The Most Reliable Encyclopedia, Ranked

Choose the encyclopedia you think is the most reliable!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 07:19
Seeking accurate and trustworthy information is vital in an age where knowledge is constantly expanding and evolving. Encyclopedias have long served as a cornerstone for reliable data across a myriad of topics, from historical events to scientific principles. Determining which encyclopedia offers the most reliable content can guide users toward more accurate research and understanding. By casting votes for the encyclopedia they trust the most, users contribute to a dynamic evaluation of available resources. This process not only highlights the favored sources but also encourages a collective scrutiny of the information provided by these vast repositories. Such involvement from the community ensures that the rankings reflect a broad spectrum of user experiences and insights.

What Is the Most Reliable Encyclopedia?

  1. 1
    Encyclopedia of Life

    Encyclopedia of Life

    A free, online collaborative encyclopedia intended to document all of the 1.9 million living species known to science.
    • Launch date: 2008
    • Goal: Document all living species
  2. 2

    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

    A freely accessible online encyclopedia of philosophy maintained by Stanford University.
    • First published: 1995
    • Editor: Edward N. Zalta
  3. 3


    A website which provides subscription-based access to a large database of scientific and medical research.
    • Owner: Elsevier
    • Content: 12 million+ pieces of content
  4. 4

    A free online encyclopedia that aggregates content from various sources.
    • Content sources: Multiple
    • Focus: General
  5. 5
    Encyclopaedia of Islam

    Encyclopaedia of Islam

    An encyclopedia of the academic discipline of Islamic studies.
    • First published: 1913
    • Editions: Three editions
  6. 7


    An online encyclopedia that provides IT education, technology information, and a comprehensive glossary of IT terms.
    • Focus: Information Technology
    • Content type: Articles, definitions, guides
  7. 8


    A website offering financial education and information with a comprehensive encyclopedia of financial terms.
    • Founded: 1999
    • Focus: Finance and investing
  8. 9
    Catholic Encyclopedia

    Catholic Encyclopedia

    An English-language encyclopedia of Catholic topics published in the early 20th century.
    • First published: 1907
    • Volumes: 15 volumes
  9. 10


    A British encyclopaedia, which is the oldest English-language general encyclopedia.
    • First published: 1768
    • Editions: 15th edition is the latest in print

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most reliable encyclopedia. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Encyclopedia is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 41 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Encyclopedia once every 24 hours. The rank of each Encyclopedia is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Reliable Encyclopedia

Encyclopedia of Life
Rank #1 for the most reliable encyclopedia: Encyclopedia of Life (Source)
An encyclopedia is a collection of knowledge. It covers many topics and provides information in a structured way. People use encyclopedias to learn about subjects they are not familiar with. The most reliable encyclopedias have a long history and are well-respected. They are known for their accuracy and thoroughness.

Experts write the articles in these encyclopedias. They have deep knowledge in their fields. This ensures that the information is correct and up-to-date. The articles are reviewed before they are published. This process helps to catch errors and improve the content. The goal is to provide readers with trustworthy information.

Reliable encyclopedias cover a wide range of topics. They include history, science, art, and more. Each topic is divided into smaller sections. This makes it easy for readers to find the information they need. The articles are written in clear and simple language. This helps readers understand the content without difficulty.

These encyclopedias are available in both print and digital formats. The print versions are often large and heavy. They are usually found in libraries and schools. The digital versions can be accessed online. This makes it easier for people to find information quickly. The digital format also allows for updates. This ensures that the information stays current.

One key feature of reliable encyclopedias is their use of sources. The articles include references to original works and research. This allows readers to verify the information. It also provides a way to learn more about the topic. The use of sources adds to the credibility of the encyclopedia.

Another important aspect is the editorial team. A strong editorial team ensures the quality of the content. They work with the experts to refine the articles. They also ensure that the information is presented in a neutral and objective way. This helps to avoid bias and maintain trust.

Reliable encyclopedias also have a long history of publication. They have built a reputation over time. This history adds to their credibility. People trust these encyclopedias because they have proven their reliability over many years.

In addition to general encyclopedias, there are also specialized ones. These focus on specific fields such as medicine or law. They provide in-depth information on these topics. Like general encyclopedias, they are written by experts and reviewed for accuracy.

In conclusion, the most reliable encyclopedias are known for their accuracy and thoroughness. They are written by experts and reviewed by a strong editorial team. They cover a wide range of topics and use sources to verify information. They are available in both print and digital formats. Their long history of publication adds to their credibility. People trust these encyclopedias because they provide trustworthy information.

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