The Most Beautiful Cathedral in the UK, Ranked

Choose the cathedral you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 24, 2024 06:19
Deciding which cathedral in the UK holds the title of the most beautiful is a subjective yet fascinating endeavor. The appreciation of architecture and history plays a significant role in forming personal preferences. By ranking these majestic structures, individuals have a unique opportunity to contribute to a collective assessment that highlights diverse architectural marvels spread across the UK. Each vote cast in this evaluation helps to shape a dynamic list that reflects current public sentiments and opinions. This not only aids potential visitors in making informed choices about which sites to explore, but it also fosters a sense of community among enthusiasts of historical and architectural heritage. The engagement encourages active participation, ensuring the rankings remain reflective of widespread admiration and esteem.

What Is the Most Beautiful Cathedral in the UK?

  1. 1
    York Minster

    York Minster

    One of the largest of its kind in Northern Europe, York Minster is renowned for its stunning Gothic architecture.
    • Location: York, England
    • Year Consecrated: 1472
  2. 2
    Canterbury Cathedral

    Canterbury Cathedral

    A UNESCO World Heritage Site, Canterbury Cathedral is one of the oldest and most famous Christian structures in England.
    • Location: Canterbury, England
    • Year Founded: 597 AD
  3. 3
    Durham Cathedral

    Durham Cathedral

    Famous for its Romanesque architecture and the shrine of Saint Cuthbert, Durham Cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
    • Location: Durham, England
    • Year Founded: 1093 AD
  4. 4

    Salisbury Cathedral

    Known for having the tallest church spire in the UK and an original copy of the Magna Carta.
    • Location: Salisbury, England
    • Year Completed: 1258
  5. 5
    Wells Cathedral

    Wells Cathedral

    Known for its beautiful West Front and unique scissor arches, Wells Cathedral is a stunning example of early English Gothic architecture.
    • Location: Wells, England
    • Year Consecrated: 1239
  6. 6
    Winchester Cathedral

    Winchester Cathedral

    Famous for its long nave and overall length, Winchester Cathedral is one of the largest cathedrals in Europe.
    • Location: Winchester, England
    • Year Founded: 642 AD
  7. 7
    Lincoln Cathedral

    Lincoln Cathedral

    Once the tallest building in the world, Lincoln Cathedral is a prime example of English Gothic architecture.
    • Location: Lincoln, England
    • Year Consecrated: 1092
  8. 8
    St Paul's Cathedral

    St Paul's Cathedral

    An iconic feature of the London skyline, St Paul's Cathedral is an architectural masterpiece by Sir Christopher Wren.
    • Location: London, England
    • Year Completed: 1708
  9. 9
    Exeter Cathedral

    Exeter Cathedral

    Famous for its two Norman towers, Exeter Cathedral features the longest uninterrupted medieval stone vaulted ceiling in the world.
    • Location: Exeter, England
    • Year Consecrated: 1400
  10. 10
    Glasgow Cathedral

    Glasgow Cathedral

    Also known as St Mungo's Cathedral, this is the only medieval cathedral on the Scottish mainland to survive the Reformation of 1560 intact.
    • Location: Glasgow, Scotland
    • Year Founded: 1136

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful cathedral in the UK. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Cathedral is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 113 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Cathedral once every 24 hours. The rank of each Cathedral is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Cathedral in the UK

York Minster
Rank #1 for the most beautiful cathedral in the UK: York Minster (Source)
Cathedrals in the UK stand as grand testaments to architectural skill and artistic vision. Built over centuries, these structures reflect the rich history and cultural heritage of the nation. Each cathedral tells a unique story through its design, stained glass windows, and intricate carvings.

The origins of many cathedrals date back to the medieval period. During this time, the church held significant power and influence. Builders used local stone and timber, crafting structures that would endure through ages. The Gothic style, with its pointed arches and ribbed vaults, became a hallmark of these buildings. This style allowed for taller, more light-filled spaces, creating a sense of awe and reverence.

Many cathedrals feature impressive spires that reach towards the sky. These spires not only serve as landmarks but also symbolize the connection between the heavens and the earth. The towers often house bells that ring out across the towns, calling the faithful to worship and marking the passage of time.

Inside, cathedrals are just as breathtaking. The nave, the central part of the cathedral, often stretches out in a grand procession of columns and arches. This space leads to the choir and the altar, where the most sacred rituals take place. The high ceilings and expansive windows create a feeling of openness and light, enhancing the spiritual experience.

Stained glass windows are a defining feature of many cathedrals. These windows depict biblical scenes, saints, and historical events. The vibrant colors and detailed designs tell stories to those who gaze upon them. As sunlight filters through the glass, it casts a kaleidoscope of colors onto the stone floors, adding to the ethereal atmosphere.

The craftsmanship seen in the woodwork and stone carvings is remarkable. Many cathedrals boast intricately carved choir stalls, pulpits, and screens. These elements often feature detailed scenes from the Bible, as well as depictions of local flora and fauna. The skill and dedication of the artisans who created these works are evident in every detail.

Cathedrals also serve as repositories of history. Many house tombs and memorials of notable figures from the past. These monuments offer insights into the lives and times of those who shaped the nation’s history. The inscriptions and effigies provide a tangible link to the past, allowing visitors to connect with history on a personal level.

The grounds surrounding cathedrals often include cloisters, chapter houses, and gardens. These spaces provide a tranquil setting for reflection and contemplation. The cloisters, with their covered walkways, offer a peaceful retreat from the bustling world outside. The chapter houses, where clergy once met, often feature beautiful stonework and acoustics.

Cathedrals in the UK continue to be active centers of worship and community life. They host services, concerts, and events that draw people from all walks of life. These gatherings foster a sense of unity and shared purpose, reinforcing the cathedral's role as a cornerstone of the community.

In summary, UK cathedrals are remarkable for their architectural beauty, historical significance, and spiritual presence. They stand as enduring symbols of faith, artistry, and human achievement. Each visit to a cathedral offers a chance to step back in time, marvel at the craftsmanship, and find inspiration in the stories they hold.

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