The Most Popular Voltron Character, Ranked

Choose the character you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:59
Fans of Voltron know that each character brings a unique flair and has a critical role in the storyline's progression. Debates often arise regarding which character stands out the most or has the most significant impact on the series. Having a systematic ranking can help settle these discussions by providing a consensus based on broader fan input. This website allows you to cast your vote and see where your favorite characters rank among other fans' choices. Such rankings not only enhance fan engagement but also offer newcomers a snapshot of character popularity and depth as perceived by the fanbase. Your participation helps in shaping a clear and dynamic hierarchy of favorite characters.

Who Is the Most Popular Voltron Character?

  1. 1


    The headstrong pilot of the Red Lion and leader of the Voltron team.
    • Role: Pilot of the Red Lion, Leader of Voltron
    • Weapon: Sword
  2. 2


    The charming and sharp-witted pilot of the Blue Lion.
    • Role: Pilot of the Blue Lion
    • Weapon: Laser Gun
  3. 3


    The tech genius and pilot of the Green Lion, known for their intelligence.
    • Role: Pilot of the Green Lion
    • Weapon: Whip
  4. 4


    The calm and collected former pilot of the Black Lion and mentor to the team.
    • Role: Former Pilot of the Black Lion, Mentor
    • Weapon: Arm Blade
  5. 5


    The lovable and strong pilot of the Yellow Lion, known for his culinary skills.
    • Role: Pilot of the Yellow Lion
    • Weapon: Blaster
  6. 6


    The eccentric advisor to Princess Allura and the team's comic relief.
    • Role: Advisor to Princess Allura
    • Weapon: Knowledge
  7. 7


    The princess of Altea who becomes a pilot of the Blue Lion and a key member of the team.
    • Role: Pilot of the Blue Lion, Princess of Altea
    • Weapon: Staff
  8. 8


    Son of Zarkon, he is a complex character with a mix of villainous and heroic traits.
    • Role: Prince of the Galra Empire
    • Weapon: Sword
  9. 9


    The primary antagonist of the series, former Black Lion pilot, and emperor of the Galra Empire.
    • Role: Emperor of the Galra Empire
    • Weapon: Bayard
  10. 10


    A powerful witch and advisor to Emperor Zarkon, known for her dark magic.
    • Role: Advisor to Emperor Zarkon
    • Weapon: Dark Magic

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Voltron character. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or character is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 248 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each character once every 24 hours. The rank of each character is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Voltron Character

Voltron, a beloved animated series, has captured the hearts of many fans. This show features a team of heroes who pilot giant robotic lions. Together, they form Voltron, a powerful robot. Each character brings unique skills and traits to the team. Among these characters, one stands out as the most popular.

This character is known for their leadership qualities. They guide the team through many challenges. Their decisions often determine the outcome of battles. Fans admire their courage and determination. They never give up, even when the odds are against them. This resilience inspires both the team and the audience.

In addition to their leadership, this character has a strong sense of duty. They put the mission above all else. Their focus on the greater good sets an example for others. This dedication earns them respect from their peers. It also makes them a role model for viewers.

Another reason for their popularity is their complex personality. They have moments of doubt and vulnerability. These traits make them relatable. Fans see them as more than just a hero. They see a person with strengths and weaknesses. This depth adds to their appeal.

Their relationships with other team members also play a key role. They often act as a mentor and friend. They provide support and guidance. These interactions show their caring nature. It highlights their ability to connect with others. This makes them a central figure in the story.

The character's design also contributes to their popularity. They have a distinctive look that stands out. Their appearance reflects their role and personality. Fans often recognize them immediately. This visual appeal adds to their overall charm.

Voice acting adds another layer to this character. The voice actor brings them to life with emotion and nuance. Their performance helps convey the character's inner world. It makes their struggles and triumphs feel real. This connection deepens the audience's attachment.

Over the years, this character has evolved. They have faced many trials and grown stronger. This development keeps fans engaged. They follow the character's journey with interest. Each new challenge reveals more about them. This ongoing evolution ensures they remain relevant.

Merchandise featuring this character is very popular. Fans buy action figures, clothing, and other items. These products allow fans to feel closer to their favorite character. They become a part of the Voltron community. This shared interest strengthens their bond with the character.

In conclusion, the most popular Voltron character stands out for many reasons. Their leadership, sense of duty, and complex personality make them a fan favorite. Their relationships with other team members and their distinctive design add to their appeal. Voice acting and character development keep fans invested. Merchandise helps fans connect even more. This character's enduring popularity shows the impact they have on the Voltron series and its audience.

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