The Most Random College, Ranked

Choose the college you think is the most random!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 22, 2024 07:18
Choosing a college can be an overwhelming decision given the number of options available. Sometimes, the depth of choice can lead to unique preferences. Some might seek hidden gems, the random and less-known institutions that have unique offerings. This space allows you to rank these institutions, providing insights that might not appear in traditional rankings. By participating in this voting process, you contribute to a broader understanding of what these colleges offer. Your vote helps others in making informed decisions while also bringing attention to smaller or lesser-known institutions. See how rankings change based on collective opinions and help potential students find their ideal educational path.

What Is the Most Random College?

  1. 1
    Deep Springs College

    Deep Springs College

    A unique two-year college located on a remote cattle ranch and alfalfa farm in California.
    • Student Body Size: Approximately 30
    • Unique Aspect: Students participate in self-governance, as well as labor on the farm.
  2. 2

    Evergreen State College

    Known for its alternative educational model and narrative evaluations instead of grades.
    • Location: Olympia, Washington
    • Founded: 1967
  3. 3

    Olin College of Engineering

    An engineering school with a focus on project-based learning.
    • Founded: 1997
    • Enrollment: Approximately 350 undergraduate students
  4. 4
    Marlboro College

    Marlboro College

    Known for its self-directed learning and student-designed majors.
    • Location: Marlboro, Vermont
    • Closed: 2020
  5. 5

    College of the Ozarks

    Referred to as 'Hard Work U', this college offers free tuition in exchange for work.
    • Location: Point Lookout, Missouri
    • Work Requirement: 15 hours per week plus two 40-hour work weeks per year
  6. 6

    Weird Science Institute

    A fictional college dedicated to the most unconventional and unorthodox approaches to science.
    • Note: This entry is fictional and for illustrative purposes.
  7. 7

    Shimer College

    A very small liberal arts college known for its discussion-based Great Books curriculum.
    • Location: Chicago, Illinois
    • Student to Faculty Ratio: 8:1
  8. 8
    Quest University

    Quest University

    A private, secular liberal arts and sciences university with an emphasis on block programming.
    • Location: Squamish, British Columbia, Canada
    • Curriculum: Students take one course at a time for 3.5 weeks.
  9. 9

    St. John's College

    Known for its Great Books curriculum, where students read and discuss the Western canon.
    • Campuses: Annapolis, Maryland and Santa Fe, New Mexico
    • Curriculum: All students follow the same program studying classic texts.
  10. 10

    Naropa University

    A private university based on Buddhist principles and combining Eastern and Western educational traditions.
    • Location: Boulder, Colorado
    • Founded: 1974

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most random college. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or college is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 2 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each college once every 24 hours. The rank of each college is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Random College

Deep Springs College
Rank #1 for the most random college: Deep Springs College (Source)
A small college sits in a quiet town. It has a unique charm that sets it apart from others. The campus is small but full of life. Students walk to class, chat with friends, and enjoy the green spaces. The buildings are old but well-kept, with ivy climbing the walls. Each building has a story, adding to the rich history of the place.

The student body is diverse. People from different backgrounds come together to learn. They bring their own experiences, creating a vibrant community. Clubs and groups cater to many interests. There are clubs for arts, sports, and even niche hobbies. These groups help students bond and grow outside the classroom.

Classes are small, allowing for close interaction with professors. The faculty is dedicated and passionate about teaching. They know their students by name and offer personalized guidance. This creates a supportive learning environment. Students feel valued and encouraged to pursue their goals.

The college offers a variety of programs. There are majors in the arts, sciences, and humanities. Each program is designed to challenge students and broaden their horizons. The curriculum is rigorous but rewarding. Students work hard and take pride in their achievements.

The library is a central hub on campus. It is a place for study, research, and reflection. The shelves are lined with books on many subjects. There are quiet corners for individual study and group areas for collaboration. The library staff is helpful, always ready to assist with finding resources.

Sports play a significant role in campus life. There are teams for various sports, and students take pride in their achievements. Games and matches draw crowds, creating a sense of community. The college spirit is strong, with students and faculty cheering on their teams.

The town around the college adds to its charm. It is small but welcoming, with local shops and cafes. Students often explore the town, enjoying its quaint streets and friendly atmosphere. The town and college share a close relationship, supporting each other in many ways.

The college promotes a balance between academics and personal growth. It encourages students to explore their interests and develop new skills. There are workshops, seminars, and events that offer additional learning opportunities. These activities help students prepare for life after graduation.

The sense of community is strong. Students form lasting friendships and connections. Alumni often return, sharing their experiences and offering guidance. This network of support extends beyond the campus, creating a lifelong bond.

In summary, this college is a place where students can thrive. It offers a supportive environment, diverse programs, and a strong sense of community. The unique charm of the campus and town adds to the overall experience. Students leave with a solid education and a network of lifelong connections.

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