The Most Popular Word Game, Ranked

Choose the word game you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 18, 2024 07:44
In a world where dinner table debates and friendly gatherings often revolve around which word games capture our intellects and imaginations the most, having a clear ranking helps settle the score. These games not only serve as a fun way to challenge our minds but also as a bridge connecting different age groups and cultures through the power of words. By voting for your favorite word games, you contribute to a dynamic tally that reflects current trends and popular opinions. This continuous input from diverse players around the globe ensures the rankings remain accurate and relevant. Participate in shaping this dynamic leaderboard and see where your favorites stand among the global favorites.

What Is the Most Popular Word Game?

  1. 1
    This classic word game has been around for decades and continues to be a favorite among all ages. The game has a simple premise - players must create words using letter tiles and earn points based on the letters used and the placement of the word on the board. Scrabble has a strong competitive community and has even been featured in national tournaments.
    Scrabble is a classic word game played on a square board, where players use letter tiles to create words and score points. It is a game that challenges vocabulary skills and strategic thinking.
    • Year of creation: 1938
    • Number of players: 2-4
    • Board size: 15x15 squares
    • Tile set: 100 letter tiles
    • Scoring: Points determined by letter values and placement
  2. 2
    This mobile and online game has gained immense popularity in recent years. Similar to Scrabble, players must create words using letter tiles and earn points based on letter values and placement on the board. The game also allows players to challenge friends and strangers to matches, making it a fun and social way to play.
    Words with Friends is a popular Facebook game that tests players' vocabulary and strategic skills. It is a multiplayer word game that allows users to compete against their friends or random opponents.
    • Release Date: July 2009
    • Platforms: Facebook, iOS, Android
    • Game Type: Casual, Puzzle
    • Number of Players: 2-4
    • Language Support: English
    Words with Friends in other rankings
  3. 3
    Another classic word game, Boggle challenges players to find as many words as possible within a grid of lettered dice. The game is fast-paced and requires quick thinking and a strong vocabulary. Boggle has been popular for decades and continues to be a favorite among word game enthusiasts.
    Boggle is a popular word game that challenges players to find as many words as possible within a grid of jumbled letters. The game is typically played on a square grid of 16 letters, arranged in a 4x4 layout. Players must use adjacent letters to form words, with each letter being used only once per word. The longer the word, the more points it is worth. The game is fast-paced and competitive, with players racing against the clock to find as many words as they can.
    • Grid Size: 4x4
    • Letter Count: 16
    • Adjacent Letters: Allowed
    • Letter Reuse: Not allowed within a single word
    • Word Scoring: Points awarded based on word length
  4. 4
    This fast-paced word game is similar to Scrabble and Boggle but with a unique twist. Players must create their own crossword grid using letter tiles, trying to use up all of their tiles before their opponents. Bananagrams is a simple yet challenging game that can be played with just two players or with larger groups.
    Bananagrams is a fast-paced, competitive word game that requires players to create their own crossword grids. It is played with a set of letter tiles and does not require a game board. The objective of the game is to use all of the tiles to form and connect words in a crossword-shaped grid.
    • Year of Creation: 2006
    • Number of Tiles: 144
    • Game Duration: 10-15 minutes
    • Number of Players: 1-8
    • Age Range: 7+
  5. 5

