The Most Popular Trick, Ranked

Choose the trick you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 23, 2024 07:15
In the ever-expanding world of unique skills and clever tricks, knowing which one stands out can be quite a challenge. Everyone has their own favorite, but collectively deciding which trick captivates the most requires a broader perspective. This is where the power of mass voting shines, offering a democratic solution to gauge popular opinion and determine the top contenders. By participating in this process, not only do you get to see where your preferred trick stacks up against others, but you also contribute to a larger community dialogue. Every vote cast is a person's expression of what resonates with them the most, generating a comprehensive list that reflects the current trends and preferences in the fascinating world of tricks.

What Is the Most Popular Trick?

  1. 1

    The Chinese Linking Rings

    An illusion where solid metal rings appear to link and unlink, passing through each other.
    • Skill Level: Intermediate
    • Popularity: High
  2. 2
    The Sawing a Person in Half

    The Sawing a Person in Half

    An illusion where it seems a person is sawed in half and then restored without injury.
    • Skill Level: Advanced
    • Popularity: Very High
  3. 3
    The Levitating Person

    The Levitating Person

    An illusion where it appears that a person or object is floating in the air with no visible support.
    • Skill Level: Advanced
    • Popularity: High
  4. 4

    The Water Suspension

    A trick where water is made to appear suspended in an upside-down glass or container.
    • Skill Level: Beginner
    • Popularity: Moderate
  5. 5
    The Mind Reading

    The Mind Reading

    An act where the magician appears to read the thoughts or predict the actions of the audience.
    • Skill Level: Advanced
    • Popularity: High
  6. 6
    The Disappearing Coin

    The Disappearing Coin

    A magician makes a coin disappear from their hand, only to have it appear in an unexpected place.
    • Skill Level: Beginner
    • Popularity: Very High
  7. 7

    The Vanishing Statue of Liberty

    A famous illusion performed by David Copperfield where the Statue of Liberty appears to vanish in front of a live audience.
    • Skill Level: Expert
    • Popularity: Very High
  8. 8

    The Floating Ring

    An illusion where a ring appears to float around the magician's body.
    • Skill Level: Intermediate
    • Popularity: Moderate
  9. 9
    The Classic Card Trick

    The Classic Card Trick

    A magician performs illusions with playing cards, such as guessing a spectator's card or making cards appear and disappear.
    • Skill Level: Beginner to Advanced
    • Popularity: High
  10. 10
    The Rabbit from a Hat

    The Rabbit from a Hat

    A classic magic trick where a magician pulls a rabbit out of an empty hat.
    • Skill Level: Intermediate
    • Popularity: High

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular trick. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or trick is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 0 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each trick once every 24 hours. The rank of each trick is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Trick

Skateboarding has grown into a global phenomenon since its early days. It began as a way for surfers to practice on land. Over time, it evolved into a sport with its own culture and community. One of the key elements that drive the excitement in skateboarding is the trick.

A trick in skateboarding involves a series of movements that challenge both the skater's skill and creativity. These movements often include jumps, flips, and spins. The complexity of a trick can range from simple to highly advanced. Learning and perfecting tricks is a major part of a skater's journey.

The most popular trick in skateboarding has a rich history. It represents a milestone for many skaters. This trick is often the first one that beginners aim to learn. It serves as a foundation for more complex maneuvers. Mastering it opens the door to a wide array of other tricks.

The trick became popular in the 1980s. It was a time when skateboarding was gaining mainstream attention. Skaters began to experiment with new ways to push the limits of what could be done on a skateboard. The trick quickly became a staple in skateboarding culture. It was featured in competitions, videos, and magazines.

The mechanics of this trick involve a combination of timing, balance, and coordination. Skaters need to position their feet in a specific way. They must use their legs to generate the necessary force. The timing of these movements is crucial. A slight error can lead to a failed attempt. Consistent practice is key to mastering it.

Many professional skaters have built their careers around perfecting and innovating this trick. They have developed unique styles and variations. These variations often involve adding extra elements to the basic movements. Some skaters have even created entirely new tricks based on this one.

The trick is not just about technical skill. It also requires mental focus and determination. Skaters often spend hours practicing, falling, and getting back up. The process of learning can be frustrating. However, the sense of achievement when finally landing it is immense. This feeling keeps skaters motivated to continue pushing their limits.

The popularity of this trick has also influenced skateboarding equipment. Skateboards have evolved to better accommodate the demands of performing it. Decks, wheels, and trucks are designed to provide the right balance of stability and flexibility. Protective gear has also become more advanced to ensure skaters' safety.

Skateboarding communities around the world celebrate this trick. It is a common sight at skateparks and street spots. Skaters often share tips and techniques with each other. This sense of community helps to foster a supportive environment for learning and progression.

In conclusion, the most popular trick in skateboarding holds a special place in the hearts of skaters. It represents a blend of skill, creativity, and determination. Its history and influence are a testament to the spirit of skateboarding. As new generations of skaters emerge, this trick will continue to inspire and challenge them.

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