The Most Popular Trend in the World, Ranked

Choose the trend you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 07:14
It's always captivating to see what captures the global attention, shifting the collective focus from one interest to another. By tracking the most popular trends, we gain insights into what people around the world value most at any given time. This not only helps in understanding cultural shifts but also guides industries in spotting emerging interests. On this site, each vote cast has the power to influence the current standings, making it a lively and responsive barometer of public opinion. Your participation contributes directly to a broad-based understanding of what is trending globally. By casting your vote, you help ensure that the rankings reflect the true preferences of people worldwide.

What Is the Most Popular Trend in the World?

  1. 1

    TikTok Challenges

    Short-form video content that encourages participation in specific challenges or trends.
    • Monthly Active Users: Over 1 billion
  2. 2

    Streaming Services

    Platforms that allow users to watch TV shows, movies, and other content via the internet.
    • Examples: Netflix, Hulu, Disney+
  3. 3


    Organized, competitive video gaming involving professional players or teams.
    • Global Audience: Estimated 474 million in 2021
  4. 4
    Virtual Reality (VR)

    Virtual Reality (VR)

    Simulated experiences that can be similar to or completely different from the real world.
    • Applications: Gaming, training, education, therapy
  5. 5
    Plant-Based Diets

    Plant-Based Diets

    Dietary lifestyle focusing on foods derived from plant sources.
    • Health Benefits: Linked to lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers
  6. 6
    Electric Vehicles (EVs)

    Electric Vehicles (EVs)

    Vehicles that are propelled by electric motors powered by rechargeable battery packs.
    • Benefits: Reduced greenhouse gas emissions, lower operating costs
  7. 7


    Digital or virtual currencies that use cryptography for security, operating independently of a central bank.
    • Popular Cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum
  8. 8
    Remote Work

    Remote Work

    The practice of working from a location other than a traditional office setting.
    • Increase Since COVID-19 Pandemic: Significant
  9. 9

    Sustainable Living

    Adopting practices and lifestyle choices that reduce environmental impact.
    • Key Components: Reducing waste, using renewable resources, and minimizing carbon footprint
  10. 10
    Influencer Marketing

    Influencer Marketing

    A form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placements from influencers.
    • Platforms: Instagram, YouTube, TikTok

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular trend in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or trend is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 6 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each trend once every 24 hours. The rank of each trend is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Trend in the World

Trends shape the world. They influence how we live, dress, eat, and even think. These trends often start small. They might begin with a few people in a city or a town. Soon, they spread. Social media helps trends grow fast. People share photos, videos, and ideas. This sharing makes trends popular.

Trends come from many places. They might start in fashion, music, or technology. Sometimes, they begin with a famous person. When this person does something new, others follow. Other times, trends start with regular people. They try something different. If others like it, the trend spreads.

Trends change how we see the world. They can make old things new again. For example, a style from the past might become popular. Trends can also bring new ideas. They can make us think in new ways. Sometimes, trends solve problems. Other times, they create new ones.

Trends can be fun. They give us something to talk about. They help us connect with others. When we follow trends, we feel part of a group. This sense of belonging is important. It makes us feel good. Trends can also inspire us. They can make us try new things. This can be exciting.

But trends can also be tricky. They change fast. What is popular today might be old tomorrow. Keeping up with trends can be hard. It can also be expensive. Some trends cost a lot of money. This can be a problem for some people.

Trends can also affect our health. Some trends are good for us. They might encourage us to eat better or exercise more. But not all trends are healthy. Some might be dangerous. It is important to think before following a trend. We should ask if it is good for us.

Trends can also affect our planet. Some trends are good for the environment. They might encourage us to recycle or use less plastic. But other trends can harm the planet. They might create more waste. It is important to think about this. We should ask if a trend is good for the Earth.

Trends are a big part of our lives. They influence many things. They can be fun and exciting. They can also be challenging. It is important to think about trends. We should ask if they are good for us and the planet. We should also remember that trends come and go. What is popular today might not be popular tomorrow. It is okay to follow trends. But it is also okay to be different. We should do what feels right for us.

In the end, trends are just that—trends. They are not rules. We do not have to follow them. We can choose what we like. Trends are a part of life. They add color and excitement. But we should not let them control us. We should enjoy them, but also think for ourselves.

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