The Most Beautiful Cemetery in the World, Ranked

Choose the cemetery you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 21, 2024 06:19
Cemeteries, with their serene landscapes and historical significance, evoke a unique sense of beauty and tranquility. While some may overlook these sacred places when it comes to beauty, others find a profound aesthetic appeal in their quiet, sculptured grounds. Recognizing and ranking the most beautiful cemetery in the world offers a thoughtful reflection on how different cultures celebrate and commemorate life. By casting a vote for the most beautiful cemetery, individuals contribute to a collective appreciation of these distinguished locales. This not only highlights their historical and cultural richness but also elevates public awareness about the artistic and environmental significance of these spaces. Every vote is an insight into what people value in these serene sanctuaries.

What Is the Most Beautiful Cemetery in the World?

  1. 1
    Cimitero Monumentale di Milano

    Cimitero Monumentale di Milano

    Located in Milan, Italy, the Monumental Cemetery is noted for its abundance of artistic tombs and monuments dedicated to notable figures from Italian history and culture.
    • Opened: 1866
    • Notable Graves: Alessandro Manzoni, Salvatore Quasimodo
  2. 2
    Okunoin Cemetery

    Okunoin Cemetery

    Located in Mount Koya, Japan, Okunoin Cemetery is the largest cemetery in Japan and is sacred to the Shingon sect of Japanese Buddhism, featuring over 200,000 tombstones along the path to Kobo Daishi's mausoleum.
    • Notable Feature: Kobo Daishi's Mausoleum
    • Number of Tombstones: Over 200,000
  3. 3
    Merry Cemetery

    Merry Cemetery

    Located in Săpânța, Romania, the Merry Cemetery is famous for its colorful tombstones with naïve paintings describing, in an original and poetic manner, the people who are buried there as well as scenes from their lives.
    • Notable Feature: Colorful Tombstones
    • Unique Aspect: Poetic Descriptions of Lives
  4. 4


    Located in Vienna, Austria, the Zentralfriedhof (Central Cemetery) is one of the largest cemeteries in the world by number of interred, and is famous for its honorary graves of notable composers like Beethoven and Schubert.
    • Opened: 1874
    • Notable Graves: Ludwig van Beethoven, Franz Schubert, Johann Strauss II
  5. 5
    Waverley Cemetery

    Waverley Cemetery

    Overlooking the ocean in Sydney, Australia, Waverley Cemetery is known for its Victorian and Edwardian monuments set against a backdrop of the Tasman Sea.
    • Opened: 1877
    • Notable Graves: Henry Lawson, Dorothea Mackellar
  6. 6
    Highgate Cemetery

    Highgate Cemetery

    Situated in London, England, Highgate Cemetery is renowned for its Victorian Gothic architecture and the graves of prominent personalities.
    • Opened: 1839
    • Notable Graves: Karl Marx, George Eliot, Douglas Adams
  7. 7
    St. Louis Cemetery No. 1

    St. Louis Cemetery No. 1

    St. Louis Cemetery No. 1 is the oldest and most famous cemetery in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, known for its above-ground vaults and the supposed final resting place of Voodoo priestess Marie Laveau.
    • Opened: 1789
    • Notable Graves: Marie Laveau, Homer Plessy
  8. 8
    Père Lachaise Cemetery

    Père Lachaise Cemetery

    Located in Paris, France, Père Lachaise Cemetery is the most visited necropolis in the world, famous for its beautiful tombstones, mausoleums, and the graves of numerous celebrities.
    • Opened: 1804
    • Notable Graves: Oscar Wilde, Jim Morrison, Frédéric Chopin
  9. 9
    La Recoleta Cemetery

    La Recoleta Cemetery

    Located in Buenos Aires, Argentina, La Recoleta Cemetery is famous for its elaborate mausoleums, sculptures, and the graves of Argentine historical figures.
    • Opened: 1822
    • Notable Graves: Eva Perón, Raúl Alfonsín, Adolfo Bioy Casares
  10. 10
    Mount Auburn Cemetery

    Mount Auburn Cemetery

    As America's first garden cemetery, located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Mount Auburn Cemetery is known for its picturesque landscape and historical significance.
    • Opened: 1831
    • Notable Graves: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, Mary Baker Eddy, Oliver Wendell Holmes

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful cemetery in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Graveyard is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


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  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Graveyard once every 24 hours. The rank of each Graveyard is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

Additional Information

More about the Most Beautiful Cemetery in the World

Cimitero Monumentale di Milano
Rank #1 for the most beautiful cemetery in the world: Cimitero Monumentale di Milano (Source)
Cemeteries often evoke feelings of sadness. Yet, some cemeteries stand out for their beauty. These places offer a serene escape from the rush of daily life. They combine nature, art, and history in a unique way.

Many of these cemeteries are old. They have stood the test of time. Trees and plants grow freely, adding to the charm. Birds sing, and the wind rustles the leaves. The natural setting creates a peaceful atmosphere. Visitors can walk along paths lined with flowers and shrubs.

Artists have contributed to the beauty of these cemeteries. Sculptors create statues that tell stories. These works of art range from angels to abstract forms. Each piece adds to the overall aesthetic. The craftsmanship is often intricate and detailed. These statues become landmarks within the cemetery.

History also plays a role in the appeal. Many famous people are buried in these cemeteries. Their graves attract visitors from around the world. The headstones often have interesting inscriptions. Some tell of great achievements. Others share personal stories. Each grave adds to the rich tapestry of the place.

The layout of these cemeteries is another factor. They are designed with care. Pathways lead visitors through different sections. Some areas are more open, while others are secluded. This variety makes each visit unique. You can find a quiet spot to reflect or explore more active areas.

Maintenance is key to preserving their beauty. Groundskeepers work hard to keep everything in good condition. They trim plants, clean statues, and repair pathways. Their efforts ensure that the cemetery remains a pleasant place to visit.

These cemeteries also serve as cultural landmarks. They host events and tours. These activities educate the public about the history and art within the grounds. Some cemeteries even have guided tours. These tours offer insights that you might miss on your own.

Visiting a cemetery can be a moving experience. The beauty of the surroundings can provide comfort. It’s a place where you can connect with the past. You can also find inspiration in the art and nature around you.

In summary, the most beautiful cemeteries combine natural beauty, art, and history. They offer a peaceful retreat from the outside world. Visitors can enjoy a walk, learn about the past, and appreciate the artistry. These cemeteries stand as testaments to human creativity and respect for the past.

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