The Most Popular Tree in Canada, Ranked

Choose the tree you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 24, 2024 07:45
In the sprawling landscapes of Canada, trees play a significant role, from providing shade and shelter to supporting biodiversity. Determining which tree stands as the favorite among Canadians isn't just about beauty or size; it connects deeply with cultural significance and environmental importance. This ranking offers a transparent view of what trees resonate most with people across the nation. By casting a vote for your preferred tree, you contribute to a collective voice that highlights the natural treasures of Canada. The impact of each choice helps to illuminate the public's connection to the natural world and fosters a greater appreciation for the diverse ecosystems found across the country. Engage in this interactive process and see how your favorite measures up against others.

What Is the Most Popular Tree in Canada?

  1. 1
    The White Spruce is the most common tree species in Canada, found throughout the country. It is a popular choice for Christmas trees and is also used for lumber and pulpwood.
    The White Spruce is a resilient and versatile coniferous tree native to Canada. It is known for its tall stature, reaching heights of up to 30 meters, and its conical shape with dense and pyramidal branches. The needles are short, stiff, and sharp, typically colored bluish-green. The tree's bark is thin, smooth, and grayish-brown when young, but becomes scaly and grayish-black with age. White Spruce is widely cultivated across Canada, not only for its timber, but also for its ornamental value in landscaping and for its ability to withstand harsh climatic conditions.
    • Height: Up to 30 meters
    • Shape: Conical with dense and pyramidal branches
    • Needles: Short, stiff, and sharp; bluish-green color
    • Bark: Thin, smooth, grayish-brown (young); scaly, grayish-black (mature)
    • Distribution: Native to Canada
  2. 2
    The Balsam Fir is another popular Christmas tree species in Canada. It is also used for lumber and pulpwood.
    The Balsam Fir is a popular type of Christmas tree known for its pleasing fragrance and dense, symmetrical shape. It is a native evergreen tree primarily found in North America, specifically in regions like the northeastern United States and eastern Canada. The Balsam Fir has long been favored as a choice for holiday decorations due to its aesthetic appeal and characteristic scent.
    • Scientific Name: Abies balsamea
    • Height: 40 - 60 feet (12 - 18 meters)
    • Needle Type: Flat and aromatic
    • Color: Dark green
    • Texture: Soft and glossy
  3. 3
    The Red Maple is a popular ornamental tree in Canada, known for its beautiful fall foliage. It is also used for maple syrup production.
    The Red Maple, scientifically known as Acer rubrum, is a widely recognized and beloved tree in Canada. It is a deciduous tree renowned for its vibrant red autumn foliage, making it a stunning sight during the fall season. The Red Maple is native to eastern North America and is found abundantly across Canada's provinces and territories.
    • Scientific Name: Acer rubrum
    • Common Name: Red Maple
    • Type: Deciduous
    • Foliage: Vibrant red during autumn
    • Native Range: Eastern North America
  4. 4
    The Black Spruce is a common tree in Canada's boreal forest. It is used for pulpwood, lumber, and fuelwood.
    Black Spruce (Picea mariana) is a common coniferous tree species found in Canada. It is known for its ability to thrive in cold, northern climates, making it one of the most abundant tree species in the boreal forests. The black spruce is often tall and slender, with dark green needles and a conical crown. Its bark is thin, scaly, and typically dark brown to black in color.
    • Scientific Name: Picea mariana
    • Family: Pinaceae
    • Height: 15-25 meters
    • Crown Shape: Conical
    • Needle Color: Dark green
  5. 5
    White Pine
    Finetooth · CC BY-SA 3.0
    The White Pine is a tall and stately tree that was once the dominant tree species in eastern North America. It is used for lumber and pulpwood.
    The White Pine is a popular type of Christmas tree known for its soft, feathery needles and its elegant shape. It has been a favorite choice for many households during the holiday season.
    • Scientific Name: Pinus strobus
    • Needle Length: 2.5 - 5 inches
    • Needle Color: Blue-green
    • Fragrance: Mild, sweet
    • Shape: Tall and slender
  6. 6
    The Yellow Birch is a popular ornamental tree in Canada, known for its beautiful bark and fall foliage. It is also used for lumber and furniture.
    Yellow Birch (Betula alleghaniensis) is a deciduous tree that is native to eastern North America, including Canada. It is commonly found in the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, and the Maritimes. The tree is notable for its distinctive yellowish-brown bark, which peels off in thin, curly strips, revealing a shiny, smooth, and coppery surface underneath. The yellow birch can grow up to 25-30 meters tall and has a pyramid-shaped crown that becomes more irregular with age.
    • Scientific Name: Betula alleghaniensis
    • Family: Betulaceae
    • Common Names: Yellow Birch, Gray Birch
    • Native to: Eastern North America
    • Distribution: Ontario, Quebec, Maritimes
  7. 7
    The Paper Birch is a common tree in Canada, known for its white bark and use in canoe-making. It is also used for pulpwood and lumber.
    The Paper Birch (Betula papyrifera) is a medium-sized deciduous tree native to Canada. It is commonly found in the northern regions and is one of the most recognizable trees in the country. The tree gets its name from the thin, papery white bark that peels off in sheets, giving it a distinctive appearance. The leaves of the Paper Birch are triangular in shape and have serrated edges. In the fall, they turn bright yellow, adding vibrant colors to the landscape. The tree also produces small oval-shaped cones.
    • Scientific Name: Betula papyrifera
    • Average Height: 15-30 meters
    • Bark: Thin, papery, white, peels off in sheets
    • Leaves: Triangular, serrated edges, bright green color
    • Leaf Shape: Simple
  8. 8
    The Eastern Hemlock is a popular ornamental tree in Canada, known for its evergreen foliage and use in landscaping. It is also used for lumber and pulpwood.
    The Eastern Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) is a large, long-lived evergreen tree native to eastern North America. It is known for its graceful, pyramid-shaped crown, dense foliage, and its ability to thrive in moist, shady environments. The Eastern Hemlock is highly valued for its timber, which is used in construction, furniture-making, and various other applications.
    • Range: Eastern United States and Canada
    • Scientific Name: Tsuga canadensis
    • Family: Pinaceae
    • Height: 25-75 meters
    • Diameter: 0.5-1.5 meters
  9. 9
    The Tamarack is a common tree in Canada's boreal forest, known for its needles that turn yellow in the fall. It is used for pulpwood and lumber.
    The Tamarack, also known as Eastern Larch or American Larch, is a deciduous coniferous tree native to the northern parts of North America. It belongs to the family Pinaceae and is known for its unique characteristics.
    • Scientific Name: Larix laricina
    • Height: 20-30 meters
    • Crown Width: 5-10 meters
    • Leaf Type: Needle-like
    • Leaf Color: Bright green in spring and summer, turning yellow in fall before dropping
  10. 10

