The Most Popular Street Name in America, Ranked

Choose the street name you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 17, 2024 07:12
When considering a move to a new area, familiar street names can provide a comforting point of connection in unfamiliar territory. By identifying the most popular street names across America, we can offer a unique insight into common themes and trends that transcend local boundaries. This can be an invaluable tool for urban planners, real estate agents, and new residents alike. With the power to vote on and influence live rankings, people have the opportunity to see how their preferences stack up against those of others across the nation. This interactive experience not only adds a personal touch to the data but also enhances the relevance of the results. By participating, users contribute to a broader understanding of what resonates with Americans on a national scale.

What Is the Most Popular Street Name in America?

  1. 1
    Second (2nd) Street

    Second (2nd) Street

    Second Street is the most common street name in the USA, often found in both large cities and small towns.
    • Reason for popularity: Common for being the second major street in many towns.
  2. 2
    Seventh (7th) Street

    Seventh (7th) Street

    Seventh Street, rounding out the top ten, is another example of the common practice of numbering streets in order.
    • Reason for popularity: Continues the pattern of numbered streets in urban areas.
  3. 3


    Main Street is synonymous with the central thoroughfare of a town or city, making it a common name.
    • Reason for popularity: Often the primary street for business and cultural gatherings.
  4. 4


    Oak Street is often named for the presence of oak trees in the area or for historical reasons.
    • Reason for popularity: Named after the oak trees that might line the street or area.
  5. 5
    Sixth (6th) Street

    Sixth (6th) Street

    Sixth Street continues the numbering convention, serving as a common name for a major roadway in many cities.
    • Reason for popularity: Part of the sequential street naming system.
  6. 6
    Third (3rd) Street

    Third (3rd) Street

    Third Street ranks as the second most common street name, following the logical numbering sequence in urban planning.
    • Reason for popularity: Often follows the primary grid pattern in city layouts.
  7. 7
    Fifth (5th) Street

    Fifth (5th) Street

    Fifth Street is the sixth most common street name, further continuing the trend of numbered streets in urban planning.
    • Reason for popularity: Follows the logical order in many city layouts.
  8. 8


    Park is the fifth most common street name, often found adjacent to or leading towards public parks.
    • Reason for popularity: Named for nearby parks or as a scenic route.
  9. 9
    First (1st) Street

    First (1st) Street

    First Street is the third most common street name, usually the first major street in many towns and cities.
    • Reason for popularity: Typically denotes the beginning of a town or city's grid.
  10. 10
    Fourth (4th) Street

    Fourth (4th) Street

    Fourth Street is the fourth most common street name, continuing the pattern of numbered street names.
    • Reason for popularity: Continues the sequential naming of city streets.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular street name in America. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or street is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 7 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each street once every 24 hours. The rank of each street is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Street Name in America

Second (2nd) Street
Rank #1 for the most popular street name in America: Second (2nd) Street (Source)
In the United States, street names often reflect the country's history and culture. One street name stands out as the most popular. This name appears in many cities and towns across the nation. It has a simple, yet significant, connection to American heritage.

This street name dates back to the early days of the country. It honors a key figure in American history. This person played a crucial role in shaping the nation. The name serves as a reminder of their contributions and achievements. It is a tribute to their legacy and the values they stood for.

The popularity of this street name can be traced to the founding of the country. As new towns and cities were established, naming streets after important figures became common practice. This helped to instill a sense of pride and unity among residents. It also ensured that future generations would remember the nation's roots.

Over time, this street name became a staple in American cities. It is found in urban centers, suburban neighborhoods, and small towns. The name is versatile and fits well in various settings. It can be seen on busy thoroughfares, quiet residential streets, and even rural roads.

The widespread use of this street name reflects the enduring respect for the person it honors. It shows how deeply ingrained their legacy is in American society. This name has become a part of the country's landscape, both literally and figuratively.

In addition to its historical significance, the name is easy to pronounce and remember. This has likely contributed to its widespread adoption. City planners and developers often choose names that are simple and recognizable. This makes navigation easier for residents and visitors alike.

The popularity of this street name also highlights the importance of tradition in American culture. Many communities take pride in their history and seek to preserve it through place names. By naming streets after notable figures, they keep the memory of these individuals alive.

In some cases, the name has been adapted or abbreviated to fit local preferences. This flexibility has allowed it to remain relevant over the years. Despite these variations, the core of the name remains the same. It continues to evoke a sense of history and pride.

The most popular street name in America is more than just a label. It is a symbol of the country's past and the people who helped shape it. It connects communities across the nation and serves as a reminder of shared values and heritage.

As cities grow and evolve, this street name will likely remain a fixture in the American landscape. It stands as a testament to the enduring legacy of the person it honors. It also reflects the nation's commitment to remembering and celebrating its history.

In conclusion, the most popular street name in America is a reflection of the country's rich history and culture. It honors a key figure in the nation's founding and serves as a symbol of shared values. Its widespread use highlights the importance of tradition and the desire to preserve the memory of important individuals. This street name will continue to be a part of the American landscape for generations to come.

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