The Most Popular Tony Hillerman Book, Ranked

Choose the book you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 19, 2024 07:14
For enthusiasts of mystery and suspense woven with Native American culture, the books by Tony Hillerman present a unique literary journey. Each story dives deep into the landscapes of the American Southwest, blending intrigue with cultural depth. By ranking these books, readers can help guide newcomers to a starting point that promises captivating reading experiences. Such a ranking system not only highlights the most celebrated works but also ignites discussions among fans about the nuances that make one book perhaps more engaging than another. Through voting, each reader contributes to a collective insight, helping to signal which of Hillerman’s novels resonate most profoundly with audiences. This interactive process enriches the community's overall appreciation and understanding of his work.

What Is the Most Popular Tony Hillerman Book?

  1. 1

    The Blessing Way

    The first book in the Joe Leaphorn series, The Blessing Way introduces readers to the Navajo detective as he investigates a series of bizarre murders linked to Navajo witchcraft.
    • Publication Year: 1970
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  2. 2

    Dance Hall of the Dead

    This early novel features Joe Leaphorn investigating the murder of a Zuni boy, which leads him into the mysteries of Zuni mythology and a race against time.
    • Publication Year: 1973
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  3. 3

    A Thief of Time

    In A Thief of Time, Leaphorn and Chee search for a missing anthropologist suspected of stealing ancient Anasazi artifacts, leading to a complex mystery of murder and black market trade.
    • Publication Year: 1988
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  4. 4

    Coyote Waits

    The murder of a Navajo Tribal Police officer draws Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee into a complex plot involving Navajo myths, an old man's secret, and a fight for justice.
    • Publication Year: 1990
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  5. 5


    Skinwalkers brings together Hillerman's two series detectives, Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee, as they investigate a series of murders that seem to be linked to Navajo witchcraft.
    • Publication Year: 1986
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  6. 6

    The Wailing Wind

    Officer Bernadette Manuelito finds a dead man in a truck, leading Chee and Leaphorn into an investigation that uncovers a long-unsolved crime and a tale of greed and betrayal.
    • Publication Year: 2002
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  7. 7

    Listening Woman

    Detective Joe Leaphorn investigates a double murder case that leads him into the world of Navajo witches and the mysteries of the Listening Woman.
    • Publication Year: 1978
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  8. 8

    Sacred Clowns

    Joe Leaphorn and Jim Chee investigate a murder that occurred during a Pueblo ceremonial performance, uncovering a tangled web of mystery that challenges their beliefs.
    • Publication Year: 1993
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  9. 9

    The Fallen Man

    Leaphorn and Chee investigate the discovery of a skeleton on a rocky outcrop, leading to a case that intertwines with Joe Leaphorn's past and a decades-old mystery.
    • Publication Year: 1996
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee
  10. 10

    The Ghostway

    Jim Chee follows a trail that leads him from a missing Navajo boy to a mysterious old man living in the desert, uncovering secrets of the Navajo way and facing personal dilemmas.
    • Publication Year: 1984
    • Series: Leaphorn & Chee

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Tony Hillerman book. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or book is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 161 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each book once every 24 hours. The rank of each book is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Tony Hillerman Book

Tony Hillerman, an acclaimed author, is best known for his mystery novels set in the American Southwest. His works often feature Navajo Tribal Police officers as protagonists. Hillerman's stories weave intricate plots with rich cultural details. His writing brings the landscape and traditions of the Navajo people to life.

Hillerman's background as a journalist helped him develop a keen eye for detail. He spent time in the Southwest, which gave him a deep appreciation for the region's beauty and complexity. His respect for Native American culture shines through in his books. He portrays his characters with depth and empathy, avoiding stereotypes.

The main characters in his books are often Navajo police officers. They solve crimes while navigating the challenges of their cultural heritage. Hillerman's protagonists are not just detectives; they are also members of their community. This dual role adds layers to their character development and the storylines.

Hillerman's writing style is clear and direct. He uses simple language to describe complex ideas. His plots are well-constructed, keeping readers engaged from start to finish. Hillerman's ability to blend mystery with cultural insights sets his work apart.

His novels often explore themes of tradition versus modernity. Characters grapple with maintaining their cultural identity in a changing world. Hillerman's respect for these themes resonates with readers. His books offer a glimpse into a world that is both familiar and foreign to many.

The settings in Hillerman's novels are almost characters in themselves. The vast deserts, rugged mountains, and ancient ruins of the Southwest provide a backdrop for the stories. Hillerman's descriptions of the landscape are vivid and evocative. They transport readers to a place of stark beauty and hidden dangers.

Hillerman's work has earned him numerous awards and accolades. Critics praise his ability to create compelling mysteries while honoring the culture he writes about. His books have a loyal following and continue to attract new readers.

Hillerman's influence extends beyond his novels. His portrayal of Native American culture has sparked interest and awareness. He has inspired other writers to explore similar themes in their work. Hillerman's legacy lives on through his contributions to literature and his impact on readers.

His novels are more than just mysteries. They are a celebration of the Southwest and its people. Hillerman's work invites readers to see the world through a different lens. His stories remind us of the importance of understanding and respecting diverse cultures.

Tony Hillerman's books remain popular for good reason. They offer gripping mysteries set against a backdrop of rich cultural heritage. Hillerman's skillful storytelling and deep respect for his subjects make his work timeless. Readers continue to be drawn to his novels, finding both entertainment and enlightenment in their pages.

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