    Black Cherry

    Charms Candy Company
    The Black Cherry is a popular ornamental tree in Canada, known for its beautiful flowers and fruit. It is also used for lumber and furniture.
    Black Cherry is a fruity and bold flavor of Blow Pop that is loved by many. It combines the sweetness of cherry with a hint of tartness, creating a delightful taste experience. The distinct dark red color of the candy adds to its appeal. Black Cherry Blow Pop is a classic choice for candy enthusiasts who enjoy intense fruit flavors.
    • Flavor: Black Cherry
    • Color: Dark Red
    • Taste Profile: Sweet and Tart
    • Texture: Hard Candy Shell with Soft Bubble Gum Center
    • Size: Regular Blow Pop size (about 3.5 cm in diameter)
    Black Cherry in other rankings

Missing your favorite tree?


Ranking factors for popular tree

  1. Distribution and abundance
    How widely distributed and common is the tree in Canada? Is it found in multiple regions and climates or restricted to certain areas?
  2. Cultural and historical significance
    Does the tree hold special cultural or historical importance in Canada? For example, is it used in traditional Indigenous medicines or have significant ties to Canadian folklore?
  3. Ecological importance
    Does the tree play an important role in the ecosystem, such as providing habitat or food for wildlife, or contributing to carbon sequestration?
  4. Economic significance
    Does the tree have a significant economic value, such as being a source of lumber or a key ingredient in traditional industries like maple syrup production?
  5. Aesthetic appeal
    Is the tree considered visually appealing or iconic in any way that contributes to its popularity?

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular tree in Canada. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or tree is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 205 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each tree once every 24 hours. The rank of each tree is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular tree in canada

When it comes to the natural beauty of Canada, there's no denying that the trees play a big part. With over 318 billion trees covering the country's nearly 10 million square kilometers, it's no surprise that Canada is home to some of the world's most breathtaking forests. But which tree is the most popular amongst Canadians? The answer may surprise you. While there are countless species of trees that thrive in Canada's diverse landscapes, the most popular tree in Canada is the maple. Known for its distinctive leaf and sweet sap, the maple tree has become a symbol of Canadian pride and identity. In fact, the maple leaf is featured prominently on Canada's national flag. But whether you prefer the vibrant colors of the sugar maple in the fall, or the towering presence of the white spruce in the winter, there's no denying the important role that trees play in Canada's natural and cultural heritage.

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