The Most Popular Winter Holiday, Ranked

Choose the winter holiday you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 07:17
During the colder months, festive feelings and celebrations take a front seat. Many people find joy in honoring traditions and creating new memories. With numerous holidays around the world, identifying the most cherished ones can be both intriguing and useful. This voting site allows individuals to share their personal favorites and see how others celebrate the winter season. By participating in the ranking, users contribute to a broader understanding of cultural preferences and seasonal joys. The dynamic nature of this list offers a glimpse into the shifting trends and timeless classics that mark the winter months. It's an opportunity for everyone to voice their opinions and maybe even discover new reasons to appreciate this festive time of year.

What Is the Most Popular Winter Holiday?

  1. 2


    A Jewish festival commemorating the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem, also known as the Festival of Lights.
    • Duration: 8 days
    • Significance: Rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem
  2. 3
    Boxing Day

    Boxing Day

    A holiday celebrated the day after Christmas Day, observed in many countries as part of the Christmas holidays.
    • Date: December 26
    • Significance: Traditionally, a day to give gifts to the poor and needy
  3. 4


    A Christian feast day that celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ, particularly commemorating the visit of the Magi to the Christ Child.
    • Date: January 6
    • Significance: Celebrates the revelation of God incarnate as Jesus Christ
  4. 5


    A week-long annual celebration held in the United States and other nations to honor African heritage in African-American culture.
    • Duration: 7 days
    • Significance: Celebrates African heritage, unity, and culture
  5. 6
    Winter Solstice

    Winter Solstice

    An astronomical phenomenon marking the day with the shortest period of daylight and the longest night of the year.
    • Date: December 21 or 22
    • Significance: Shortest day of the year
  6. 7
    Chinese New Year

    Chinese New Year

    Also known as the Spring Festival, it is the most important traditional festival in Chinese culture, celebrated at the turn of the traditional lunisolar Chinese calendar.
    • Date: Varies (January or February)
    • Significance: Beginning of a new year according to the traditional Chinese calendar
  7. 8


    Known as the Festival of Lights, Diwali is a major Hindu festival celebrated by millions around the world.
    • Date: Varies (October or November)
    • Significance: Victory of light over darkness
  8. 9
    New Year's Eve

    New Year's Eve

    The final day of the Gregorian year, celebrated as a major social holiday by many around the world.
    • Date: December 31
    • Significance: End of the Gregorian year
  9. 10
    Saint Nicholas Day

    Saint Nicholas Day

    A Christian festival commemorating Saint Nicholas, a 4th-century saint known for his generous gifts to the poor.
    • Date: December 6
    • Significance: Feast day of Saint Nicholas

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular winter holiday. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or winter holiday is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 136 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each winter holiday once every 24 hours. The rank of each winter holiday is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Popular Winter Holiday

Rank #1 for the most popular winter holiday: Christmas (Source)
In many parts of the world, people celebrate a popular winter holiday. This holiday often brings families together. It has deep roots in history and tradition. Many cultures have their own ways to mark this time of year. The holiday often involves gift-giving, feasts, and decorations.

Long ago, people celebrated the winter solstice. This is the shortest day and longest night of the year. They believed the sun would come back stronger, bringing longer days. This time of year was seen as a time of rebirth and renewal. Many traditions we see today come from these ancient celebrations.

Families often gather for large meals. These feasts usually include special foods that are only made once a year. The meals are a way to share joy and abundance. Many people spend days preparing for these feasts. They cook, bake, and make sure everything is perfect.

Gift-giving is another key part of this holiday. People exchange gifts to show love and appreciation. This tradition has evolved over time. In the past, gifts were simple and handmade. Today, they can be elaborate and bought from stores. The joy of giving and receiving gifts adds to the festive spirit.

Decorations play a big role in the celebration. Homes are often adorned with lights, ornaments, and other festive items. These decorations create a warm and welcoming atmosphere. They also serve as a reminder of the holiday season. Many families have traditions around decorating their homes.

Songs and music are also important. Many people sing traditional songs during this time. These songs have been passed down through generations. They help set the mood and bring people together. Music adds to the sense of community and joy.

Another aspect is helping others. Many people take this time to give back to their communities. They donate food, clothes, and money to those in need. Acts of kindness and charity are common. This reflects the spirit of the holiday, which is about sharing and caring.

In many places, there are also public celebrations. These can include parades, concerts, and other events. These gatherings bring communities together. They offer a chance for people to celebrate with others outside their families.

The holiday has also become a time for reflection. As the year comes to an end, people look back on the past months. They think about what they have achieved and what they hope for the future. This makes the holiday a time for both celebration and contemplation.

In summary, this winter holiday is a time for family, joy, and giving. It has a rich history and many traditions. People come together to share meals, exchange gifts, and decorate their homes. Music, charity, and community events add to the festive atmosphere. It is a time to reflect on the past and look forward to the future. This holiday brings warmth and light to the cold winter days.

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