The Most Difficult Munro to Climb, Ranked

Choose the Munro you think is the most difficult!

Author: Gregor Krambs
Updated on Jul 26, 2024 06:31
Climbing Munros presents unique challenges, varying widely from one peak to another. Difficulty can be subjective, influenced by factors like physical condition or weather. Thus, understanding which Munros present the most significant challenges can be incredibly advantageous for preparing climbers both mentally and physically. By aggregating community opinions, a clearer picture emerges, showing which climbs are deemed the toughest. This feedback not only aids new climbers in their preparation but also offers seasoned enthusiasts insights into peers' experiences while fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared expertise among the climbing community.

What Is the Most Difficult Munro to Climb?

  1. 1
    An Teallach

    An Teallach

    Known for its sharp peaks and ridges, An Teallach is considered one of the most challenging Munros due to its technical climbs and exposure.
    • Height: 1,062 meters
    • Location: Wester Ross, Scottish Highlands
  2. 2


    Featuring two Munro summits, Liathach is notorious for its pinnacles along the ridge, offering climbers a test of nerve and skill.
    • Height: 1,055 meters
    • Location: Torridon, Scottish Highlands
  3. 3
    Aonach Eagach

    Aonach Eagach

    This narrow ridge in the Scottish Highlands is famed for its daunting traverse, steep drops, and requires good weather to attempt safely.
    • Height: 967 meters
    • Location: Glen Coe, Scottish Highlands
  4. 4
    Buachaille Etive Mor

    Buachaille Etive Mor

    This iconic mountain offers climbers a mix of scrambling and climbing, with its knife-edge ridge being a highlight for many.
    • Height: 1,022 meters
    • Location: Glen Coe, Scottish Highlands
  5. 5
    Sgurr nan Gillean

    Sgurr nan Gillean

    Part of the Cuillin range, Sgurr nan Gillean is famed for its narrow ridges and technical climbs, offering a true mountaineering experience.
    • Height: 964 meters
    • Location: Isle of Skye, Scottish Highlands
  6. 6
    Ben Nevis

    Ben Nevis

    While not technically the most difficult, the UK's highest mountain deserves a mention for its challenging weather conditions and the arduous ascent.
    • Height: 1,345 meters
    • Location: Fort William, Scottish Highlands
  7. 7


    Part of the Cuillin range, but standing apart from the main ridge, Blaven is known for its accessibility yet offers challenging scrambles towards the summit.
    • Height: 928 meters
    • Location: Isle of Skye, Scottish Highlands
  8. 8
    Bidean nam Bian

    Bidean nam Bian

    The highest point in the former county of Argyll, Bidean nam Bian is known for its complex terrain, including steep, rocky slopes and narrow ridges.
    • Height: 1,150 meters
    • Location: Glen Coe, Scottish Highlands
  9. 9
    Sgurr a' Mhaim

    Sgurr a' Mhaim

    Part of the Mamores range, it is known for the 'Devil's Ridge', a narrow arete that presents a thrilling challenge for climbers.
    • Height: 1,099 meters
    • Location: Fort William, Scottish Highlands
  10. 10
    The Cuillin

    The Cuillin

    The Cuillin range, especially the Black Cuillin, is known for its challenging terrain, including scrambling and climbing sections, often requiring a guide.
    • Height: 992 meters (Sgurr Alasdair, highest peak)
    • Location: Isle of Skye, Scottish Highlands

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About this ranking

This is a community-based ranking of the most difficult Munro to climb. We do our best to provide fair voting, but it is not intended to be exhaustive. So if you notice something or Munro is missing, feel free to help improve the ranking!


  • 169 votes
  • 10 ranked items

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Voting Rules

A participant may cast an up or down vote for each Munro once every 24 hours. The rank of each Munro is then calculated from the weighted sum of all up and down votes.


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More about the Most Difficult Munro to Climb

An Teallach
Rank #1 for the most difficult Munro to climb: An Teallach (Source)
Climbing a Munro presents a unique challenge. These Scottish mountains, each over 3,000 feet, attract many hikers. Some Munros are easier to climb, while others test even the most experienced climbers. The most difficult Munro to climb stands out due to several factors.

The terrain often poses the first major challenge. Steep slopes and rocky paths characterize these difficult Munros. Loose rocks can make footing unstable, increasing the risk of falls. Climbers must navigate through scree, which consists of small, loose stones. This type of terrain requires careful planning and a steady pace.

Weather conditions in Scotland add another layer of difficulty. Rain, fog, and strong winds are common, even in summer. These elements can change quickly, turning a clear day into a hazardous one. Wet conditions make rocks slippery and trails muddy. Fog reduces visibility, making navigation hard. Strong winds can knock climbers off balance, especially on exposed ridges.

The physical demands of the climb also contribute to its difficulty. Steep ascents require strong legs and good stamina. Climbers often face long, continuous climbs without flat sections for rest. Descending can be just as hard, putting strain on knees and joints. The total distance covered in a day can be significant, adding to the fatigue.

Route finding is another critical aspect. Some Munros have well-marked paths, but the most difficult ones often do not. Climbers must rely on maps, compasses, and sometimes GPS devices. In poor visibility, even experienced climbers can lose their way. Accurate navigation skills are essential to avoid getting lost or ending up on dangerous terrain.

Technical skills also come into play. Some routes require scrambling, where climbers use their hands and feet to move up steep sections. This can involve climbing over rocks and boulders. In winter, snow and ice can make the climb even more challenging. Ice axes and crampons become necessary tools. Climbers must know how to use them properly to stay safe.

Preparation is key to tackling these difficult Munros. Climbers need to be in good physical shape and have the right gear. Waterproof clothing, sturdy boots, and enough food and water are essential. Checking the weather forecast before setting out is crucial. Knowing when to turn back if conditions worsen can save lives.

Experience also plays a big role. Those new to Munro climbing should start with easier ones. Building up experience on less challenging peaks helps develop the skills needed. Joining a climbing club or hiring a guide can provide valuable support and knowledge.

Despite the challenges, reaching the summit of a difficult Munro offers great rewards. The sense of achievement and the stunning views make the effort worthwhile. Each climb teaches something new, building confidence and skills. For many, the journey itself becomes as important as reaching the top.

Climbing the most difficult Munro is not for everyone. It requires preparation, skill, and a respect for the mountain environment. Those who take on the challenge must be ready for tough conditions and unexpected obstacles. But for those who succeed, the experience is unforgettable.

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