The Most Popular Vox Machina Character, Ranked

Choose the character you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 28, 2024 07:20
In the realm of storytelling, the characters of Vox Machina have captured the hearts of many, each bringing their own unique flavor to the adventures that unfold. Figuring out which character stands out the most can enhance the viewing experience, as it highlights the traits and moments that resonate with the audience. A ranked list based on fan votes not only reflects communal preferences but also sparks interesting discussions around each character’s role and impact. By voting for your favorite Vox Machina character, you contribute to a collective analysis of what makes these characters so compelling. The ranking updates with every vote, presenting a dynamic overview of how each character is appreciated within the fan community. This encourages a deeper engagement with the series as fans see how their personal favorites are perceived by others and offers an interactive way to connect with fellow enthusiasts.

Who Is the Most Popular Vox Machina Character?

  1. 1
    Vex'ahlia is a half-elf ranger and rogue, and the twin sister of Vax'ildan. She is known for her sharp wit, resourcefulness, and her close bond with her animal companion, Trinket. Vex'ahlia is one of the most beloved and well-developed characters in the series.
  2. 2
    Percy is a human gunslinger and inventor, known for his intelligence, ambition, and tragic backstory. He is a fan favorite due to his complex character development and personal struggles.
  3. 3
    Scanlan is a gnome bard, known for his humor, charm, and musical talents. He is a fan favorite due to his quick wit, unique abilities, and entertaining personality.
  4. 4
    Grog is a goliath barbarian, known for his immense strength, fierce loyalty, and childlike innocence. He is a fan favorite due to his hilarious antics and heartwarming moments.
    Grog is a popular hot alcoholic drink commonly consumed in Quebec, Canada during the winter season. It is known for its soothing and warming effects, making it a beloved choice among locals to combat the cold weather. The drink itself consists of a mixture of hot water or tea, alcohol (typically rum), and various spices and sweeteners.
    • Temperature: Hot
    • Alcohol Base: Rum
    • Serving Vessel: Mug or glass
    • Primary Flavor: Spicy
    • Common Spices: Cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg
  5. 5
    Keyleth is a half-elf druid, known for her connection to nature, wisdom, and moral compass. She is a fan favorite due to her growth as a character and her emotional depth.
  6. 6
    Vax'ildan is a half-elf rogue and paladin, and the twin brother of Vex'ahlia. He is known for his bravery, selflessness, and love for his sister. He is a fan favorite due to his tragic backstory and sacrificial nature.
  7. 7
    Pike is a gnome cleric, known for her faith, kindness, and healing abilities. She is a fan favorite due to her unwavering devotion to her friends and her heartwarming moments.
    The Pike is a predatory fish characterized by its elongated body, sharp teeth, and aggressive nature. It is part of the Esocidae family and is found in freshwater lakes, rivers, and ponds throughout northern Europe, North America, and various other regions worldwide. Known for its aggressive strikes and powerful fights, catching a Pike is considered thrilling and exciting for anglers.
    • Scientific Name: Esox lucius
    • Average Length: up to 1 meter (3.3 ft)
    • Average Weight: up to 12 kilograms (26 lb)
    • Habitat: Freshwater lakes, rivers, and ponds
    • Distribution: Northern Europe, North America, and other regions
  8. 8
    Tiberius is a dragonborn sorcerer, known for his arrogance, intelligence, and magical abilities. He is a fan favorite due to his unique personality and entertaining moments.
  9. 9
    Zahra is a tiefling warlock, known for her mysterious past, cunning, and magical abilities. She is a fan favorite due to her complex character and her relationship with her girlfriend, Kashaw.
  10. 10
    Kashaw is a human fighter and cleric, known for his loyalty, brute strength, and faith. He is a fan favorite due to his emotional depth and his relationship with Zahra.

Missing your favorite character?


Ranking factors for popular character

  1. Character Development
    How well the character's story arc is portrayed and the extent to which they have evolved throughout the series.
  2. Backstory
    The depth and complexity of a character's past life, history, and motivations can greatly influence their popularity.
  3. Relatability
    The extent to which fans can identify with or connect to a character's experiences, personality traits, or struggles.
  4. Fan Base
    The size and passion of a character's fan base can indicate their popularity within the community.
  5. Memorable Moments
    Memorable or standout moments that a character has been involved in, be it through epic battles, emotional scenes, or significant events.
  6. Character Dynamics
    The chemistry and relationships a character has with other members of Vox Machina, as well as their interactions with non-player characters, can play a role in their popularity.
  7. Voice Acting
    The performance and delivery of the character's voice actor can greatly enhance their appeal and impact.
  8. Strengths and Abilities
    The unique abilities and strengths a character possesses and how they utilize them during gameplay or storytelling.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular Vox Machina character. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or character is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 168 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each character once every 24 hours. The rank of each character is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular vox machina character

Background: Vox Machina is a group of adventurers in the popular Dungeons & Dragons web series, Critical Role. The group consists of a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. Fans have been debating over who the most popular member of Vox Machina is for years, with each character having their own loyal fanbase. From the charismatic rogue Vax'ildan to the powerful sorceress Keyleth, there is no shortage of contenders for the title. With so many beloved characters to choose from, the competition is fierce. Who will come out on top as the most popular Vox Machina character? It's up to the fans to decide.

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