The Most Useful Pet in Terraria, Ranked

Choose the pet you think is the most useful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 16, 2024 07:25
Many Terraria players know the value of having a helpful pet by their side. As the game unfolds, the variety of pets available can serve unique purposes, enhancing the gaming experience significantly. Figuring out which pet tops the list in usefulness can be both intriguing and immensely beneficial to newcomers and seasoned players alike. On this website, every visitor has the opportunity to cast a vote for the pet they believe is the most advantageous in Terraria. These collective inputs contribute to a dynamic ranking that reflects the community's current opinions and experiences. It's not only a way to see which pets are favored, but also a chance to influence the ranking by adding your voice to the mix.

What Is the Most Useful Pet in Terraria?

  1. 1

    Magic Lantern

    A light pet that exposes nearby treasures and ores.
    • Function: Highlights treasures and ores.
  2. 2

    Companion Cube

    A pet that can act as a portable light source and mimics the behavior of a pet.
    • Function: Emits light and avoids environmental hazards.
  3. 3

    Dynamite Kitten

    A pet that imitates explosions without causing actual damage.
    • Function: Imitates explosions.
  4. 4

    Zephyr Fish

    A pet that follows the player around.
    • Function: Purely cosmetic.
  5. 5


    A pet that hops along the ground following the player.
    • Function: Purely cosmetic.
  6. 6


    A pet that provides light in dark areas.
    • Function: Emits light.
  7. 7

    Baby Dinosaur

    A pet dinosaur that accompanies the player.
    • Function: Purely cosmetic.
  8. 8

    Baby Grinch

    A seasonal pet that follows the player.
    • Function: Purely cosmetic.
  9. 9

    Shadow Orb

    A pet that provides light in dark areas.
    • Function: Emits light.
  10. 10


    A pet turtle that follows the player.
    • Function: Purely cosmetic.

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most useful pet in Terraria. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or pet is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 4 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each pet once every 24 hours. The rank of each pet is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Useful Pet in Terraria

In Terraria, pets play a crucial role in enhancing the overall gameplay experience. These companions provide various benefits that can aid players in their journey through the game’s expansive world. One of the most useful aspects of having a pet is the added sense of companionship. Pets follow players everywhere, creating a feeling of not being alone in the vast and sometimes dangerous environment.

Pets can also serve practical functions. Some pets offer light, which is essential when exploring dark caves or dungeons. This feature allows players to see their surroundings better and avoid traps or enemies lurking in the shadows. Having a pet that provides light can save inventory space since players might not need to carry as many torches or other light sources.

Another important benefit of pets is their ability to assist in combat. Certain pets can attack enemies, providing extra damage and helping to fend off threats. This can be especially useful during boss fights or when facing large groups of enemies. A pet that can fight alongside the player can make a significant difference in challenging battles.

Pets can also help with mobility. Some pets allow players to move faster or jump higher. This increased mobility can help players navigate difficult terrain or escape from dangerous situations quickly. In a game where exploration is key, having a pet that enhances movement can be a game-changer.

Moreover, pets can assist in gathering resources. Some pets have the ability to collect items or materials, which can save time and effort. This feature is particularly useful when mining or farming for specific resources. A pet that can help gather items can make resource collection more efficient and less tedious.

Pets also add a layer of customization to the game. Players can choose pets that match their playstyle or personal preferences. This level of customization allows players to create a unique experience tailored to their liking. Whether a player prefers a pet that provides light, assists in combat, or enhances mobility, there is a pet that can meet those needs.

In summary, pets in Terraria offer a range of benefits that can significantly enhance gameplay. They provide companionship, practical functions, combat assistance, increased mobility, and resource gathering capabilities. The ability to customize pets to match personal preferences further enriches the gaming experience. Having a useful pet can make a notable difference in a player’s journey through the world of Terraria.

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