Difficulty Level: Intermediate
    • Number of Calls: 30 additional to Mainstream
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    Western square dance is a modern form of traditional square dancing with a caller directing the dancers.
    • Modern Adaptation: 20th century USA
    • Characteristics: Caller-led, dynamic sequences
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    Round Dance

    Round Dance is choreographed ballroom dancing for couples, often included in square dance events.
    • Type: Cue ballroom
    • Similarity: Related to square dancing

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Square Dance. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Square Dance is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 1 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Square Dance once every 24 hours. The rank of each Square Dance is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Square Dance

Rank #1 for the most popular Square Dance: Mainstream (Source)
Square dance is a form of folk dance. It involves four couples arranged in a square. Each couple faces the center of the square. This dance has roots in traditional dances from Europe. Immigrants brought these dances to America. Over time, square dance evolved into its own unique style.

Square dance is a social activity. It brings people together. Dancers follow a caller's instructions. The caller directs the movements. This creates a sense of unity. Everyone works together to form patterns. The patterns can be simple or complex. Some movements include swings, promenades, and dos-à-dos.

Music is a key part of square dance. It sets the rhythm and pace. Traditional square dance music uses fiddles, banjos, and guitars. The music is lively and upbeat. It keeps dancers energized. Modern square dance may use different instruments. It can even include recorded music.

Square dance has a distinctive dress code. Men often wear long-sleeve shirts and jeans. Women wear dresses with full skirts. The skirts twirl when they dance. This adds to the visual appeal. Some dancers also wear matching accessories. This can include scarves, hats, or boots.

Learning to square dance is not hard. Many communities offer classes. Beginners start with basic steps. As they improve, they learn more complex patterns. Practice is important. It helps dancers move smoothly and confidently. Experienced dancers often help newcomers. This fosters a welcoming environment.

Square dance has a rich history. It reflects the culture and traditions of its time. It has changed over the years. Yet, it remains popular. People of all ages enjoy it. It is a fun way to exercise and socialize. Square dance events are held in many places. These can be small gatherings or large festivals.

Square dance promotes physical activity. It involves a lot of movement. This helps improve fitness. It also enhances coordination and balance. Dancing to music can lift spirits. It provides a mental boost. Square dance is good for both body and mind.

Square dance is more than just a dance. It is a community. It brings people together. It creates lasting friendships. It is a way to connect with others. It is also a way to preserve cultural heritage. By participating, people keep this tradition alive.

In summary, square dance is a lively and social folk dance. It involves four couples following a caller's directions. The music is upbeat and the dress is distinctive. Learning to square dance is accessible. It offers physical and mental benefits. It fosters a sense of community. Square dance continues to be a cherished activity.

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