The Most Reliable Aircraft Engine, Ranked

Choose the aircraft engine you think is the most reliable!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 07:18
Ensuring safety and efficiency in air travel hinges significantly on the reliability of aircraft engines. Passengers and airlines alike benefit greatly from engines that consistently perform well, as they are crucial in minimizing downtime and maintenance costs. Consequently, assessing which engines provide dependable service over time is more than just practical; it is a necessity for industry standards. This site allows users to cast their votes on which aircraft engines they believe are the most reliable, based on personal experiences or industry knowledge. By participating in this ranking, you contribute to a broader understanding of engine performance. This collective input helps inform decisions in aviation purchases and maintenance, making each vote an important part of shaping industry benchmarks.

What Is the Most Reliable Aircraft Engine?

  1. 1
    Pratt & Whitney PW4000

    Pratt & Whitney PW4000

    The PW4000 series are high-thrust turbofans that have powered a wide range of aircraft and have a reputation for reliability.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 1987
  2. 2
    General Electric CF6

    General Electric CF6

    The CF6 engine family has been in service since the 1970s, powering a wide range of aircraft including the Boeing 747 and Airbus A330.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 1971
  3. 3
    Rolls-Royce Trent XWB

    Rolls-Royce Trent XWB

    The most powerful engine developed by Rolls-Royce, the Trent XWB is designed exclusively for the Airbus A350 XWB.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 2015
  4. 4
    Rolls-Royce Trent 1000

    Rolls-Royce Trent 1000

    Designed specifically for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, the Trent 1000 has proven to be a reliable and efficient engine.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 2006
  5. 5


    Developed by GE Aviation for the Boeing 777, the GE90-115B is one of the most powerful and reliable jet engines in the world.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 1995
  6. 6
    Rolls-Royce Trent 700

    Rolls-Royce Trent 700

    The Trent 700 powers the Airbus A330 and is known for its reliability, fuel efficiency, and low noise levels.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 1994
  7. 7
    CFM International LEAP

    CFM International LEAP

    The LEAP engine is a newer generation turbofan that offers significant improvements in fuel efficiency and reliability over its predecessors.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 2016
  8. 8
    General Electric GEnx

    General Electric GEnx

    Designed for the Boeing 787 Dreamliner and the 747-8, the GEnx offers improved fuel efficiency and reduced noise and emissions.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 2011
  9. 9


    The CFM56-5B series is one of the most successful and reliable jet engines, powering the Airbus A320 family.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 1982
  10. 10
    Pratt & Whitney JT8D

    Pratt & Whitney JT8D

    One of the earliest high-bypass turbofan engines, the JT8D powered the Boeing 727, 737, and McDonnell Douglas MD-80 series.
    • Type: Turbofan
    • Introduced: 1964

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most reliable aircraft engine. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or engine is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 89 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each engine once every 24 hours. The rank of each engine is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Reliable Aircraft Engine

Pratt & Whitney PW4000
Rank #1 for the most reliable aircraft engine: Pratt & Whitney PW4000 (Source)
Aircraft engines are crucial to flight safety and efficiency. Engineers have worked for years to make these engines reliable. The journey to creating dependable engines involves many steps and innovations.

Early engines were basic and prone to failure. They were loud, heavy, and inefficient. Over time, engineers introduced new materials and designs. These changes improved performance and reliability. One key development was the use of jet engines. Jet engines, compared to piston engines, have fewer moving parts. This reduces the chances of mechanical failure.

Modern engines use advanced materials. These materials can withstand high temperatures and pressures. This helps the engines run longer without issues. Engineers also use computer systems to monitor engine performance. These systems can detect problems early, allowing for quick fixes before they become serious.

Regular maintenance is another factor in engine reliability. Airlines and operators follow strict schedules. They check engines for wear and tear, replacing parts as needed. This proactive approach prevents many problems.

Testing is also crucial. Before an engine is used in flight, it goes through rigorous tests. These tests simulate extreme conditions. Engineers look for any weaknesses and fix them. This process ensures the engine can handle real-world stresses.

Fuel efficiency is another focus. Reliable engines must also be efficient. Engineers design engines to use less fuel while providing the same power. This not only saves money but also reduces environmental impact.

Noise reduction is another area of improvement. Early engines were very loud. Modern engines are much quieter. This makes flights more pleasant for passengers and reduces noise pollution near airports.

Safety is always the top priority. Reliable engines contribute to overall flight safety. They must perform well in all conditions, from extreme heat to freezing cold. They must also handle long flights without issues.

The aviation industry continues to innovate. New technologies and materials are always being explored. Engineers aim to make engines even more reliable and efficient. This ongoing effort ensures that air travel remains safe and dependable.

In summary, the most reliable aircraft engines are the result of years of research and development. They use advanced materials, undergo rigorous testing, and follow strict maintenance schedules. These engines are not only safe and efficient but also quieter and more environmentally friendly. The aviation industry remains committed to improving engine reliability, ensuring that air travel continues to be a safe mode of transportation.

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