The Most Beautiful Cemetery in New Orleans, Ranked

Choose the cemetery you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 25, 2024 06:19
Choosing the most beautiful cemetery in New Orleans can be a subjective endeavor, as each site possesses its own unique charm and historical significance. Such rankings help visitors and locals alike decide which serene and storied grounds to visit. By casting your vote, you contribute to a crowd-sourced guide that highlights the top choices according to collective preferences. Voting has become a crucial way for communities to share insights and personal experiences. The collective input results in a dynamic list that offers guidance to those unfamiliar with the area’s numerous and visually striking cemeteries. By participating, you aid others in making informed decisions on where to spend reflective moments amidst distinctive beauty.

What Is the Most Beautiful Cemetery in New Orleans?

  1. 1
    St. Louis Cemetery No. 1

    St. Louis Cemetery No. 1

    The oldest and most famous cemetery in New Orleans, known for its above-ground tombs and the final resting place of notable figures including Voodoo priestess Marie Laveau.
    • Established: 1789
    • Notable Interments: Marie Laveau, Homer Plessy
  2. 2
    Lafayette Cemetery No. 1

    Lafayette Cemetery No. 1

    Located in the Garden District, it is known for its historic, weathered tombs and has been featured in films and literature.
    • Established: 1833
    • Notable Features: Society tombs, family tombs
  3. 3
    Metairie Cemetery

    Metairie Cemetery

    A sprawling, picturesque cemetery known for its elaborate tombs and monuments, including many shaped like pyramids, mausoleums, and even a castle.
    • Established: 1872
    • Notable Features: Lakes, architectural variety
  4. 4

    Greenwood Cemetery

    A historic cemetery that features a range of architectural styles, from Greek Revival to Egyptian, and is the final resting place for many of New Orleans' historical figures.
    • Established: 1852
    • Notable Features: Architectural variety, historical significance
  5. 5
    St. Roch Cemetery

    St. Roch Cemetery

    Known for its unique Chapel of St. Roch and the offerings left by visitors seeking healing, this cemetery has a distinct spiritual and mystical atmosphere.
    • Established: 1874
    • Notable Features: Chapel of St. Roch, ex-votos
  6. 6

    Holt Cemetery

    A historically significant cemetery that serves as the final resting place for many of New Orleans' jazz musicians, known for its simple, homemade memorials.
    • Established: 1879
    • Notable Interments: Jazz musicians
  7. 7

    Cypress Grove Cemetery

    A beautiful and serene resting place known for its impressive tombs and mausoleums surrounded by ancient cypress trees.
    • Established: 1840
    • Notable Features: Cypress trees, mausoleums
  8. 8

    Carrollton Cemetery

    Located in the historic Carrollton neighborhood, this cemetery is known for its simple beauty and the sense of tranquility it offers visitors.
    • Established: 1849
    • Notable Features: Historic neighborhood setting
  9. 9
    St. Louis Cemetery No. 3

    St. Louis Cemetery No. 3

    Features beautiful marble tombs and statues, and is known for its peaceful atmosphere and the diversity of its memorials.
    • Established: 1854
    • Notable Features: Marble tombs, statues
  10. 10

    Valence Cemetery

    A lesser-known cemetery that offers a quiet retreat, with a range of ornate family tombs and mausoleums set against a backdrop of live oaks.
    • Established: 1867
    • Notable Features: Family tombs, live oaks

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful cemetery in New Orleans. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Graveyard is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 188 votes
  • 10 ranked items

Movers & Shakers

Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Graveyard once every 24 hours. The rank of each Graveyard is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Cemetery in New Orleans

St. Louis Cemetery No. 1
Rank #1 for the most beautiful cemetery in New Orleans: St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 (Source)
New Orleans is a city rich in history and culture. Its cemeteries reflect this depth. These resting places are more than burial grounds. They are a testament to the city's past and its unique traditions.

The cemeteries in New Orleans are often called "Cities of the Dead." This name comes from the elaborate tombs and mausoleums that fill these spaces. Unlike many other places, New Orleans cemeteries are above ground. This practice started due to the city's high water table. Burying people underground often led to coffins floating back up. The solution was to build tombs and vaults above ground. These structures are now iconic.

Walking through these cemeteries, you see rows of ornate tombs. Many are made of marble or granite. They feature intricate carvings and statues. Angels, saints, and weeping figures are common motifs. These tombs are often family affairs. Generations rest together in these grand structures. Some tombs date back to the 18th century. They show signs of age, but this only adds to their charm.

The layout of these cemeteries is unique. Narrow paths wind through the rows of tombs. It feels like walking through a small village. Each turn reveals new sights. Some tombs are simple, while others are grand. The variety is striking. It shows the mix of cultures that make up New Orleans.

These cemeteries are not just for the dead. They are places of beauty and reflection. Many people visit to admire the architecture. Others come to pay respects to loved ones. Some come to learn about the city's history. Guided tours are common. They offer insights into the lives of those buried there.

The cemeteries also host events. On All Saints' Day, families visit to clean and decorate tombs. They bring flowers and candles. It is a time to remember and honor the dead. This tradition is important to the city's culture. It shows the deep respect for ancestors.

The cemeteries face challenges. Time and weather take their toll on the tombs. Preservation efforts are ongoing. Many groups work to restore and maintain these sites. They aim to keep the history alive for future generations. This work is vital. Without it, the cemeteries could fall into disrepair.

Visiting a cemetery in New Orleans is a unique experience. It offers a glimpse into the city's soul. The beauty of the tombs and the stories they hold are captivating. They tell of a city that values its past and honors its dead. These "Cities of the Dead" are a must-see for anyone in New Orleans. They are a reminder of the city's resilience and its rich cultural heritage.

In New Orleans, even the places of rest are full of life. The cemeteries stand as monuments to the city's history and its people. They are a beautiful and poignant part of New Orleans.

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