    Crossword puzzles

    Arthur Wynne
    This classic puzzle game has been around for over a century and remains popular to this day. Crossword puzzles challenge players to fill in a grid of squares with words based on clues provided. The game requires a strong vocabulary and a sharp mind to complete, making it a favorite among puzzle enthusiasts.
    Crossword puzzles are word games that consist of a rectangular grid of white and black squares. The goal is to fill the white squares with letters, forming words vertically and horizontally based on clues provided. These puzzles test one's vocabulary, knowledge, and problem-solving skills.
    • Grid Size: Typically 15x15, but can vary
    • Clue Types: Across (horizontal), Down (vertical)
    • Clue Format: Numbered clues with corresponding boxes for each word
    • Difficulty Levels: Varies from beginner to expert
    • Intersecting Words: Words intersect at common letters
    Crossword puzzles in other rankings
  6. 6
    This simple yet addictive game challenges players to guess a hidden word by guessing letters one at a time. Each wrong guess results in a part of a hanging man being drawn, adding an element of tension to the game. Hangman can be played alone or with others, making it a fun and easy game to enjoy.
    Hangman is a popular word game where one player thinks of a word and the other player tries to guess the word by suggesting letters. The word is represented by dashes, with each dash indicating a letter in the word. If the guessed letter is in the word, all occurrences of that letter are revealed in the correct positions. If the guessed letter is not in the word, a part of a stick figure being hanged is drawn. The guessing player has a limited number of incorrect guesses before the stick figure is completed, resulting in game over. The objective is to guess the word before the stick figure is fully drawn.
    • Player Interaction: Turn-based
    • Difficulty Levels: Multiple
    • Word Categories: Customizable
    • Scorekeeping: Possible
    • Single/Multiplayer: Both
  7. 7
    This word game requires players to take turns adding letters to a growing word with the goal of not completing it. If a player completes the word, they lose the round. The game requires strategic thinking and a good vocabulary, making it a favorite among word game enthusiasts.
    Ghost is a romantic drama movie released in 1990. The film tells the story of Sam, a young banker who is murdered, and then comes back as a ghost to avenge his death and protect his girlfriend, Molly. As a ghost, Sam communicates with Oda Mae Brown, a psychic, and together they try to uncover the truth behind his murder. The movie is known for its memorable and emotional scenes, particularly the pottery scene between Sam and Molly set to the song 'Unchained Melody.'
    • Release Date: July 13, 1990
    • Running Time: 127 minutes
    • Box Office: $505.7 million
    • Starring: Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg
    • Academy Award Wins: 2 (Best Supporting Actress for Whoopi Goldberg, Best Original Screenplay for Bruce Joel Rubin)
  8. 8
    This party game challenges players to think of words in different categories that start with a given letter. Players must be creative and quick-thinking to come up with unique answers before time runs out. Scattergories is a fun and social game that can be played with large groups.
    Scattergories is a popular word game that challenges players to think quickly and creatively to come up with unique words within a given category. Players are given a list of categories and a letter of the alphabet, and they must come up with words that start with the designated letter and fit the given categories. The game stimulates quick thinking, vocabulary, and creativity.
    • Number of Players: 2+
    • Recommended Age: 12+
    • Playing Time: 30 minutes
    • Components: Dice, Category Cards, Answer Sheets, Timer
    • Categories: Over 200 different categories
  9. 9
    This simple word game challenges players to create as many words as possible using a set of letters. Players can compete against each other or play alone, trying to come up with as many words as possible before time runs out. Anagrams is a fun and easy game that can be enjoyed by anyone.
    Anagrams is a classic word game where players are given a set of letters and must rearrange them to form as many words as possible. It stimulates vocabulary, language skills, and creativity.
    • Game Type: Word game
    • Players: 2 or more
    • Objective: To form words using the given set of letters
    • Letter Set: A random assortment of letters
    • Time Limit: Optional, can be played with or without a time constraint
  10. 10
    Upwords - This word game is similar to Scrabble but with a unique twist is players can build words on top of existing words to create higher-scoring combinations. The game requires strategic thinking and a strong vocabulary, making it a favorite among word game enthusiasts.

Missing your favorite word game?


Ranking factors for popular word game

  1. User Reviews
    User reviews are a good point to start to get an idea of how popular a word game is. Games with a high number of positive reviews are generally more popular than those with fewer or negative reviews.
    The number of downloads is another important factor to consider. Game developers often provide download data, which helps to gauge popularity.
  3. Active Users
    The number of active users is another useful metric. It gives a clearer idea of how many people play the game frequently.
  4. Retention Rate
    The retention rate measures how many users return to the game multiple times. A high retention rate indicates the game is enjoyable and engaging.
  5. Social Media Buzz
    The amount of buzz a game generates on social media is also a good indicator of its popularity. A game that is highly talked about on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook is likely to be popular.
  6. Revenue
    The amount of revenue a game generates via in-app purchases or advertising indicates its level of popularity and gameplay engagement.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular word game. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or word game is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 158 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each word game once every 24 hours. The rank of each word game is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular word game

Word games have been around for centuries and have always been a popular pastime for people of all ages. From crossword puzzles to Scrabble, word games challenge us to think creatively and expand our vocabulary. With the rise of digital technology, online word games have become incredibly popular, allowing players to compete with others from around the world. But which word game is the most popular? That's what we set out to find in our latest poll on StrawPoll. We asked thousands of users to vote for their favorite word game, and the results are in. Keep reading to see which game came out on top!

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