The Most Popular Word on Urban Dictionary, Ranked

Choose the word you think is the most popular!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Apr 18, 2024 07:44
In the dynamic landscape of language, slang swiftly shifts and new words bubble up continually. To grasp trending terms, a list categorizing the most popular entries on Urban Dictionary can be an enlightening resource. This dynamic tally offers a snapshot of what's current, reflecting how words capture real-time societal trends and cultural expressions. By participating in voting for the slang that resonates, users play a pivotal role in shaping the rank order. Ejach vote helps refine the understanding of which terms are making an impact or capturing the zeitgeist. As a result, this ongoing accumulation of community insights not only enlightened readers but also preserves the vibrancy and creativity inherent in evolving language.

What Is the Most Popular Word on Urban Dictionary?

  1. 1
    A slang term used to express excitement or approval. It originated in black vernacular and became popularized through social media and viral videos.
    Yeet is a versatile slang term that originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE). It gained popularity on the internet, especially on social media platforms and in memes. The term 'yeet' is used to express excitement, joy, or to celebrate. It can also signify the act of forcefully throwing or discarding something with great force and distance.
    • 1: Popularized on Vine, a now-defunct short-form video hosting service.
    • 2: Frequently used as an exclamation in response to an impressive or amusing event.
    • 3: Has been incorporated into dances, where people perform sudden, swift, and sometimes comical movements.
    • 4: Has become a verb, meaning to throw, toss, or get rid of something forcefully.
    • 5: Often used to express enthusiasm, excitement, or victory.
  2. 2


    A slang term used to describe something cool or exciting. It's a common word in pop culture and social media.
    Lit is a slang word commonly used to describe something that is exciting, enjoyable, or impressive. It is often used to express enthusiasm or approval for a particular event, party, song, or experience.
    • Usage: Lit is used as an adjective to describe something or someone as amazing, cool, or happening.
    • Positive connotation: The word generally carries a positive connotation, suggesting that the described experience or event is highly enjoyable.
    • Popularity in social media: Lit gained significant traction on social media platforms, where it is often used in captions, comments, or hashtags to express excitement, energy, or a great time.
    • Cultural influence: The word's usage has spread beyond its origins and is now commonly used by people of various backgrounds and age groups.
    • Alternative meanings: In some contexts, 'Lit' can also refer to being intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  3. 3


    A slang term used to confirm a bet or agreement. It's a popular word in black vernacular and has become mainstream through social media.
    The word 'Bet' on Urban Dictionary is slang that is commonly used to mean 'agreed' or 'okay'. It is often used as a response to confirm a plan or an agreement.
    • Definition: Agreed or okay
    • Usage: Casual, informal
    • Popularity: High
    • Origin: Unknown, likely originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE)
    • Alternative Meanings: None (specifically for this slang usage)
  4. 4
    A slang term used to describe someone who is bitter or angry. It's a common word in pop culture and social media.
    The term 'Salty' on Urban Dictionary refers to being upset, bitter, or resentful about something. It is often used to describe someone who is exhibiting a negative or angry attitude.
    • Popularity: High
    • Usage: Commonly used in online conversations and gaming communities
    • Origin: Derived from the slang phrase 'salty tears', referencing the bitterness of tears
    • Synonyms: Bitter, resentful, mad, upset
    • Antonyms: Sweet, happy, content
  5. 5
    A slang term used to show off or boast. It's a common word in pop culture and social media.
    The 'Flex' emote in Roblox is a popular emote that showcases confidence and power. When activated, the player raises both arms and flexes their muscles, symbolizing strength and dominance. It is widely used to boast about achievements or intimidate opponents in virtual battles. The animation also includes subtle facial expressions that signify self-assuredness and pride.
    • Emote Name: Flex
    • Release Date: May 2019
    • Price: Free
    • Animation Length: 2 seconds
    • Availability: Available to all Roblox users
  6. 6
    A slang term used to describe someone who is tough or aggressive. It's a common word in pop culture and social media.
    The Savage is a well-known and highly regarded boat in Australia. It is known for its durability, versatility, and excellent performance on the water. The boats are specially designed for various recreational activities, including fishing, cruising, and water sports. With their sleek and sturdy construction, Savages are built to withstand the harsh Australian marine conditions.
    • Length: Ranges from 3.7 to 8.3 meters
    • Weight: Varies depending on the model
    • Hull Type: Mono-hull
    • Max Capacity: Ranges from 3 to 14 people
    • Engine Options: Both outboard and inboard engines available
  7. 7
    A derogatory slang term used to describe a promiscuous woman. It originated in hip hop culture and has become more mainstream through social media.
    Thot is a slang term that stands for 'That Hoe Over There'. It is used to describe a person, usually a woman, who is perceived to engage in promiscuous behavior or seeks attention from multiple sexual partners. The term originated in the streets of Chicago and gained popularity through social media and music.
    • 1: Acronym
    • 2: Slang
    • 3: Derogatory
    • 4: Sexually suggestive
    • 5: Gender-specific (usually female)
  8. 8


