The Most Beautiful Diamond in the World, Ranked

Choose the diamond you think is the most beautiful!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 18, 2024 06:20
Judging the beauty of diamonds has always been a subjective endeavor, influenced by individual tastes and preferences. Each diamond holds a unique allure, captivating onlookers with its mesmerizing facets and intrinsic charm. The task of determining the most beautiful diamond calls for a wide range of opinions, ensuring that the selection process is as inclusive and diverse as the stones themselves. By participating in this ranking, users have the opportunity to voice their preferences, contributing to a broader consensus on what constitutes the pinnacle of beauty in diamonds. This dynamic ranking adjusts as new votes are cast, reflecting the latest preferences of a global audience. Your vote could sway the standings, adding an exciting layer of interaction as you help determine which diamond stands out as the most exquisite.

What Is the Most Beautiful Diamond in the World?

  1. 1
    The Hope Diamond

    The Hope Diamond

    A world-famous 45.52-carat deep-blue diamond, known for its size and vibrant color.
    • Origin: India
    • Current Location: Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, USA
  2. 2

    The Pink Star

    A stunning 59.60-carat pink diamond, the largest internally flawless fancy vivid pink diamond ever graded by the GIA.
    • Sale Price: $71.2 million
    • Auction House: Sotheby's
  3. 3
    The Regent Diamond

    The Regent Diamond

    A 140.64-carat diamond, celebrated for its perfect cut and exceptional limpidity.
    • Origin: India
    • Current Location: Louvre Museum, France
  4. 4
    The Cullinan Diamond

    The Cullinan Diamond

    The largest gem-quality rough diamond ever found, weighing 3,106.75 carats.
    • Origin: South Africa
    • Largest Cut Stone: Cullinan I or the Great Star of Africa, 530.2 carats
  5. 5
    The Koh-i-Noor

    The Koh-i-Noor

    One of the largest cut diamonds in the world, with a weight of 105.6 carats.
    • Origin: India
    • Current Location: The Tower of London, UK
  6. 6

    The Blue Moon of Josephine

    A 12.03-carat blue diamond, famous for its flawless clarity and vivid blue color.
    • Sale Price: $48.4 million
    • Purchased By: Joseph Lau
  7. 7

    The Lesedi La Rona

    One of the largest uncut diamonds ever found, weighing 1,109 carats.
    • Origin: Botswana
    • Discovered In: 2015
  8. 8

    The Centenary Diamond

    A high-grade 273.85-carat diamond, known for its top color grade and flawless clarity.
    • Origin: Premier Mine, South Africa
    • Unveiled In: 1988
  9. 9
    The Orlov Diamond

    The Orlov Diamond

    A roughly 189.62-carat diamond, notable for its bluish-green tinge and history.
    • Origin: India
    • Current Location: Diamond Fund, Moscow, Russia
  10. 10

    The Graff Pink

    A rare 24.78-carat pink diamond, once owned by American jeweler Harry Winston.
    • Sale Price: $46 million
    • Purchased By: Laurence Graff

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most beautiful diamond in the world. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or diamond is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 124 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each diamond once every 24 hours. The rank of each diamond is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.

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More about the Most Beautiful Diamond in the World

The Hope Diamond
Rank #1 for the most beautiful diamond in the world: The Hope Diamond (Source)
Diamonds have long held a special place in human history. They symbolize beauty, wealth, and power. Many believe the most beautiful diamond in the world holds these qualities to the highest degree. Though opinions vary, certain characteristics set these gems apart.

The journey of a diamond begins deep within the Earth. Extreme heat and pressure form these stones over billions of years. Volcanic activity then brings them closer to the surface. Once mined, they undergo a meticulous process of cutting and polishing. This process enhances their natural brilliance.

The cut of a diamond is crucial. It determines how light interacts with the stone. A well-cut diamond reflects light in a way that maximizes its sparkle. Cut quality often distinguishes an ordinary diamond from an extraordinary one. Symmetry and proportions must be precise to achieve this effect.

Color also plays a significant role. The rarest diamonds are completely colorless. These stones allow light to pass through without any hue. However, some of the most beautiful diamonds have slight tints. These subtle colors can add to their allure. Blue, pink, and yellow diamonds are particularly prized.

Clarity is another key factor. Most diamonds have small imperfections, known as inclusions. These can affect the stone's appearance. The most beautiful diamonds have few or no inclusions. This purity allows light to move through the stone without obstruction.

Carat weight measures a diamond's size. Larger diamonds are rarer and more valuable. However, size alone does not determine beauty. A smaller diamond with excellent cut, color, and clarity can be more stunning than a larger, flawed stone.

The history of a diamond can also add to its beauty. Many of the world's most famous diamonds have storied pasts. They have been owned by royalty, featured in legendary jewelry, or played roles in historical events. This rich background can enhance a diamond's appeal.

The allure of diamonds is universal. Cultures around the world value these gems. They often feature in important ceremonies and traditions. Engagement rings, for example, symbolize commitment and love. The beauty of a diamond can make these moments even more special.

Advances in technology have made it easier to find and evaluate diamonds. Experts use tools to assess cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. These assessments help determine a diamond's value and beauty. However, the most beautiful diamonds often have an indescribable quality. They capture the eye and the imagination in a way that defies measurement.

The fascination with diamonds shows no sign of fading. They continue to captivate and inspire. As new diamonds are discovered and old ones are re-examined, the debate over the most beautiful diamond in the world will continue. Each stone has its own unique charm, making it difficult to choose just one.

In the end, beauty is subjective. What one person finds breathtaking, another might overlook. The most beautiful diamond in the world, therefore, is a matter of personal preference. It is the diamond that speaks to the heart, that dazzles the eye, and that stands as a testament to nature's incredible artistry.

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