The Most Popular Stroke in Swimming, Ranked

Choose the stroke you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:12
Swimmers often debate which stroke is the best, considering factors like speed, efficiency, and physical demands. The answer varies depending on personal skills, fitness levels, and sometimes, the specific requirements of different swimming competitions. Therefore, having a clear ranking of popular swim strokes can be extremely beneficial for both new swimmers trying to decide where to focus their efforts and seasoned professionals looking to refine their technique. This site gathers input from swimmers across the globe, allowing them to cast votes on their preferred strokes. By participating, you contribute to a dynamic tally that reflects current trends and preferences in the swimming community. The rankings are continuously updated based on incoming votes, providing an up-to-date snapshot of what swimmers find most effective or enjoyable at any given time.

What Is the Most Popular Stroke in Swimming?

  1. 1


    Freestyle is the most popular swimming stroke in the world. It's the fastest of the strokes and is used in swimming competitions over a variety of distances.
    • Speed: Fastest
    • Energy Efficiency: High
  2. 2


    Breaststroke is known for being the oldest swimming stroke. It is more leisurely and is often used for recreational swimming.
    • Speed: Slower
    • Energy Efficiency: Moderate
  3. 3


    Butterfly stroke is known for its distinctive technique and is considered the most physically demanding of the competitive strokes.
    • Speed: Fast
    • Energy Efficiency: Low
  4. 4


    Backstroke is unique as it is the only stroke swum on the back. It is a competitive stroke that offers a different challenge and skill set.
    • Speed: Moderate
    • Energy Efficiency: Moderate
  5. 5


    Trudgen is an older swimming style that has been largely replaced by more modern techniques but was once popular for its speed.
    • Speed: Moderate
    • Energy Efficiency: Moderate
  6. 6
    Freestyle Relay

    Freestyle Relay

    Freestyle Relay is a team swimming competition where each swimmer uses the freestyle stroke. It emphasizes speed and teamwork.
    • Speed: Fast
    • Energy Efficiency: Varies
  7. 7
    Individual Medley

    Individual Medley

    The Individual Medley is not a stroke but a race that combines all four competitive strokes: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle, in that order.
    • Speed: Varies
    • Energy Efficiency: Varies
  8. 8

    Butterfly Backstroke

    Butterfly Backstroke is a non-standard stroke that combines elements of butterfly and backstroke. It's not officially recognized in competitive swimming.
    • Speed: Unknown
    • Energy Efficiency: Unknown
  9. 9


    Sidestroke is a non-competitive, restful stroke that is often taught for lifesaving purposes.
    • Speed: Slow
    • Energy Efficiency: High
  10. 10

    Dog Paddle

    Dog Paddle is a simple, beginner's swimming technique often used by children. It mimics the way a dog swims, hence the name.
    • Speed: Very Slow
    • Energy Efficiency: Low

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular stroke in swimming. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or stroke is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 110 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each stroke once every 24 hours. The rank of each stroke is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Stroke in Swimming

Rank #1 for the most popular stroke in swimming: Freestyle (Source)
Swimming has always been a favored sport and exercise. People of all ages enjoy it. It offers a full-body workout and is easy on the joints. Over time, different techniques have been developed to help swimmers move efficiently through water. Among these techniques, one stands out for its popularity and effectiveness.

This stroke is known for its speed and efficiency. Swimmers use it in both short and long distances. It is often the first stroke taught to beginners, due to its simplicity and effectiveness. The technique involves a coordinated movement of the arms and legs, allowing the swimmer to glide smoothly through the water.

The arms play a crucial role in this stroke. They move in a circular motion, pulling water back to propel the swimmer forward. This motion is continuous, with one arm always in the water while the other recovers. The legs also play an important part. They kick in a steady, rhythmic motion, adding to the forward momentum. The combination of arm and leg movements makes this stroke both powerful and efficient.

Breathing is another key element. Swimmers turn their heads to the side to take a breath, ensuring they do not disrupt their forward motion. This rhythmic breathing pattern is essential for maintaining speed and endurance.

This stroke is not only popular in competitive swimming but also in recreational swimming. Its efficiency makes it a favorite among fitness enthusiasts. It provides a great cardiovascular workout and helps build muscle strength. Swimmers can cover long distances without getting overly tired, making it ideal for endurance training.

In competitive swimming, this stroke is often used in freestyle events. It allows swimmers to achieve fast times, making it a staple in races. Swimmers train extensively to perfect their technique, focusing on maximizing their speed and efficiency. Coaches emphasize the importance of proper form and technique to ensure swimmers can perform at their best.

Recreational swimmers also benefit from this stroke. It is easy to learn and can be practiced in any pool. Many people use it as part of their regular exercise routine. It helps improve overall fitness and provides a low-impact workout. Swimming enthusiasts often recommend this stroke for its numerous health benefits.

In conclusion, this stroke remains one of the most popular and efficient techniques in swimming. Its simplicity, speed, and effectiveness make it a favorite among both competitive and recreational swimmers. Whether you are looking to improve your fitness or compete at a high level, mastering this stroke can provide many benefits. It is a versatile and valuable skill that can enhance your swimming experience.

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