    A slang term used to refer to a significant other. It's a common word in pop culture and social media.
    Bae is a popular slang word that originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and gained widespread use in mainstream culture. It is an affectionate term used to refer to one's romantic partner, equivalent to 'baby' or 'sweetheart'. The word is often used in social media posts, text messages, and casual conversations.
    • Origin: African American Vernacular English (AAVE)
    • Meaning: Affectionate term for one's romantic partner
    • Usage: Social media, text messages, casual conversations
    • Popularity: Widespread use in mainstream culture
    • Alternative Meanings: Before Anyone Else
  9. 9
    An acronym for "fear of missing out". It's a common phrase in pop culture and social media.
    FOMO stands for 'Fear Of Missing Out'. It is a popular slang word used to describe the feeling of anxiety or insecurity that one may experience when they believe they are missing out on unique or exciting experiences or opportunities.
    • Origin: FOMO was first identified and coined in the early 2000s.
    • Meaning: The term describes the fear or uneasiness of not being actively involved in something happening at a given time.
    • Usage: FOMO is predominantly used in informal conversations, social media posts, and online discussions.
    • Emotional Response: It can lead to anxiety, restlessness, and the urge to constantly check social media or participate in various activities.
    • Popularity: FOMO gained significant popularity with the rise of social media platforms, where people share highlights of their lives, leading others to feel they are missing out.
  10. 10
    A term used to describe when someone abruptly stops communicating with another person without explanation. It's a common phenomenon in modern dating culture.

Missing your favorite word?


Ranking factors for popular word

  1. Number of searches
    Look at the number of times a word has been searched on Urban Dictionary and compare it to other words.
  2. Number of entries
    Consider the number of entries that have been written for a particular word. The more entries a word has, the more popular it is likely to be.
  3. User votes
    Look at the number of upvotes and downvotes a word has received from users. A high number of upvotes indicates that a word is popular and widely accepted.
  4. Recency
    Consider the recency of a word's entries. Words that have been recently added or updated may be more popular than older entries.
  5. External factors
    Consider external factors such as the popularity of a meme or a cultural reference. Words that are associated with popular internet memes or cultural figures may be more popular than others.

About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most popular word on Urban Dictionary. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or word is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 202 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each word once every 24 hours. The rank of each word is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

More information on most popular word on urban dictionary

Urban Dictionary is an online slang dictionary that allows users to submit and define words and phrases not typically found in traditional dictionaries. It was founded in 1999 as a parody of conventional dictionaries and has since become a cultural phenomenon, with its entries often being cited in popular media. The website features a vast array of terms, ranging from playful and humorous to vulgar and offensive. Despite its controversial content, Urban Dictionary has become a popular source of reference for millennials and Gen Z, who use its slang and colloquialisms in their daily conversations. With so many unique and creative entries on Urban Dictionary, it's hard to determine which word reigns supreme as the most popular. However, by analyzing user data and engagement, StrawPoll has managed to identify the top contenders for the title. So, let's take a closer look at the most popular word on Urban Dictionary and what makes it so appealing to users.

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